Cupping can lose weight? »
Cupping slimming effect is certainly some, but not very quickly.
The main anti-rebound not see individuals, can not adhere to live, eat to control, but also reasonable, it is no problem.
Cupping diet is a safe and effective weight loss methods. Would like to cut there by there on. Cupping diet can not only dialectical therapy, the overall regulation, dredge Meridian, to promote human metabolism, weight loss achieved overall results. According to obesity and can choose the location of Point ah yes, local Quxue on the ease and promote local metabolism, elimination of local fat diet to achieve the purpose of partial, that is, people often said, "Where is the reduction would cut where" effect.
Recommended reading: Cupping weight loss methods
Traditional medicine is the way modern people lose weight in the meridian theory on the viscera to the clinical use of reasoning, use of diarrhoea implication rules inhibit food intake in the function, or regulate the spleen and stomach hyperthyroidism state to achieve weight loss purposes. Here should not be denied that these therapies have the psychological and hinted that the role of diet based on the anxious patients: these therapies that played a role in obesity treatment, patients saved through fasting or the operation of a prompt patients consciously control the psychological effects of food intake, At the same time also caused the hypothalamus is the regulation of food intake center reaction. To achieve the purpose of weight loss.
Voluptuous chest of recipes papaya carp law
Today we look at the fullness chest with a recipe for papaya carp law
Ingredients: Green papaya half, a carp, four bowls of water, a little salt.
Practices: 1. Papaya Wash cuts will be placed in the water Aotang to fire boil, then small Huodun half-hour;
2. Fish cuts, together with Zhu Zhi Add to cooked and a little salt to increase;
- If you do not eat fish, but also follow their own preferences, with meat.
Net weight loss diet tips: ate papaya and slimming unabated chest.
Slimming principle: containing papaya, papaya enzyme, while the Green Papaya is ripe papaya enzyme papain twice about these papaya enzyme not only decomposition of protein, carbohydrate and fat decomposition (the capacity of its decomposition fat can be said to be the largest papaya The characteristics), through the decomposition of fat can be removed stubborn curves and narrow the mast cell, promoting metabolism, the excess fat from the time in vitro, to achieve the purpose of weight loss! Zheng Xiuwen requires eat papaya to lose weight, she lost enough! )
Voluptuous chest principle: Green Papaya has always been the first fullness chest good fruit, papaya in rich papaya enzyme useful for breast development, and papaya enzyme in the chest with rich fullness hormone and vitamin A and other nutrients, can stimulate the female hormone secretion And to stimulate the ovarian production of estrogen, breast unimpeded, to achieve the objective of the Fengman chest. Linxi Lei, Xu Huaiyu, and other food through the next year and papaya fullness to the chest!
Papaya is also available in many other benefits
(1) inhibitory effect: Mu Guazhi, papaya decoction, papaya injection on Shigella, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, which are significantly inhibited.
(2) anti-tumor effect: papaya solution to the EAC cancer in mice significantly inhibited can. Papaya mentioned in a papaya-base with anti-lymphoid WBC's "strong anti-tumor activity" and anti-lymphocytic leukemia and "FA" tumor cells "moderate activity."
(3) anti-inflammatory analgesic effect: papaya decoction of mouse eggs Green arthritis significantly inhibited.
(4) the impact on liver function: the liver injury pathology model experiments, rats subcutaneous injection of papaya to the suspension, reduce the liver cells and liver cells fat necrosis changed, to prevent swelling of the liver cells, balloon-like change, and promote liver cells Repair and can significantly reduce GPT.
However, papaya carp of a very good recipe for weight loss fullness chest oh
作法 :1.将木瓜洗净切块,放入水中熬汤,以大火煮滚,再转小火炖半小时;
减肥减肥网提示: 常吃木瓜,减肥不减胸。
Is conducive to slimming tuna salad vegetables
Today, we look up to a slimming of tuna salad vegetables
As tuna must always maintain a rapid walk, to maintain the body's supply, and only in deep waters, so tender tasty meat, and from environmental pollution, is the rare modern health food.
Below take a look at the practice of tuna salad vegetables:
Si Jidou 250 grams, to head to tail;
250 grams Santa fruit (small tomatoes), cut a half;
20 small olive;
2 tablespoons olive oil;
1 tablespoons apple vinegar;
1 tablespoons mustard oil;
4 cooked eggs, cut into four each on average;
180 grams of tuna and water to remove the oil, control stem;
Fresh Celery based on individual preferences of the random tear slender.
Cooking method:
1. Si Jidou Billy cooked over water, then cold water on the Zhongjin 2-3 minutes, allowing Si Jidou maintain the beautiful green, and then with the Santa fruit, olives mixed together;
2. In mixed vegetables Linshang good olive oil, vinegar and mustard oil, stirring fully, adding eggs and tuna.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Nutritional content:
Protein: 16 grams; fat: 20 grams; carbohydrate: 3.5 grams; Food and fiber: 3 grams; cholesterol: 220 mg; calories: 300 cards.
Editorial Note: Tuna protein content as high as 20 percent, but the low fat content, commonly known as the Cross-Harbour chicken, high nutritional value and is conducive to weight loss. And fatty acids in fish mostly unsaturated fatty acids, beneficial to human health.
下面来看看金枪鱼蔬菜沙拉的做法 :
1. 四季豆过水焯熟,然后放在冷水中浸2-3分钟,可以让四季豆保持漂亮的绿色,然后与圣女果、橄榄搅拌在一起;
2. 在混合好的蔬菜上淋上橄榄油、醋和芥末油,充分搅拌后,加入鸡蛋和金枪鱼。
As tuna must always maintain a rapid walk, to maintain the body's supply, and only in deep waters, so tender tasty meat, and from environmental pollution, is the rare modern health food.
Below take a look at the practice of tuna salad vegetables:
Si Jidou 250 grams, to head to tail;
250 grams Santa fruit (small tomatoes), cut a half;
20 small olive;
2 tablespoons olive oil;
1 tablespoons apple vinegar;
1 tablespoons mustard oil;
4 cooked eggs, cut into four each on average;
180 grams of tuna and water to remove the oil, control stem;
Fresh Celery based on individual preferences of the random tear slender.
Cooking method:
1. Si Jidou Billy cooked over water, then cold water on the Zhongjin 2-3 minutes, allowing Si Jidou maintain the beautiful green, and then with the Santa fruit, olives mixed together;
2. In mixed vegetables Linshang good olive oil, vinegar and mustard oil, stirring fully, adding eggs and tuna.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Nutritional content:
Protein: 16 grams; fat: 20 grams; carbohydrate: 3.5 grams; Food and fiber: 3 grams; cholesterol: 220 mg; calories: 300 cards.
Editorial Note: Tuna protein content as high as 20 percent, but the low fat content, commonly known as the Cross-Harbour chicken, high nutritional value and is conducive to weight loss. And fatty acids in fish mostly unsaturated fatty acids, beneficial to human health.
下面来看看金枪鱼蔬菜沙拉的做法 :
1. 四季豆过水焯熟,然后放在冷水中浸2-3分钟,可以让四季豆保持漂亮的绿色,然后与圣女果、橄榄搅拌在一起;
2. 在混合好的蔬菜上淋上橄榄油、醋和芥末油,充分搅拌后,加入鸡蛋和金枪鱼。
Delicious porridge diet of garlic
Delicious porridge diet of garlic
Delicious garlic diet of porridge material: garlic, rice, Jiangsi
- Law: Zipi 50 grams of garlic, peeled garlic in boiling water after cooking 1 minute to coat backup, and then 100 grams of rice into boiling water Zhuzhou garlic, garlic porridge then re-Add to atherosclerosis, adding Salt, Jiangsi, a small amount of oil, five minutes to Zaizhu. Garlic cooking should not be too familiar, or reduce the effect.
Effectiveness analysis: the Food and garlic are positive, it can rule on obesity. Coupled with the combination of modern Western medicine in clinical trials has proved that garlic has anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, diuretic, hypotension, such as sputum, and a very strong ability to sterilization. Garlic congee can keep fit, but also effects of downsizing, may wish to Chang Fu. But many people fear its taste, now teach you how to "eat garlic, no foul mouth": first, porridge to eat garlic, with one containing the import of Angelica. Second, with a little tea on the import of the Xijiao. Third, Ji Li jujube or eat peanuts. These are exported to lift garlic smell, more effective way.
Indications: arteriosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, but also enhance the capacity of resistance.
Yiji: ate the stomach can not be weak, chronic gastritis and stomach ulcer and the elderly Jifu. Muchi the swelling and pain Zhewu fresh garlic.
Reprinted from 39 health network.
美味大蒜减肥粥 的 材料:大蒜、大米、姜丝
功效分析:大蒜同属阳性食物,故能对治肥胖。再加上现代中西医结合的临床实验证明,大蒜有消炎、止泻、利尿、降压、痰等作用,并且有十分强烈的 杀菌能力。大蒜粥既能强身健体,又能达瘦身效果,不妨常服。但不少人怕其味道,现在教你如何“吃了大蒜后,嘴巴不会臭”:一、吃大蒜粥后,用一片当归含于 囗中。二、用少许茶叶放在囗中细嚼。三、吃几粒大枣或花生。这些都是解除蒜囗臭,比较有效的方法。
宜忌:胃虚弱不能常吃,有慢性胃炎及胃与十二指肠溃疡的老 人忌服。目赤肿痛者勿过食大蒜。
转载自 39健康网
Delicious garlic diet of porridge material: garlic, rice, Jiangsi
- Law: Zipi 50 grams of garlic, peeled garlic in boiling water after cooking 1 minute to coat backup, and then 100 grams of rice into boiling water Zhuzhou garlic, garlic porridge then re-Add to atherosclerosis, adding Salt, Jiangsi, a small amount of oil, five minutes to Zaizhu. Garlic cooking should not be too familiar, or reduce the effect.
Effectiveness analysis: the Food and garlic are positive, it can rule on obesity. Coupled with the combination of modern Western medicine in clinical trials has proved that garlic has anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, diuretic, hypotension, such as sputum, and a very strong ability to sterilization. Garlic congee can keep fit, but also effects of downsizing, may wish to Chang Fu. But many people fear its taste, now teach you how to "eat garlic, no foul mouth": first, porridge to eat garlic, with one containing the import of Angelica. Second, with a little tea on the import of the Xijiao. Third, Ji Li jujube or eat peanuts. These are exported to lift garlic smell, more effective way.
Indications: arteriosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, but also enhance the capacity of resistance.
Yiji: ate the stomach can not be weak, chronic gastritis and stomach ulcer and the elderly Jifu. Muchi the swelling and pain Zhewu fresh garlic.
