Humor Comedy picture: there are cars, Zanjiu sleep in the car!
One day is for laboratory experiments. A rise suddenly, surprisingly, the window is not what has been emitted smoke. A fellow student of mine: "wow! Bad." Duomen out immediately. After a while, senior faced no choice but to come back from outside. We hurry: "Shashi happened?" As a result, the students blankly replied: "It was launched in a motorcycle!
某天正在实验室作实验时。 猛然一抬头,奇怪,窗外未何一直有浓烟冒出。学长一声:“哇!糟糕。”立刻夺门而出。过了一会儿,学长一脸无奈的从外头回来。我们着急的问:“发生啥事了 吗?”结果,学长面无表情的回答:“有人在发动摩托车!