Reprinted from 39 health network.
美味大蒜减肥粥 的 材料:大蒜、大米、姜丝
功效分析:大蒜同属阳性食物,故能对治肥胖。再加上现代中西医结合的临床实验证明,大蒜有消炎、止泻、利尿、降压、痰等作用,并且有十分强烈的 杀菌能力。大蒜粥既能强身健体,又能达瘦身效果,不妨常服。但不少人怕其味道,现在教你如何“吃了大蒜后,嘴巴不会臭”:一、吃大蒜粥后,用一片当归含于 囗中。二、用少许茶叶放在囗中细嚼。三、吃几粒大枣或花生。这些都是解除蒜囗臭,比较有效的方法。
宜忌:胃虚弱不能常吃,有慢性胃炎及胃与十二指肠溃疡的老 人忌服。目赤肿痛者勿过食大蒜。
转载自 39健康网
Red bean slimming of thin gruel
Today we look at the red bean with a thin diet of porridge
Red bean diet of thin gruel of material: 100 grams of red beans, mung bean 100 grams, 30 grams of Hawthorn, jujube 10
Approach: all the materials were on the pot, and 1,000 milliliters of cold water, fried beans to be rotten.
Food: good, two Dengfen, a Chenre, Decoction with beans and Hawthorn, jujube with eating. In addition to using a cling film wrap in the refrigerator Fang Bingxiang.
Please contact: the specific number of grams of people to buy the time to help you said, there are about 100 grams to see how many come back can be easily handled, it does not matter a bit error of
Note: To Chenre when to eat, to the best effect. The other under the heat before eating it.
Red bean diet of thin gruel of principle: red beans, mung beans are detoxification St. goods, and high-fibre low-fat characteristics. Hawthorn Jianpi appetizers, Xiaoshi Jianzhi. Stomach Qi blood red dates to reconcile "Runzao. This side shared, single-help maximize the effectiveness of the goods to play.
In order to obtain better results in weight loss, your life should strictly observe the following schedule:
First of all: to get up every morning after the first thing is to drink a cup of honey vinegar water, is in 250 ml of warm water add 1 tablespoon honey and 1 / 4 tablespoons of vinegar (white vinegar is best), stirring even after drinking Under. Honey vinegar water can be fully cleaned gastrointestinal and speed up the gastrointestinal peristalsis, the body of toxins faster and more completely rule out the possibility. Breakfast is above that weight loss soup.
Second: In addition to the diet of congee, on the afternoon of the time do not eat any snacks.
Finally: at just above that weight loss eat porridge, and ensuring that in 7:00 before eating, after eating before going to sleep will not eat anything.
The final warm Tip: many of my friends have nothing to eat lunch on a play not sure what. In fact, diet control to any weight loss methods are needed, but there is particular about how the control. Control depends on how you want to achieve the slimming effect of this can be based on the actual situation of their flexibility and arrangements, not absolute. This is the thin red bean porridge slimming method.
红绿豆瘦身粥减肥法 材料:红豆100克,绿豆100克,山楂30克,大枣10枚
红绿豆瘦身粥减肥法 原理:红豆,绿豆都是排毒圣品,并且有高纤维低脂肪的特点。山楂健脾开胃,消食减脂。红枣调和胃气补血润燥。此方共用,有助各种单品的功效最大限度的发挥。
Red bean diet of thin gruel of material: 100 grams of red beans, mung bean 100 grams, 30 grams of Hawthorn, jujube 10
Approach: all the materials were on the pot, and 1,000 milliliters of cold water, fried beans to be rotten.
Food: good, two Dengfen, a Chenre, Decoction with beans and Hawthorn, jujube with eating. In addition to using a cling film wrap in the refrigerator Fang Bingxiang.
Please contact: the specific number of grams of people to buy the time to help you said, there are about 100 grams to see how many come back can be easily handled, it does not matter a bit error of
Note: To Chenre when to eat, to the best effect. The other under the heat before eating it.
Red bean diet of thin gruel of principle: red beans, mung beans are detoxification St. goods, and high-fibre low-fat characteristics. Hawthorn Jianpi appetizers, Xiaoshi Jianzhi. Stomach Qi blood red dates to reconcile "Runzao. This side shared, single-help maximize the effectiveness of the goods to play.
In order to obtain better results in weight loss, your life should strictly observe the following schedule:
First of all: to get up every morning after the first thing is to drink a cup of honey vinegar water, is in 250 ml of warm water add 1 tablespoon honey and 1 / 4 tablespoons of vinegar (white vinegar is best), stirring even after drinking Under. Honey vinegar water can be fully cleaned gastrointestinal and speed up the gastrointestinal peristalsis, the body of toxins faster and more completely rule out the possibility. Breakfast is above that weight loss soup.
Second: In addition to the diet of congee, on the afternoon of the time do not eat any snacks.
Finally: at just above that weight loss eat porridge, and ensuring that in 7:00 before eating, after eating before going to sleep will not eat anything.
The final warm Tip: many of my friends have nothing to eat lunch on a play not sure what. In fact, diet control to any weight loss methods are needed, but there is particular about how the control. Control depends on how you want to achieve the slimming effect of this can be based on the actual situation of their flexibility and arrangements, not absolute. This is the thin red bean porridge slimming method.
红绿豆瘦身粥减肥法 材料:红豆100克,绿豆100克,山楂30克,大枣10枚
红绿豆瘦身粥减肥法 原理:红豆,绿豆都是排毒圣品,并且有高纤维低脂肪的特点。山楂健脾开胃,消食减脂。红枣调和胃气补血润燥。此方共用,有助各种单品的功效最大限度的发挥。
Is conducive to slimming of the bitter gourd bass pot
Today, we see how we can do together is conducive to slimming of the bitter gourd bass pot
Below first look at material from:
Ingredients: 150 grams of bitter gourd, perch 150 grams, 25 grams of carrot, 2 bowls of broth
Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin, pepper, Health and the appropriate powder, egg white one, a little sesame oil
Cooking methods (two):
1, bitter gourd and carrots are cut into films.
2, perch into films, joined Health and powder, egg white, salt, mirrin, monosodium glutamate and oil拌匀, salted for 15 minutes.
3, since Youguo, into the bitter gourd and carrot Fanchao 40 seconds, from Dai Yong Sheng.
4, 2 bowls of broth into pan, adding amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin pepper and boil the fire, into the bitter gourd, carrot and bass-fish cooked拌匀Zhu Zhi, into the water Gouqian Health powder, a little Linru Sesame oil can be.
Net weight loss diet tips:
Balsam pear and ate the meat will help to lose weight. Balsam pear contains high-fat-is-bitter gourd (RPA), such as the "killer fat" elements of the effects of fat intake and make polysaccharide by 40% -60%. Pharmacological studies confirm that high-fat in the blood did not enter the human body, the only body fat absorption in the role of the important parts - small intestine, intestinal cells by changing the mesh to prevent fat, high calorie polysaccharide macromolecular material absorption, in order to speed up Small nutrition absorption, is not involved in human metabolism, so no side effects.
Fish in meat, the fat content is relatively low, people can lose weight to eat. And the fish is rich in nutrients to be added in time of energy.
调料: 盐、味精、料酒、胡椒粉、生粉各适量,蛋清1只,香油少许
Below first look at material from:
Ingredients: 150 grams of bitter gourd, perch 150 grams, 25 grams of carrot, 2 bowls of broth
Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin, pepper, Health and the appropriate powder, egg white one, a little sesame oil
Cooking methods (two):
1, bitter gourd and carrots are cut into films.
2, perch into films, joined Health and powder, egg white, salt, mirrin, monosodium glutamate and oil拌匀, salted for 15 minutes.
3, since Youguo, into the bitter gourd and carrot Fanchao 40 seconds, from Dai Yong Sheng.
4, 2 bowls of broth into pan, adding amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin pepper and boil the fire, into the bitter gourd, carrot and bass-fish cooked拌匀Zhu Zhi, into the water Gouqian Health powder, a little Linru Sesame oil can be.
Net weight loss diet tips:
Balsam pear and ate the meat will help to lose weight. Balsam pear contains high-fat-is-bitter gourd (RPA), such as the "killer fat" elements of the effects of fat intake and make polysaccharide by 40% -60%. Pharmacological studies confirm that high-fat in the blood did not enter the human body, the only body fat absorption in the role of the important parts - small intestine, intestinal cells by changing the mesh to prevent fat, high calorie polysaccharide macromolecular material absorption, in order to speed up Small nutrition absorption, is not involved in human metabolism, so no side effects.
Fish in meat, the fat content is relatively low, people can lose weight to eat. And the fish is rich in nutrients to be added in time of energy.
调料: 盐、味精、料酒、胡椒粉、生粉各适量,蛋清1只,香油少许
Is conducive to slimming of the bitter gourd bass pot
Today, we see how we can do together is conducive to slimming of the bitter gourd bass pot
Below first look at material from:
Ingredients: 150 grams of bitter gourd, perch 150 grams, 25 grams of carrot, 2 bowls of broth
Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin, pepper, Health and the appropriate powder, egg white one, a little sesame oil
Cooking methods (two):
1, bitter gourd and carrots are cut into films.
2, perch into films, joined Health and powder, egg white, salt, mirrin, monosodium glutamate and oil拌匀, salted for 15 minutes.
3, since Youguo, into the bitter gourd and carrot Fanchao 40 seconds, from Dai Yong Sheng.
4, 2 bowls of broth into pan, adding amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin pepper and boil the fire, into the bitter gourd, carrot and bass-fish cooked拌匀Zhu Zhi, into the water Gouqian Health powder, a little Linru Sesame oil can be.
Net weight loss diet tips:
Balsam pear and ate the meat will help to lose weight. Balsam pear contains high-fat-is-bitter gourd (RPA), such as the "killer fat" elements of the effects of fat intake and make polysaccharide by 40% -60%. Pharmacological studies confirm that high-fat in the blood did not enter the human body, the only body fat absorption in the role of the important parts - small intestine, intestinal cells by changing the mesh to prevent fat, high calorie polysaccharide macromolecular material absorption, in order to speed up Small nutrition absorption, is not involved in human metabolism, so no side effects.
Fish in meat, the fat content is relatively low, people can lose weight to eat. And the fish is rich in nutrients to be added in time of energy.
调料: 盐、味精、料酒、胡椒粉、生粉各适量,蛋清1只,香油少许
Below first look at material from:
Ingredients: 150 grams of bitter gourd, perch 150 grams, 25 grams of carrot, 2 bowls of broth
Spices: salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin, pepper, Health and the appropriate powder, egg white one, a little sesame oil
Cooking methods (two):
1, bitter gourd and carrots are cut into films.
2, perch into films, joined Health and powder, egg white, salt, mirrin, monosodium glutamate and oil拌匀, salted for 15 minutes.
3, since Youguo, into the bitter gourd and carrot Fanchao 40 seconds, from Dai Yong Sheng.
4, 2 bowls of broth into pan, adding amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, mirrin pepper and boil the fire, into the bitter gourd, carrot and bass-fish cooked拌匀Zhu Zhi, into the water Gouqian Health powder, a little Linru Sesame oil can be.
Net weight loss diet tips:
Balsam pear and ate the meat will help to lose weight. Balsam pear contains high-fat-is-bitter gourd (RPA), such as the "killer fat" elements of the effects of fat intake and make polysaccharide by 40% -60%. Pharmacological studies confirm that high-fat in the blood did not enter the human body, the only body fat absorption in the role of the important parts - small intestine, intestinal cells by changing the mesh to prevent fat, high calorie polysaccharide macromolecular material absorption, in order to speed up Small nutrition absorption, is not involved in human metabolism, so no side effects.
Fish in meat, the fat content is relatively low, people can lose weight to eat. And the fish is rich in nutrients to be added in time of energy.
调料: 盐、味精、料酒、胡椒粉、生粉各适量,蛋清1只,香油少许
Recommendation 10, of the delicious vegetable soup slimming
Today we look at the 10 with a delicious vegetable soup slimming
Here are 10 different flavor of the vegetable soup to you, will not gain weight are also more convenient, delicious soup, you enjoy the delicious Dachidahe At the same time, unwittingly be Shouxia Lai!
1. Organic vegetable soup: buy several different types of organic vegetables, coupled with high Xiantang package Aozhu became.
2. Quick vegetable side: a half of the package of green tea, join a wide variety of vegetables, an egg fight, and you're done. And is of thin build the skills of vegetables is more than double the surface, eating the time of Xianchi eat vegetables.
3. Instant vegetable soup: in supermarkets and shopping malls can buy food in all kinds of fast-food Tangbao, with half a packet, add water, plus all kinds of vegetables, is a pot of soup.
4. Lotus leaf wax gourd drink: white gourd is not only delicious cheap, or slimming of the St. goods. Chinese medicine, wax gourd Yangwei Sheng Jin, Qingwei Reduce Pathogenic Fire, can reduce food intake, contribute to weight loss. Fasciolopsiasis wax gourd can increase or Angelica Aotang drink, or wax gourd with water and Xian Heye Aotang, to be fat beauty, is also a very good Xiaoshu drinks.
5. Bean sprouts, seaweed soup: kelp, yellow bean sprouts, carrots, tomatoes Aotang. This high-nutrition and Chi Debao, and own a convergence of kelp, potassium ions is relatively high, weight loss during the drink, the body was alkaline PH value.
6. Luffa konjac soup: Luffa, konjac and boiled Cheng Tang, and ribs or clams.
7. Refreshing melon soup: the cucumber, bitter melon or gourd, and ribs Aozhu, but we can not add any Wanzai categories such as pork balls, mushrooms Wandeng, because high heat Wanzai abdominal flu is not enough, the negative weight loss.
8. Koryo leaves soup: cabbage, onions, carrots together Zhutang, taste good, colors are very beautiful!
9. Curry vegetable soup: Curry can promote metabolism, weight loss is a very good food, and requires the use of Indian curry powder, curry soup will not block, because the soup of high oil block. To curry powder and a little high Xiantang block Zhutang, plus some vegetables like tomatoes and such as green peppers, eggplant, unique flavor.
10. Nutrition carrot soup: white radish, carrots is the best mix with water or broth Aozhu and Canada, burdock, tomatoes, Korea leaves more nutrition.
The slender vegetable soup to drink law:
* Do not add any oil or artificial seasonings, but unless the ribs or chicken bone can be.
* Pepper, hot pepper, ginger, star anise or 9-storey tower, and so increase the flavor of the vegetable soup, can promote the metabolism may be more use.
This is 10, of the delicious vegetable soup slimming, it is conducive to the healthy slimming.
Here are 10 different flavor of the vegetable soup to you, will not gain weight are also more convenient, delicious soup, you enjoy the delicious Dachidahe At the same time, unwittingly be Shouxia Lai!
1. Organic vegetable soup: buy several different types of organic vegetables, coupled with high Xiantang package Aozhu became.
2. Quick vegetable side: a half of the package of green tea, join a wide variety of vegetables, an egg fight, and you're done. And is of thin build the skills of vegetables is more than double the surface, eating the time of Xianchi eat vegetables.
3. Instant vegetable soup: in supermarkets and shopping malls can buy food in all kinds of fast-food Tangbao, with half a packet, add water, plus all kinds of vegetables, is a pot of soup.
4. Lotus leaf wax gourd drink: white gourd is not only delicious cheap, or slimming of the St. goods. Chinese medicine, wax gourd Yangwei Sheng Jin, Qingwei Reduce Pathogenic Fire, can reduce food intake, contribute to weight loss. Fasciolopsiasis wax gourd can increase or Angelica Aotang drink, or wax gourd with water and Xian Heye Aotang, to be fat beauty, is also a very good Xiaoshu drinks.
5. Bean sprouts, seaweed soup: kelp, yellow bean sprouts, carrots, tomatoes Aotang. This high-nutrition and Chi Debao, and own a convergence of kelp, potassium ions is relatively high, weight loss during the drink, the body was alkaline PH value.
6. Luffa konjac soup: Luffa, konjac and boiled Cheng Tang, and ribs or clams.
7. Refreshing melon soup: the cucumber, bitter melon or gourd, and ribs Aozhu, but we can not add any Wanzai categories such as pork balls, mushrooms Wandeng, because high heat Wanzai abdominal flu is not enough, the negative weight loss.
8. Koryo leaves soup: cabbage, onions, carrots together Zhutang, taste good, colors are very beautiful!
9. Curry vegetable soup: Curry can promote metabolism, weight loss is a very good food, and requires the use of Indian curry powder, curry soup will not block, because the soup of high oil block. To curry powder and a little high Xiantang block Zhutang, plus some vegetables like tomatoes and such as green peppers, eggplant, unique flavor.
10. Nutrition carrot soup: white radish, carrots is the best mix with water or broth Aozhu and Canada, burdock, tomatoes, Korea leaves more nutrition.
The slender vegetable soup to drink law:
* Do not add any oil or artificial seasonings, but unless the ribs or chicken bone can be.
* Pepper, hot pepper, ginger, star anise or 9-storey tower, and so increase the flavor of the vegetable soup, can promote the metabolism may be more use.
This is 10, of the delicious vegetable soup slimming, it is conducive to the healthy slimming.
Analysis of the slimming books
Today, we are experts together to see how the analysis of several slimming books, following the analysis of the slimming books are more popular slimming books, some of you may have used.
Under the terms of a slimming books: downsizing of low-sugar
This diet books is the core principle: reduce the sugar intake is to reduce the weight of the tips. Low-sugar downsizing of the sugar advocates say that figure is the first impact of poisons, it encourages the body produce excessive accumulation of fat and insulin, which eat high-sugar foods, especially at the same time try to avoid certain food combinations, you can Slender Down.
Effective: expert pointed out that if I can strictly abide by this method should be able to help you achieve downsizing goals, as advocated by its content is very low calorie diet structure - is to provide daily food intake of 1,200 calories, 39 % From carbohydrates, 28% from fat.
Whether health: the answer is no. First, this diet structure of the protein content of the proposals are experts in the two times, followed by its iron, calcium, vitamin A and other physical element of lack of essential nutrients.
Benefits: low-sugar thin raised by advocates of the law, we should not only pay attention to fat, this view is correct. Often such a situation will arise: people's fat intake, obesity rates rose and fell, this is the diet provided by the increase in the heat.
Potential crisis: According to expert analysis, this method is not as "low-sugar thin" that it advocates - people of insulin resistance, obesity, but obese people have a tendency to insulin resistance.
Weigh the pros and cons: Although this recipe seems tempting, but experts do not recommend it on the programme included, think twice-Jun advised.
Diet books 2: high-protein "new slimming revolution"
The principle is: high-carbohydrate foods lead to obesity, hunger and unable to curb the appetite. As a result, limit the intake of carbohydrates and absorb a large number of high-protein foods can reduce weight and to maintain the slender body. This cycle of thin recipes for two weeks, the downsizing plan in 14 days, you can only eat vegetables appropriate, but you can eat enough milk, eggs, meat, fish. This makes the body into a state: rely on fat rather than carbohydrates to provide energy.
Effective: honestly tell you that this method has some deceptive: If you start from Friday to act in accordance with the recipes, perhaps to a Monday you will pleasantly surprised to find themselves short of 1-2 kilograms, but in fact you lost Is moisture, and water loss caused by weight loss can only be temporary.
Whether health: No. In accordance with this recipe developed three meals a day, you can easily absorb too much fat and protein and fiber intake of less than plants. Experts point out that high-protein diet structure will cause great pressure on the kidneys, may also lead to dehydration.
Benefits: This recipe includes eggs, and lean meat - many other packages in the slimming and ordered to prohibit the physical needs of the ingredients.
Potential crisis: Even though "new diet revolution" to advance to deny that this is a high-fat diet structure, in fact it is easy to become a dangerous high fat diet.
Weigh the pros and cons: This approach can help a good health and all the normal people in a short period of time lost five pounds to meet a special occasion. It should be noted that for those who have chronic health problems, such as patients with diabetes, this method would be more dangerous thin.
Diet books 3: restraint therapy
Core principles: the idea of self-restraint to resist the temptation of the refrigerator. This is also the more popular method of weight loss diet. This approach to believe that the implementation of mandatory recipes will not achieve real long-term perspective to the role. Into "restraint therapy", you can still enjoy any of the things you want to eat but a prerequisite: You only really feel the hunger to eat and once when it immediately to stop and eat This is the so-called "moderation" of the meaning of the host.
Whether or not valid: If you really can effectively self-restraint, each meal to Guofu as the standard, this approach should be effective. However, if you will is not very strong, does not believe the terrible consequences of Tansi, then use this approach do not optimistic about the prospects.
Whether health: The answer is still negative. This approach can not emphasize should choose low-fat, nutrient rich foods.
Benefits: This method of "physical" real "hunger", "Baozu flu", prompted people aware of the actual food intake and physical needs to meet the food requirements of the differences between, a certain sense will Is conducive to slimming diet.
Potential crisis: "restraint therapy," the focus of - not really Jichanglulu never pay to eat, but as many experienced by the experience, this suppression often counterproductive: the end, their food intake seems to be there than before The time off without.
Weigh the pros and cons: on the programme itself, has been mentioned above, it has not given any food composition to the body.
Over the slimming books analysis.
这个减肥食谱的核心原理是:减少糖的摄入是减轻体重的秘诀。低糖瘦身法的倡导者们认为糖是影响体形 的首号毒药,它促使身体产生过量的胰岛素并且聚集脂肪,因而少吃高糖食品,同时尽量避免某些特别的食物组合,你就可以苗条下来。
是否有效:专家指出,如果真能严格遵守,这种方法应该能够助你实现瘦身目标,因为其倡导的饮食结构卡路里含量很低——计划是每天摄入的食物提供1200卡路里热量 ,其中39%来自碳水化合物,28%来自脂肪。
Under the terms of a slimming books: downsizing of low-sugar
This diet books is the core principle: reduce the sugar intake is to reduce the weight of the tips. Low-sugar downsizing of the sugar advocates say that figure is the first impact of poisons, it encourages the body produce excessive accumulation of fat and insulin, which eat high-sugar foods, especially at the same time try to avoid certain food combinations, you can Slender Down.
Effective: expert pointed out that if I can strictly abide by this method should be able to help you achieve downsizing goals, as advocated by its content is very low calorie diet structure - is to provide daily food intake of 1,200 calories, 39 % From carbohydrates, 28% from fat.
Whether health: the answer is no. First, this diet structure of the protein content of the proposals are experts in the two times, followed by its iron, calcium, vitamin A and other physical element of lack of essential nutrients.
Benefits: low-sugar thin raised by advocates of the law, we should not only pay attention to fat, this view is correct. Often such a situation will arise: people's fat intake, obesity rates rose and fell, this is the diet provided by the increase in the heat.
Potential crisis: According to expert analysis, this method is not as "low-sugar thin" that it advocates - people of insulin resistance, obesity, but obese people have a tendency to insulin resistance.
Weigh the pros and cons: Although this recipe seems tempting, but experts do not recommend it on the programme included, think twice-Jun advised.
Diet books 2: high-protein "new slimming revolution"
The principle is: high-carbohydrate foods lead to obesity, hunger and unable to curb the appetite. As a result, limit the intake of carbohydrates and absorb a large number of high-protein foods can reduce weight and to maintain the slender body. This cycle of thin recipes for two weeks, the downsizing plan in 14 days, you can only eat vegetables appropriate, but you can eat enough milk, eggs, meat, fish. This makes the body into a state: rely on fat rather than carbohydrates to provide energy.
Effective: honestly tell you that this method has some deceptive: If you start from Friday to act in accordance with the recipes, perhaps to a Monday you will pleasantly surprised to find themselves short of 1-2 kilograms, but in fact you lost Is moisture, and water loss caused by weight loss can only be temporary.
Whether health: No. In accordance with this recipe developed three meals a day, you can easily absorb too much fat and protein and fiber intake of less than plants. Experts point out that high-protein diet structure will cause great pressure on the kidneys, may also lead to dehydration.
Benefits: This recipe includes eggs, and lean meat - many other packages in the slimming and ordered to prohibit the physical needs of the ingredients.
Potential crisis: Even though "new diet revolution" to advance to deny that this is a high-fat diet structure, in fact it is easy to become a dangerous high fat diet.
Weigh the pros and cons: This approach can help a good health and all the normal people in a short period of time lost five pounds to meet a special occasion. It should be noted that for those who have chronic health problems, such as patients with diabetes, this method would be more dangerous thin.
Diet books 3: restraint therapy
Core principles: the idea of self-restraint to resist the temptation of the refrigerator. This is also the more popular method of weight loss diet. This approach to believe that the implementation of mandatory recipes will not achieve real long-term perspective to the role. Into "restraint therapy", you can still enjoy any of the things you want to eat but a prerequisite: You only really feel the hunger to eat and once when it immediately to stop and eat This is the so-called "moderation" of the meaning of the host.
Whether or not valid: If you really can effectively self-restraint, each meal to Guofu as the standard, this approach should be effective. However, if you will is not very strong, does not believe the terrible consequences of Tansi, then use this approach do not optimistic about the prospects.
Whether health: The answer is still negative. This approach can not emphasize should choose low-fat, nutrient rich foods.
Benefits: This method of "physical" real "hunger", "Baozu flu", prompted people aware of the actual food intake and physical needs to meet the food requirements of the differences between, a certain sense will Is conducive to slimming diet.
Potential crisis: "restraint therapy," the focus of - not really Jichanglulu never pay to eat, but as many experienced by the experience, this suppression often counterproductive: the end, their food intake seems to be there than before The time off without.
Weigh the pros and cons: on the programme itself, has been mentioned above, it has not given any food composition to the body.
Over the slimming books analysis.
这个减肥食谱的核心原理是:减少糖的摄入是减轻体重的秘诀。低糖瘦身法的倡导者们认为糖是影响体形 的首号毒药,它促使身体产生过量的胰岛素并且聚集脂肪,因而少吃高糖食品,同时尽量避免某些特别的食物组合,你就可以苗条下来。
是否有效:专家指出,如果真能严格遵守,这种方法应该能够助你实现瘦身目标,因为其倡导的饮食结构卡路里含量很低——计划是每天摄入的食物提供1200卡路里热量 ,其中39%来自碳水化合物,28%来自脂肪。
Fullness of the chest can fruits and vegetables recipes
Today, we together can look at the fullness of fruits and vegetables recipes chest
1 small sweet potato Paoshui, Apple Qieding Jia lemon juice, raisins with blisters open: sweet potato small water Zhukai added skim milk and sugar, adding more materials to Zhukai juice.
2 ginger, mint leaves, pineapple, kiwifruit, with a spinach juice.
3 carrots wire, foam opened the raisins to make Linshang yogurt salad.
4 green apples, Celery, Komatsu vegetables, spinach, Passy, with a juice.
5 Xigan water with a tissue yogurt, tofu cooked brown water, carrot sauce and a silk Tong Zhu, adding kelp buds to boil water to dry, adding white sauce, yogurt, tofu, sesame seeds.
6 garlic, carrots, ginger, apple juice playing together.
This is the fullness chest fruits and vegetables recipes.
1 番薯丁泡水,苹果切丁加柠檬汁,葡萄干用水泡开:将番薯丁用水煮开后加脱脂奶粉和糖,加入以上材料煮开收汁。
2 生姜、薄荷叶、菠萝、奇异果、菠菜一同打汁。
3 胡萝卜丝、泡开的葡萄干做成沙拉再淋上酸奶。
4 青苹果、西芹、小松菜、菠菜、帕西里一同打汁。
5 酸奶用纸巾吸干水分,豆腐煮熟沥干水分,胡萝卜丝与调味汁一同煮,加入海带芽煮到收干水,加入白酱、酸奶、豆腐、芝麻。
6 大蒜、胡萝卜、生姜、苹果一同打汁。
1 small sweet potato Paoshui, Apple Qieding Jia lemon juice, raisins with blisters open: sweet potato small water Zhukai added skim milk and sugar, adding more materials to Zhukai juice.
2 ginger, mint leaves, pineapple, kiwifruit, with a spinach juice.
3 carrots wire, foam opened the raisins to make Linshang yogurt salad.
4 green apples, Celery, Komatsu vegetables, spinach, Passy, with a juice.
5 Xigan water with a tissue yogurt, tofu cooked brown water, carrot sauce and a silk Tong Zhu, adding kelp buds to boil water to dry, adding white sauce, yogurt, tofu, sesame seeds.
6 garlic, carrots, ginger, apple juice playing together.
This is the fullness chest fruits and vegetables recipes.
1 番薯丁泡水,苹果切丁加柠檬汁,葡萄干用水泡开:将番薯丁用水煮开后加脱脂奶粉和糖,加入以上材料煮开收汁。
2 生姜、薄荷叶、菠萝、奇异果、菠菜一同打汁。
3 胡萝卜丝、泡开的葡萄干做成沙拉再淋上酸奶。
4 青苹果、西芹、小松菜、菠菜、帕西里一同打汁。
5 酸奶用纸巾吸干水分,豆腐煮熟沥干水分,胡萝卜丝与调味汁一同煮,加入海带芽煮到收干水,加入白酱、酸奶、豆腐、芝麻。
6 大蒜、胡萝卜、生姜、苹果一同打汁。
Fullness of the chest can fruits and vegetables recipes
Today, we together can look at the fullness of fruits and vegetables recipes chest
1 small sweet potato Paoshui, Apple Qieding Jia lemon juice, raisins with blisters open: sweet potato small water Zhukai added skim milk and sugar, adding more materials to Zhukai juice.
2 ginger, mint leaves, pineapple, kiwifruit, with a spinach juice.
3 carrots wire, foam opened the raisins to make Linshang yogurt salad.
4 green apples, Celery, Komatsu vegetables, spinach, Passy, with a juice.
5 Xigan water with a tissue yogurt, tofu cooked brown water, carrot sauce and a silk Tong Zhu, adding kelp buds to boil water to dry, adding white sauce, yogurt, tofu, sesame seeds.
6 garlic, carrots, ginger, apple juice playing together.
This is the fullness chest fruits and vegetables recipes.
1 番薯丁泡水,苹果切丁加柠檬汁,葡萄干用水泡开:将番薯丁用水煮开后加脱脂奶粉和糖,加入以上材料煮开收汁。
2 生姜、薄荷叶、菠萝、奇异果、菠菜一同打汁。
3 胡萝卜丝、泡开的葡萄干做成沙拉再淋上酸奶。
4 青苹果、西芹、小松菜、菠菜、帕西里一同打汁。
5 酸奶用纸巾吸干水分,豆腐煮熟沥干水分,胡萝卜丝与调味汁一同煮,加入海带芽煮到收干水,加入白酱、酸奶、豆腐、芝麻。
6 大蒜、胡萝卜、生姜、苹果一同打汁。
1 small sweet potato Paoshui, Apple Qieding Jia lemon juice, raisins with blisters open: sweet potato small water Zhukai added skim milk and sugar, adding more materials to Zhukai juice.
2 ginger, mint leaves, pineapple, kiwifruit, with a spinach juice.
3 carrots wire, foam opened the raisins to make Linshang yogurt salad.
4 green apples, Celery, Komatsu vegetables, spinach, Passy, with a juice.
5 Xigan water with a tissue yogurt, tofu cooked brown water, carrot sauce and a silk Tong Zhu, adding kelp buds to boil water to dry, adding white sauce, yogurt, tofu, sesame seeds.
6 garlic, carrots, ginger, apple juice playing together.
This is the fullness chest fruits and vegetables recipes.
1 番薯丁泡水,苹果切丁加柠檬汁,葡萄干用水泡开:将番薯丁用水煮开后加脱脂奶粉和糖,加入以上材料煮开收汁。
2 生姜、薄荷叶、菠萝、奇异果、菠菜一同打汁。
3 胡萝卜丝、泡开的葡萄干做成沙拉再淋上酸奶。
4 青苹果、西芹、小松菜、菠菜、帕西里一同打汁。
5 酸奶用纸巾吸干水分,豆腐煮熟沥干水分,胡萝卜丝与调味汁一同煮,加入海带芽煮到收干水,加入白酱、酸奶、豆腐、芝麻。
6 大蒜、胡萝卜、生姜、苹果一同打汁。
Slimming recipes for vegetables lose weight
Slimming recipes for vegetables lose weight
Recommended for everyone under all seven of the slimming recipes, vegetables has always been a low-calorie representatives of the meat is rich in fat, easy to cause the obesity, seven below this diet recipes, are very low in calories, weight loss Oh, very helpful
A fried carrot wire
This simple, carrots Qiesi, Youchao-point speculation, the instant when the green pepper-point, we all know that there are carotene carrot, but if people have to absorb it together with oil consumption, oil was carotene Attached to the intestinal wall can be absorbed, so the speculation to eat the best, if Liangban also do not forget to put points sesame oil.
The shrimp vegetables
This dish is very simple, minced garlic and shrimp Baoxiang, Add to stir-fried vegetables, the fire must, taking advantage of the water before cooking, has a Chuguo. I Jiaozhen Biegen 10 million, allowing me to put points on the shrimp bar, should not the meat.
一 炒胡萝卜丝
二 虾米青菜
三 和尚都爱吃
这个菜实在不知道怎么起名字,因为好吃,又都是素,所以叫“和尚都爱吃”。里面白色的东西,是日本一种特有的青菜,叫“うどう”发音为“乌豆” 白色的,没什么味道,去了皮切好后要马上放泡有醋的水里与豆角,芹菜,虾米,大枣一起炒,素菜本来就没什么味道,所以放点虾米提鲜!
四 素乱炖
五 虾干萝卜丁
六 烤茄子
行走厨林这么多年了,味道怎么也错不了哪去,从朋友那拿回一个烤箱,于是兴奋的做烤茄子茄子去了皮放烤箱里,茄子上少抹点油,结果烤了一半烤箱 卡的一声就蔫了。茄子还没烤透,但也不能仍它,于是上火上又煎了煎,这才给弄熟取一个小碗,里面放醋,少许酱油,盐,味精,白糖,香油,芝麻,老干妈辣椒 酱,搅拌均匀,浇在茄子上,就好了,是烤还是煎,你自己决定吧。
七 素炒三丝
Three monks are favorite
This dish really do not know how from the name, because the delicious, and both are in, so called "monks are loved." Inside the white things, Japan is a unique vegetables, called "うNう" pronounced "Wudou" white, no taste, to the Percutaneous good after the bubble has to immediately release the water and vinegar beans, celery, Shrimp, jujube with speculation, no flavor of vegetables already, the release point Abulimiti fresh shrimp!
Duncai did not art, it is more chaotic the better, with demand in the chaos, what kind of dishes and what kind of vegetables stewed together are all the stress, here is tofu, Chinese cabbage, instant-point when the tomatoes.
Five shrimp dry Luo Boding
Luo Buqie Xiaoding, mushrooms and shrimp also Qieding dry, hot oil, dry and dried shrimp under paragraph Chaoxiang pepper, and then under the Luobu Ding, speculation will be a thoroughly fried radish, under the point mirrin, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper Flour, sugar, chicken essence, the next point cooked soybean, a Zaichao, leaching, sesame oil, like!
6 roasted eggplant
Lin walking kitchen for so many years, the flavor of how to which can not be wrong also, from the back of a friend oven, so exciting to do the eggplant roasted eggplant skin-oven, eggplant on hand, less oil, half of oven roasted results card Out of the on Nian. No roasted eggplant thoroughly, but still it can not, therefore Shanghuo on the fried and fried, this Jinong cooked for a Xiaowan, putting vinegar, a little soy sauce, salt, MSG, sugar, sesame oil, sesame, Laogan Ma pepper sauce, stirring uniform, pouring in on the eggplant and the like, are baked or fried, it your own decision.
7 Suchao three wire
Fern silk, silk celery, Yongkaishuitang the Sun Si, with just a speculation. This comparison famous!
This is a very good diet of vegetables recipes slimming method.
Recommended for everyone under all seven of the slimming recipes, vegetables has always been a low-calorie representatives of the meat is rich in fat, easy to cause the obesity, seven below this diet recipes, are very low in calories, weight loss Oh, very helpful
A fried carrot wire
This simple, carrots Qiesi, Youchao-point speculation, the instant when the green pepper-point, we all know that there are carotene carrot, but if people have to absorb it together with oil consumption, oil was carotene Attached to the intestinal wall can be absorbed, so the speculation to eat the best, if Liangban also do not forget to put points sesame oil.
The shrimp vegetables
This dish is very simple, minced garlic and shrimp Baoxiang, Add to stir-fried vegetables, the fire must, taking advantage of the water before cooking, has a Chuguo. I Jiaozhen Biegen 10 million, allowing me to put points on the shrimp bar, should not the meat.
一 炒胡萝卜丝
二 虾米青菜
三 和尚都爱吃
这个菜实在不知道怎么起名字,因为好吃,又都是素,所以叫“和尚都爱吃”。里面白色的东西,是日本一种特有的青菜,叫“うどう”发音为“乌豆” 白色的,没什么味道,去了皮切好后要马上放泡有醋的水里与豆角,芹菜,虾米,大枣一起炒,素菜本来就没什么味道,所以放点虾米提鲜!
四 素乱炖
五 虾干萝卜丁
六 烤茄子
行走厨林这么多年了,味道怎么也错不了哪去,从朋友那拿回一个烤箱,于是兴奋的做烤茄子茄子去了皮放烤箱里,茄子上少抹点油,结果烤了一半烤箱 卡的一声就蔫了。茄子还没烤透,但也不能仍它,于是上火上又煎了煎,这才给弄熟取一个小碗,里面放醋,少许酱油,盐,味精,白糖,香油,芝麻,老干妈辣椒 酱,搅拌均匀,浇在茄子上,就好了,是烤还是煎,你自己决定吧。
七 素炒三丝
Three monks are favorite
This dish really do not know how from the name, because the delicious, and both are in, so called "monks are loved." Inside the white things, Japan is a unique vegetables, called "うNう" pronounced "Wudou" white, no taste, to the Percutaneous good after the bubble has to immediately release the water and vinegar beans, celery, Shrimp, jujube with speculation, no flavor of vegetables already, the release point Abulimiti fresh shrimp!
Duncai did not art, it is more chaotic the better, with demand in the chaos, what kind of dishes and what kind of vegetables stewed together are all the stress, here is tofu, Chinese cabbage, instant-point when the tomatoes.
Five shrimp dry Luo Boding
Luo Buqie Xiaoding, mushrooms and shrimp also Qieding dry, hot oil, dry and dried shrimp under paragraph Chaoxiang pepper, and then under the Luobu Ding, speculation will be a thoroughly fried radish, under the point mirrin, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper Flour, sugar, chicken essence, the next point cooked soybean, a Zaichao, leaching, sesame oil, like!
6 roasted eggplant
Lin walking kitchen for so many years, the flavor of how to which can not be wrong also, from the back of a friend oven, so exciting to do the eggplant roasted eggplant skin-oven, eggplant on hand, less oil, half of oven roasted results card Out of the on Nian. No roasted eggplant thoroughly, but still it can not, therefore Shanghuo on the fried and fried, this Jinong cooked for a Xiaowan, putting vinegar, a little soy sauce, salt, MSG, sugar, sesame oil, sesame, Laogan Ma pepper sauce, stirring uniform, pouring in on the eggplant and the like, are baked or fried, it your own decision.
7 Suchao three wire
Fern silk, silk celery, Yongkaishuitang the Sun Si, with just a speculation. This comparison famous!
This is a very good diet of vegetables recipes slimming method.
Slimming-cooking recipes for fried
Today we look at diet recipes together the types of speculation. The heat of cooking with less, so this is not easy to eat fat, you can play a slimming effect, oh.
Speculation of cooking ingredients:
Xianmo 40 grams, 40 grams mushrooms, 40 grams of cucumber, carrot 40 grams, 40 grams tomatoes, ginger 40 grams, 40 grams broccoli, corn shoots 40 grams, 40 g water Horseshoe
Speculation in the production method of cooking:
(1) Xianmoqudi, exotic into 1 / 2 deep, hand-click into Shanzhuang. Qiemei flower-like mushrooms. Cucumber, carrots were cut two centimeters, the cutting edge into a butterfly-shaped. Percutaneous diamond-shaped tablets to tomatoes. Jiang to Percutaneous serrated film. Broccoli Baicheng small duo. Corn shoots segments. Horseshoe, Waterloo bamboo shoots, seaweed are Xuecheng spherical head.
(2) all the main ingredients used Zhuo not open again.
(3) Qiguo put a little oil, hot, into all the main ingredients, spices and chicken soup by adding Fanchao, starch Gouqian water, leaching out the oil Chuguo.
In fact, the benefits of cooking is to eat what you like, you can put a pan stew, not too many Juni one! Like sea cucumbers, edible fungus, tremella, Sunpian, ginkgo, fish balls, white meat, mushrooms, yellow flower, South tofu, fans can be… Wang Li Fang things. This is conducive to a healthy diet of fried-cooking recipes.
炒素什锦的 配料:
炒素什锦 制作方法:
Winter healthy slimming books
Today, a look at it for the winter healthy slimming books winter, the winter healthy diet books including two recipes coriander potato dumplings and silk Culiu
Coriander dumplings
Health pumped, mirrin, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil all appropriate.
1. Coriander Optional wash clean, brown water after Duochengsuimo, Dai Yong Banru a little sesame oil.
2. Rouxian Add to pig basin, by adding all the spices, stirring evenly.
3. Add coriander at the end of stirring to evenly.
1. Coriander cut good, if the water a lot, you can use gauze out Cai Zhi, Cai Zhi-stuffing can be used to stay.
2. Feishou pig Rouxian to moderate, the best fertilizer for the three lost seven of the cooked dumplings will be filling incense.
Liu vinegar potato wire
Raw materials: two medium-sized potatoes (4-6 volume of people), Jianjiao two (the kind of spicy, red, green and one each), 1 garlic, salt, vinegar, Chicken
Steps: 1, potatoes and Jianjiaoqiesi, potatoes silk can be used with blisters Dai Yong, will be in the air because of the reddening. Chopped peeled garlic.
2, after the release of the pot hot oil, to 70% to 80% of garlic, plus an explosive burst, and then fried potatoes silk, salt, fried one minute.
3, coupled with speculation Jianjiao silk, if the powder that likes to eat (can read Mody »us here," brittle "antonyms,. He) of potatoes on the addition of some silk water speculation, like the crispy on the Do not add water.
4, speculation has four or five minutes later Jiacu, vinegar to the weight of its own control bar, like the Chicu put more points on okay, Fanchao few to the "vinegar" uniform, the last point increase Chicken, fried on a few Pot.
Such speculation by the relatively good-looking wire potatoes, green green, red, yellow yellow, it is divided. However, it also can be used to do that pepper oil, spicy could have done more, is way less attractive.
Both the diet books are very common with the Food and done, the winter slimming is very good, oh
今天一起来看看适合冬季的冬季健康减肥食谱,这份冬季健康减肥食谱主要包括两个食谱 香菜饺子和醋溜土豆丝
Coriander dumplings
Health pumped, mirrin, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil all appropriate.
1. Coriander Optional wash clean, brown water after Duochengsuimo, Dai Yong Banru a little sesame oil.
2. Rouxian Add to pig basin, by adding all the spices, stirring evenly.
3. Add coriander at the end of stirring to evenly.
1. Coriander cut good, if the water a lot, you can use gauze out Cai Zhi, Cai Zhi-stuffing can be used to stay.
2. Feishou pig Rouxian to moderate, the best fertilizer for the three lost seven of the cooked dumplings will be filling incense.
Liu vinegar potato wire
Raw materials: two medium-sized potatoes (4-6 volume of people), Jianjiao two (the kind of spicy, red, green and one each), 1 garlic, salt, vinegar, Chicken
Steps: 1, potatoes and Jianjiaoqiesi, potatoes silk can be used with blisters Dai Yong, will be in the air because of the reddening. Chopped peeled garlic.
2, after the release of the pot hot oil, to 70% to 80% of garlic, plus an explosive burst, and then fried potatoes silk, salt, fried one minute.
3, coupled with speculation Jianjiao silk, if the powder that likes to eat (can read Mody »us here," brittle "antonyms,. He) of potatoes on the addition of some silk water speculation, like the crispy on the Do not add water.
4, speculation has four or five minutes later Jiacu, vinegar to the weight of its own control bar, like the Chicu put more points on okay, Fanchao few to the "vinegar" uniform, the last point increase Chicken, fried on a few Pot.
Such speculation by the relatively good-looking wire potatoes, green green, red, yellow yellow, it is divided. However, it also can be used to do that pepper oil, spicy could have done more, is way less attractive.
Both the diet books are very common with the Food and done, the winter slimming is very good, oh
今天一起来看看适合冬季的冬季健康减肥食谱,这份冬季健康减肥食谱主要包括两个食谱 香菜饺子和醋溜土豆丝
Eight tea lose weight taboos

Choice of tea with a few people to lose weight, but you know the eight major tea diet? Taboo, do not think that tea can lose weight on any drink, guilty of eight taboo, not only did not cut down, but also damage your health.
1. The new tea-drinking, many people choose to tea on the time to go buy drinking
As the new tea store a short time, containing more without oxidation of polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols, and other substances, on the gastrointestinal mucosa have a stronger role in stimulating and easy-induced stomach illness. Therefore, the new tea to Shaohe, storage less than half of the new drink tea should bogey.
2. Head over to drink tea
As in tea cultivation and processing in the course of pesticides and other harmful substances by the pollution, green surface of a certain residual, so head over tea have washed role should be abandoned Buhe.
3. Fasting tea
Gastric juice fasting tea can be diluted, reducing digestion and absorption rate of water, causing large number of components in tea into the bad blood caused dizziness, flustered, unable to symptoms such as hands and feet.
4. After dinner tea
Tea contains a lot of tannic acid, tannic acid in the food with iron in response to generate difficult to dissolve the new material, human Shijianyizhang iron deficiency caused, or even induced anaemia. The right approach is: one hour after meal to drink tea.
5. Ulcer patients tea
Because of the caffeine in tea may promote the gastric acid secretion, increased acid concentration, or even induced ulcer perforation.
6. Fever tea
Tea contains theophylline, have increased the role of body temperature, fever patients tea tantamount to "adding fuel to the fire."
7. Menstrual tea
Menstrual period in tea, especially drinking Nongcha, can induce or increase menstrual syndrome. Medical experts study found that compared with those not drinking tea, tea habits menstrual紧张症risk 2.4 times higher than that, more than four cups a day drinking tea, an increase three times.
8. Immutable
Throughout the year seasonal climate different, types of tea to an adjustment accordingly. Huacha spring to drink, Huacha can be distributed in a deposition in the winter Hanxie and promote human yang Melhado; summer to drink green tea, green tea taste of the bitter cold to heat, Xiaoshu, detoxification, increased gastrointestinal function, to promote digestion and preventing diarrhea, Skin infections such as sore boils; fall to drink Qingcha, Qingcha not cold not hot, the body can be the complete elimination of waste heat and restore Weigan of temperature, people exhilarating activities; winter to drink black tea, black tea and Wen Wei Gan, Protein-rich, nourishing a certain function.
When the tea to brew tea master, the correct way of brewing tea drinking is also good for weight loss!
Choice of tea with a few people to lose weight, but you know the eight major tea diet? Taboo, do not think that tea can lose weight on any drink, guilty of eight taboo, not only did not cut down, but also damage your health.
1. The new tea-drinking, many people choose to tea on the time to go buy drinking
As the new tea store a short time, containing more without oxidation of polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols, and other substances, on the gastrointestinal mucosa have a stronger role in stimulating and easy-induced stomach illness. Therefore, the new tea to Shaohe, storage less than half of the new drink tea should bogey.
2. Head over to drink tea
As in tea cultivation and processing in the course of pesticides and other harmful substances by the pollution, green surface of a certain residual, so head over tea have washed role should be abandoned Buhe.
3. Fasting tea
Gastric juice fasting tea can be diluted, reducing digestion and absorption rate of water, causing large number of components in tea into the bad blood caused dizziness, flustered, unable to symptoms such as hands and feet.
4. After dinner tea
Tea contains a lot of tannic acid, tannic acid in the food with iron in response to generate difficult to dissolve the new material, human Shijianyizhang iron deficiency caused, or even induced anaemia. The right approach is: one hour after meal to drink tea.
5. Ulcer patients tea
Because of the caffeine in tea may promote the gastric acid secretion, increased acid concentration, or even induced ulcer perforation.
6. Fever tea
Tea contains theophylline, have increased the role of body temperature, fever patients tea tantamount to "adding fuel to the fire."
7. Menstrual tea
Menstrual period in tea, especially drinking Nongcha, can induce or increase menstrual syndrome. Medical experts study found that compared with those not drinking tea, tea habits menstrual紧张症risk 2.4 times higher than that, more than four cups a day drinking tea, an increase three times.
8. Immutable
Throughout the year seasonal climate different, types of tea to an adjustment accordingly. Huacha spring to drink, Huacha can be distributed in a deposition in the winter Hanxie and promote human yang Melhado; summer to drink green tea, green tea taste of the bitter cold to heat, Xiaoshu, detoxification, increased gastrointestinal function, to promote digestion and preventing diarrhea, Skin infections such as sore boils; fall to drink Qingcha, Qingcha not cold not hot, the body can be the complete elimination of waste heat and restore Weigan of temperature, people exhilarating activities; winter to drink black tea, black tea and Wen Wei Gan, Protein-rich, nourishing a certain function.
When the tea to brew tea master, the correct way of brewing tea drinking is also good for weight loss!
Buckwheat Lose weight law
Today, we recommend to the buckwheat Lose weight, to lose weight, do not want to face a heavy heart matt » Looking to Hong Run, do not want Yaoshang grow annoying stubborn curves » Who want to, going Guanbu Zhu their delicious mouth »
It does not matter, Yang Yan, detoxification, downsizing can be adopted to achieve a reasonable diet, and now to introduce the nourishing and the health effects of downsizing dishes - buckwheat
Raw materials: buckwheat, naked oats 100 grams each, the Yellow Caijiao, perilla leaf appropriate; oil, chili oil, salt, sesame oil, vinegar.
System of law: first Soba, naked oats and 10% respectively of Mission-shaped and made of 2 for the size of a coin, Baohou moderate face films, the pan-steamed-sheng. Will be sauce (oil, chili oil, salt, sesame oil, vinegar) poured into the session, with a cross section of the yellow strips will be red Caijiao naked oats and buckwheat-separated films, was put some perilla leaf edge.
Nutritional Analysis: buckwheat, naked oats high protein content, a reasonable ratio of amino acids, beauty, thin, white-collar workers to prevent many of the city vulnerable to chronic disease, buckwheat is a very good Lose weight food, oh
今天向大家推荐荞麦减肥法 , 想要减肥,又不想脸上黯然无光?想要面色红润,又不希望腰上长出恼人的赘肉?想要身,又管不住自己那张好吃的嘴?
Three healthy slimming of salads
Below a study done with three slimming salad
Seafood salad.
Seafood salad material: Medium-size shrimp 300 g, cuttlefish a Palestinian non-clam 300 g, oyster four, with salad vegetables (chicory, foreign lettuce, red cabbage, red chicory), wine 2 tbsp lemon 1 / 4, Garlic sauce.
Production process:
1, Ji will be skinning knife after joining the cuttlefish and shrimp with the wine by adding a little water to Billy, and then peeled shrimp, cuttlefish Qiesi.
2, the Palestinian non-clams soaked with salt water to sand, washed with hot water to Billy, the shell open. Wash oysters have this method, and then to Billy.
3, salad with vegetables with cold water wash and tear the size of the imported films suitable for children Dai Yong.
4, will use all kinds of salad vegetables in the plate-sheng, Sheng also good seafood, like to look good, and then embellished with lemon and Linshang sauce.
Mushroom Salad
Mushroom salad material: mushrooms 3, Pleurotus citrinopileatus three foreign Tricholoma matsutake 3, salad with vegetables (chicory, foreign lettuce, Oenanthe Javanica, vitamins) 1 cup, a little alfalfa, Japanese-style miso orange sauce.
Production process:
1, dry mushrooms with hot water, good health mushrooms with boiling water to Billy.
2, Larch shim and Jinding Pleurotus for entrance into the size, and then to Billy.
3, will be in full bloom alfalfa and vegetable dishes, put on in accordance with the types of mushrooms, then Linshang sauce.
Chicken salad
Chicken salad material: salad with vegetables (foreign lettuce, chicory, red cabbage) 1 cup chicken breast meat 150 g, Sake 1 tbsp, a little salt, soy sauce.
Production process:
1, chicken breast meat with salt sake of joining the boiled removed later Shousi good Dai Yong. Wash vegetables with cold water, tear-size suitable for the reserve entrance.
2, Sheng will be in the dishes of vegetables, full Add the chicken breast meat, and then Lin Shang sauce.
Health Net diet tips:
Low fat content of chicken itself, but Jipi high fat content, they want to lose weight to the best food in removing skin, but in between the chicken and Jipi a film, keep it in the flesh but also to prevent water The fat spills. Therefore, if necessary, should be chicken peeled before cooking, so not only can reduce fat intake, but also ensure that the taste of fresh chicken.
Mushrooms nutrient-rich, rich in protein and crude fiber, ate help lower cholesterol and obesity.
Recommended reading: three fruit salads help you lose weight successfully
Seafood salad.
Seafood salad material: Medium-size shrimp 300 g, cuttlefish a Palestinian non-clam 300 g, oyster four, with salad vegetables (chicory, foreign lettuce, red cabbage, red chicory), wine 2 tbsp lemon 1 / 4, Garlic sauce.
Production process:
1, Ji will be skinning knife after joining the cuttlefish and shrimp with the wine by adding a little water to Billy, and then peeled shrimp, cuttlefish Qiesi.
2, the Palestinian non-clams soaked with salt water to sand, washed with hot water to Billy, the shell open. Wash oysters have this method, and then to Billy.
3, salad with vegetables with cold water wash and tear the size of the imported films suitable for children Dai Yong.
4, will use all kinds of salad vegetables in the plate-sheng, Sheng also good seafood, like to look good, and then embellished with lemon and Linshang sauce.
Mushroom Salad
Mushroom salad material: mushrooms 3, Pleurotus citrinopileatus three foreign Tricholoma matsutake 3, salad with vegetables (chicory, foreign lettuce, Oenanthe Javanica, vitamins) 1 cup, a little alfalfa, Japanese-style miso orange sauce.
Production process:
1, dry mushrooms with hot water, good health mushrooms with boiling water to Billy.
2, Larch shim and Jinding Pleurotus for entrance into the size, and then to Billy.
3, will be in full bloom alfalfa and vegetable dishes, put on in accordance with the types of mushrooms, then Linshang sauce.
Chicken salad
Chicken salad material: salad with vegetables (foreign lettuce, chicory, red cabbage) 1 cup chicken breast meat 150 g, Sake 1 tbsp, a little salt, soy sauce.
Production process:
1, chicken breast meat with salt sake of joining the boiled removed later Shousi good Dai Yong. Wash vegetables with cold water, tear-size suitable for the reserve entrance.
2, Sheng will be in the dishes of vegetables, full Add the chicken breast meat, and then Lin Shang sauce.
Health Net diet tips:
Low fat content of chicken itself, but Jipi high fat content, they want to lose weight to the best food in removing skin, but in between the chicken and Jipi a film, keep it in the flesh but also to prevent water The fat spills. Therefore, if necessary, should be chicken peeled before cooking, so not only can reduce fat intake, but also ensure that the taste of fresh chicken.
Mushrooms nutrient-rich, rich in protein and crude fiber, ate help lower cholesterol and obesity.
Recommended reading: three fruit salads help you lose weight successfully
Three slimming recipes celery
Today we look at the three together celery diet recipes
Celery fried cowpea
Raw materials: celery-100 grams, 150 grams of tender asparagus bean, ginger silk 10 grams. Peanut oil, salt-and moderate hills, said the Chicken.
Production: celery-washed to knife into sections; soft wash of cowpea to two, cut into sections; cookware, peanut oil-burning 50% of heat, under-salt, cowpea, ginger Chaozhi a broken wire of Health, Fang Celery-and hills, said Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Ning testator close:-spleen and stomach, lipid-lowering detoxification, Bushen Yiqi, heat phlegm.
Dongcai fried celery leaves
Raw materials: Dongcai bud 100 grams, 150 grams of celery, ginger silk 10 grams, and Sichuan salt, Tiaohu You, Mushroom Chicken of the amount.
Production: Wash celery leaves; bud Dongcai washed into silk. Cookware, put Tiaohu You burn 50% of heat, under-salt, bud Dongcai silk, silk ginger, celery leaves, mushrooms Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: Ziyin appetizers, heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, under the Gas Lee diaphragm.
Qin-Caterers konjac
Raw materials: Konjac tofu 400 grams, 120 grams-celery, salad oil, salt-and broth, mushroom, chicken essence of the amount.
Production: Cut the tofu konjac, Zhuo into the pot of water boiling water, fishing drift into the water in two hours; celery-washed to knife into sections; cookware in hot salad oil release, the konjac tofu, salt-and - Mushroom, Chicken, broth, Shaozhiruwei, a small amount of juice, celery-Caterers to put off health, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, Jianwei Xiaoji, under the gas line stasis.
This several diet books are not only slimming effect of detoxification effect oh
Celery fried cowpea
Raw materials: celery-100 grams, 150 grams of tender asparagus bean, ginger silk 10 grams. Peanut oil, salt-and moderate hills, said the Chicken.
Production: celery-washed to knife into sections; soft wash of cowpea to two, cut into sections; cookware, peanut oil-burning 50% of heat, under-salt, cowpea, ginger Chaozhi a broken wire of Health, Fang Celery-and hills, said Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Ning testator close:-spleen and stomach, lipid-lowering detoxification, Bushen Yiqi, heat phlegm.
Dongcai fried celery leaves
Raw materials: Dongcai bud 100 grams, 150 grams of celery, ginger silk 10 grams, and Sichuan salt, Tiaohu You, Mushroom Chicken of the amount.
Production: Wash celery leaves; bud Dongcai washed into silk. Cookware, put Tiaohu You burn 50% of heat, under-salt, bud Dongcai silk, silk ginger, celery leaves, mushrooms Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: Ziyin appetizers, heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, under the Gas Lee diaphragm.
Qin-Caterers konjac
Raw materials: Konjac tofu 400 grams, 120 grams-celery, salad oil, salt-and broth, mushroom, chicken essence of the amount.
Production: Cut the tofu konjac, Zhuo into the pot of water boiling water, fishing drift into the water in two hours; celery-washed to knife into sections; cookware in hot salad oil release, the konjac tofu, salt-and - Mushroom, Chicken, broth, Shaozhiruwei, a small amount of juice, celery-Caterers to put off health, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, Jianwei Xiaoji, under the gas line stasis.
This several diet books are not only slimming effect of detoxification effect oh
Three slimming recipes celery
Today we look at the three together celery diet recipes
Celery fried cowpea
Raw materials: celery-100 grams, 150 grams of tender asparagus bean, ginger silk 10 grams. Peanut oil, salt-and moderate hills, said the Chicken.
Production: celery-washed to knife into sections; soft wash of cowpea to two, cut into sections; cookware, peanut oil-burning 50% of heat, under-salt, cowpea, ginger Chaozhi a broken wire of Health, Fang Celery-and hills, said Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Ning testator close:-spleen and stomach, lipid-lowering detoxification, Bushen Yiqi, heat phlegm.
Dongcai fried celery leaves
Raw materials: Dongcai bud 100 grams, 150 grams of celery, ginger silk 10 grams, and Sichuan salt, Tiaohu You, Mushroom Chicken of the amount.
Production: Wash celery leaves; bud Dongcai washed into silk. Cookware, put Tiaohu You burn 50% of heat, under-salt, bud Dongcai silk, silk ginger, celery leaves, mushrooms Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: Ziyin appetizers, heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, under the Gas Lee diaphragm.
Qin-Caterers konjac
Raw materials: Konjac tofu 400 grams, 120 grams-celery, salad oil, salt-and broth, mushroom, chicken essence of the amount.
Production: Cut the tofu konjac, Zhuo into the pot of water boiling water, fishing drift into the water in two hours; celery-washed to knife into sections; cookware in hot salad oil release, the konjac tofu, salt-and - Mushroom, Chicken, broth, Shaozhiruwei, a small amount of juice, celery-Caterers to put off health, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, Jianwei Xiaoji, under the gas line stasis.
This several diet books are not only slimming effect of detoxification effect oh
Celery fried cowpea
Raw materials: celery-100 grams, 150 grams of tender asparagus bean, ginger silk 10 grams. Peanut oil, salt-and moderate hills, said the Chicken.
Production: celery-washed to knife into sections; soft wash of cowpea to two, cut into sections; cookware, peanut oil-burning 50% of heat, under-salt, cowpea, ginger Chaozhi a broken wire of Health, Fang Celery-and hills, said Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Ning testator close:-spleen and stomach, lipid-lowering detoxification, Bushen Yiqi, heat phlegm.
Dongcai fried celery leaves
Raw materials: Dongcai bud 100 grams, 150 grams of celery, ginger silk 10 grams, and Sichuan salt, Tiaohu You, Mushroom Chicken of the amount.
Production: Wash celery leaves; bud Dongcai washed into silk. Cookware, put Tiaohu You burn 50% of heat, under-salt, bud Dongcai silk, silk ginger, celery leaves, mushrooms Chicken, cooked Chaozhi, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: Ziyin appetizers, heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, under the Gas Lee diaphragm.
Qin-Caterers konjac
Raw materials: Konjac tofu 400 grams, 120 grams-celery, salad oil, salt-and broth, mushroom, chicken essence of the amount.
Production: Cut the tofu konjac, Zhuo into the pot of water boiling water, fishing drift into the water in two hours; celery-washed to knife into sections; cookware in hot salad oil release, the konjac tofu, salt-and - Mushroom, Chicken, broth, Shaozhiruwei, a small amount of juice, celery-Caterers to put off health, Qiguo top.
Close Ning testator: heat Huatan, lipid-lowering detoxification, Jianwei Xiaoji, under the gas line stasis.
This several diet books are not only slimming effect of detoxification effect oh
The latest health vegetable slimming books
Today we look at it as a health vegetable diet books
Employees may wish to try to do two hands healthy delicious vegetables Yao, these dishes with low-fat, low-sugar, low-calorie requirements, each dish calories are in control of between 100 to 500 cards, which can be balanced daily intake of the All kinds of nutrients, easily Xiangshou! At the same time every dish with color and flavor of visual stimulation taste, very good, oh
1. Rainbow-song package of vegetables
Eat a greasy-cooking, may wish to replace tricks, Gaoxian fruits and vegetables to be a package. Bag of vegetables have different seasonal vegetables, like Si Jidou, pumpkin, burdock, lotus root, a high fiber content, can promote human metabolism, elimination of fat and remove the body toxins.
Approach: first of all the above seasonal vegetables cut into small thin, with sesame oil Chaoshu; adding a little fermented flour paste, stirring evenly; then Banhao vegetables on the small cut on the good lettuce and finally spend some of its decorative pine nuts on top. Si Jidou, such as fruits and vegetables contain carotene, vitamin B1, B2 and the Food and fiber, can protect the liver function, cancer prevention, the physical elimination of fat and waste.
2. Thin vegetable pot
For those who are weight loss, fat diet to a variety of ingredients into a pot, warm, aromatic, very much enjoy the "thin"! , As some day-to-day materials are relatively easy to find, and have good cosmetic results. For example, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, corn, taro, Flammulina, hot pickled mustard tuber, such as mushrooms. To delicious cooked up a pot of vegetables to the pot is not very easy, the most critical is the order of the raw and cooked vegetables on Guo Lizhu, can only be achieved for sale.
Practice: The pot of boiling water, the first Chinese wolfberry Laojiang mushroom head, a little fine mushroom soup Add to pot. Zhukai question, after corn, taro, mustard, mushrooms, tomatoes, tofu first Ruguo, boil, add Flammulina, Dongfen, Chinese cabbage, lettuce can be cooked, the seasoning can be made.
Both the diet books have slimming effect, it is worth a try, oh
上班一族不妨动手试做两道健康美味蔬菜肴,这些菜肴符合低脂肪、低糖、低热量的要求,每道菜热量均控制在100~500卡之间,可以从中均衡地摄 取每日所需的各种营养素,轻松享瘦!而且每道菜同时具有色香味的视觉与味觉刺激,很不错哦
吃腻了清炒菜,不妨换下花样,做 个高纤蔬果包。蔬菜包里有不同的时令蔬菜,像四季豆、南瓜、牛蒡、莲藕等,纤维质含量极高,可促进人体新陈代谢,消除脂肪,排除体内毒素。
对于减肥的人士来说,将多种去脂减肥的食材一起放入锅中,热乎乎、香喷喷,很享“瘦”!像一 些日常的材料都比较容易找到,且都有很好的美容效果。例如白菜、生菜、玉米、芋头、金针菇、榨菜香菇等。想炮制出一锅美味的蔬菜锅并不很容易,最关键是将 生熟次序的蔬菜放在锅里煮,才能达到色香味俱全。
做法:用火锅把水煮沸后,先将枸杞老姜菇头、少许香菇精汤头放入锅中。待煮开后,将玉米、芋头、榨 菜、香菇、番茄,豆腐先行入锅,煮滚;再加入金针菇、冬粉、白菜、生菜煮熟即可,调料可自制。
Employees may wish to try to do two hands healthy delicious vegetables Yao, these dishes with low-fat, low-sugar, low-calorie requirements, each dish calories are in control of between 100 to 500 cards, which can be balanced daily intake of the All kinds of nutrients, easily Xiangshou! At the same time every dish with color and flavor of visual stimulation taste, very good, oh
1. Rainbow-song package of vegetables
Eat a greasy-cooking, may wish to replace tricks, Gaoxian fruits and vegetables to be a package. Bag of vegetables have different seasonal vegetables, like Si Jidou, pumpkin, burdock, lotus root, a high fiber content, can promote human metabolism, elimination of fat and remove the body toxins.
Approach: first of all the above seasonal vegetables cut into small thin, with sesame oil Chaoshu; adding a little fermented flour paste, stirring evenly; then Banhao vegetables on the small cut on the good lettuce and finally spend some of its decorative pine nuts on top. Si Jidou, such as fruits and vegetables contain carotene, vitamin B1, B2 and the Food and fiber, can protect the liver function, cancer prevention, the physical elimination of fat and waste.
2. Thin vegetable pot
For those who are weight loss, fat diet to a variety of ingredients into a pot, warm, aromatic, very much enjoy the "thin"! , As some day-to-day materials are relatively easy to find, and have good cosmetic results. For example, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, corn, taro, Flammulina, hot pickled mustard tuber, such as mushrooms. To delicious cooked up a pot of vegetables to the pot is not very easy, the most critical is the order of the raw and cooked vegetables on Guo Lizhu, can only be achieved for sale.
Practice: The pot of boiling water, the first Chinese wolfberry Laojiang mushroom head, a little fine mushroom soup Add to pot. Zhukai question, after corn, taro, mustard, mushrooms, tomatoes, tofu first Ruguo, boil, add Flammulina, Dongfen, Chinese cabbage, lettuce can be cooked, the seasoning can be made.
Both the diet books have slimming effect, it is worth a try, oh
上班一族不妨动手试做两道健康美味蔬菜肴,这些菜肴符合低脂肪、低糖、低热量的要求,每道菜热量均控制在100~500卡之间,可以从中均衡地摄 取每日所需的各种营养素,轻松享瘦!而且每道菜同时具有色香味的视觉与味觉刺激,很不错哦
吃腻了清炒菜,不妨换下花样,做 个高纤蔬果包。蔬菜包里有不同的时令蔬菜,像四季豆、南瓜、牛蒡、莲藕等,纤维质含量极高,可促进人体新陈代谢,消除脂肪,排除体内毒素。
对于减肥的人士来说,将多种去脂减肥的食材一起放入锅中,热乎乎、香喷喷,很享“瘦”!像一 些日常的材料都比较容易找到,且都有很好的美容效果。例如白菜、生菜、玉米、芋头、金针菇、榨菜香菇等。想炮制出一锅美味的蔬菜锅并不很容易,最关键是将 生熟次序的蔬菜放在锅里煮,才能达到色香味俱全。
做法:用火锅把水煮沸后,先将枸杞老姜菇头、少许香菇精汤头放入锅中。待煮开后,将玉米、芋头、榨 菜、香菇、番茄,豆腐先行入锅,煮滚;再加入金针菇、冬粉、白菜、生菜煮熟即可,调料可自制。
Vegetables and fruit-based diet books
To recommend to you a fruit and vegetable-based diet books
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Vegetables and fruit-based diet books
To recommend to you a fruit and vegetable-based diet books
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Vegetables and fruit-based diet books
To recommend to you a fruit and vegetable-based diet books
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Vegetables and fruit-based diet books
To recommend to you a fruit and vegetable-based diet books
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
Following is the 10 days you lose weight menu, mainly vegetables and fruits, supplemented by the necessary proteins and vitamins, in ensuring the basis of nutrition at the same time, you can reach the clean-up stomach, the beauty out toxic effects. If you want to lean a few kilograms, it should step up!
1, this menu does not provide the heat more than 1,000 kilocalories, so please do not use the long-term, so as to avoid malnutrition, make sure to remember
2, a week to Paozao or foot bath at least 2 times the regular Paozao can be effective in promoting metabolism, and is conducive to skin beauty
3, optional qualified slimming Cellulite cream, massage the skin daily diet can prevent the skin fine lines
2, to comply fully with the menu mix, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease in food
If you remember the above matters, then quickly look at the magic diet menu!
Day 1-3
Breakfast: get up after the first drink a cup warm water, then select one of the following breakfast combination.
Fruit 2 (can be any seasonal fruits, such as apples, oranges, Sydney, etc.)
15 tomato fruit and three small cucumber
2 large tomatoes and a cucumber
Other vegetable bowl
After eating fruit or vegetables, you can Zaihe 250 ml yoghurt, rich in activity of the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt can eliminate toxins, strengthen the gastrointestinal functions.
Lunch: a bowl of boiled vegetables or a lettuce salad can be seasoned vinegar and Yanli, do not increase high-calorie salad dressings. Then select one of the following lunch combinations.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
After lunch can eat a case of vitamins to supplement the lack of vitamins and trace elements.
Afternoon tea: you may go hungry in the afternoon on the dizzy confusion, and this time can eat two Gaoqianshuda biscuits with a cup of low-calorie skim milk (or sugar-free soy milk), you can immediately spirit Yizhen . To slim down the curriculum to do so! The deployment of slimming tea Cellulite
Dinner: Please continue to uphold the light of boiled vegetables or lettuce salad (not Jiasha La sauce), then select any of the following combination of a dinner.
1 to 2 of thin soup bowl (pork carrot soup may be less oil in soups, etc.)
Thin 1 to 2 bowls of congee (such as Yimi porridge, Maipian Yu, lotus leaves, such as atherosclerosis, Yimi congee can effectively eliminate edema; Maipian Yu can promote stomach to digest; lotus leaf congee with slimming effect.)
Qingxiang after dinner to drink a cup of the tea plants (such as candied dates Rose tea, lotus leaf tea, oolong tea, etc.), can promote gastrointestinal motility, while removing greasy.
以下为你提供的10天减肥餐单,以蔬菜与水果为主,辅以必要的蛋白质及维生素,在保证基础营养的同时,可以达到清理肠胃、排除毒素的美容功效。 如果你想要再瘦个几公斤,那可要抓紧啦!
2、每周请泡澡或足浴最少2次,经常泡澡可以有效地促进新陈代谢, 同时有利于皮肤的美容
如果你记住了以上事项,那么就赶快来看神奇的减肥 餐单吧!
Day 1-3
水果2个(可以是任何时令水果,如苹果、 橙子、雪梨等) ·
吃完水果或蔬菜后,你可以再喝250ml 酸乳酪,富含活性乳酸菌的酸乳酪可以清除体内毒素,加强肠胃功能。
午餐:水煮菜1碗或生菜沙拉一份,可用醋和盐粒调味,请勿加 热量高的沙拉酱。再选择下列任何一个午餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥 等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
午餐后可以吃一例复合维他命来补充缺乏的维生素与微量 元素。
下午茶:也许你到了下午就饿的头晕眼花了,这时候可以吃2片高纤梳打饼干,配一杯低热量的脱脂牛奶(或无糖豆浆),立刻就能让你精神一振。把瘦 身课程表坚持下去吧!调配茶叶 消脂减肥
晚餐:请继续坚持清淡的水煮菜或生菜沙拉(不可加沙拉酱),再选择以下任何一个晚餐组合。 ·
瘦身汤1~2碗(可以是猪肉萝卜汤等少油 的汤类) ·
瘦身粥1~2碗 (如薏米粥、麦片粥、荷叶粥等,薏米粥可有效消除水肿;麦片粥可促进肠胃消化;荷叶粥具有减肥功效。)
晚餐后喝一杯清 香的花草茶(如玫瑰蜜枣茶、荷叶茶、乌龙茶等),可以促进肠胃蠕动,同时去除油腻。
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