Health Net weight loss warm Tip: Do not diet to lose weight into errors
Metric conversion in accordance with international standards, 453.6 grams = 1 lb, and 1 jin = 500 grams, so 1 pound = 0.972 jin jin 1 oz = 0.6566875)
1, eating only vegetables and fruits, will certainly be healthy Shouxia Lai.
Truth: Research shows that vegetarian often than people who eat more lean meat. However, if you are a vegetarian, you have to have strict diet plans to complete in order to avoid long-term diet of a single cause such as malnutrition, as iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc, animal protein, such as those necessary for human nutrition Material, usually can not rely solely on the supply of vegetables and fruits.
Zhizhao: Select a variety of vegetarian diet rich in these substances, with a healthy eating plan.
Iron-rich foods: cashew nuts, spinach, soy products, such as black fungus
Calcium-rich foods: dairy products, enhanced milk beverages, tofu, vegetables kale, dried small shrimps, rice, flour, spinach, cabbage, etc.
Vitamin D-rich foods: skim milk, cheese, nuts, add vitamin D fortification of foods
Vitamin B12-rich foods: beans. Tofu, Jiang Doufu
Zinc-rich foods: beans, peanuts, millet, radish, cabbage, and so on.
2, like what to eat anything too thin to go on.
Truth: In order to lose weight, you have to ensure that the intake of calories than the calories consumed. What to eat, what to eat does not affect your weight loss, but you must not eat too much, at the same time will have to match the appropriate amount of exercise.
Zhizhao: as far as possible the election or some low-calorie food, if food could not resist the temptation is not open to quit eating, just eat a little.
3, natural or green products, weight loss can help you lose weight and high sound.
Truth: those that "natural" and "healthy" weight loss products, most of them have not been rigorous scientific testing. For example, a number of slimming products containing natural plant extract from the ephedrine. Ephedrine and will lead to serious health problems. Other ephedrine-free weight loss products, is not on security, because they may contain other harmful substances.
4, grapes, celery, cabbage, and so can help you burn fat and lose weight.
Truth: There is no scientific proof of food can help you burn fat, even though some of the caffeine-rich food in the short term to speed up your metabolic rate, but this does not mean that it can help you lose weight.
Zhi Zhao: The best way to lose weight or scientific diet and exercise.
5, starch-rich foods will let you gain weight
Truth: Many foods are rich in starch, but with only a small amount of fat and calories. Such as bread, rice, pasta, oatmeal, beans, fruits, potatoes, and so on. The reason why they make you fat because you eat too much, or you add a wide range of high-fat, high-calorie sauces such as butter, ice cream, syrup and so on. We have to remember that the human body starch is one of the three major energy material.
Zhi Zhao: "The United States dietary guidelines for weight loss" in the recommended daily intake of 6-11 were able to cereal. Of course, you should pay attention to a number: just a piece of bread, or 1 ounces of cooked oatmeal, or Banwan pasta, rice. As far as possible to avoid food with high calorie content by adding a variety of spices.
6, weightlifting, and other violent games let you look into the "muscle women", it is better not to try.
Truth: weightlifting, sit-ups, and other sports is usually conducive to weight loss. At the same time is conducive to exercise your muscles. The more muscle than fat consumption of calories, which means if you have more muscle, you metabolism on calories consumed more. Of course, you do not have to worry about will become "muscle women", two or three times a week because of insufficient exercise your muscles so well-developed, can make your muscles stronger.
Zhi Zhao: In addition to the regular 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as Rush, and so on, you can also do a week 2-3 times vigorous exercise such as weight lifting, pull-stretch, sit-ups, push-ups and so on.
7, low-fat or fat-free food does not contain calories
Truth: low-fat food than is usually the same quality of high-fat food to low heat. But there are also exceptions, and sometimes a low-fat food and energy equivalent of a high-fat food is the same number of calories or more. As they may add a great deal of sugar, flour, starch or viscous agent to stereotypes, these are high-calorie additive.
Zhizhao: to buy food ingredients before the first note. To see if it contains the heat is too high.
8, fast food is unhealthy, people who want to lose weight the best away from it.
Truth: As long as you have know-how, fast food diet also.
Zhizhao: Do not eat those big packages, or to eat together and a friend. Coke did not, drinking water or low-fat milk. Select a number of fruits and vegetables salad, and grilled food, for example, a small hamburger or chicken sandwich. Those such as French cooking, fried chicken, and so on, usually with a high fat and calories, so do not eat regularly, if it wanted to eat, a small quantity of points, or find a friend to eat together.
9, can eat two meals a weight loss
Truth: The scientific research shows that those who do not eat breakfast every day and rarely ate the meal than those people who insist on eating breakfast and daily meals for more than 4 people fat. Shaosiduocan will help curb your appetite, and do not eat breakfast will only let you hungry, eat more meals.
Zhizhao: Shaoshiduocan, low-fat eating all kinds of green food.
10, low high-protein food starch structure is conducive to weight loss.
Truth: The high-protein low-starch diet on the human body, long-term effects are still to be worked out. But only eat high-protein substances such as eggs, meat, cheese and so on, this will result in nutritional imbalance. At the same time, also may be a result of excessive intake of fat and cholesterol, improve the chances of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, do not eat fruits and vegetables, and whole-food, it is easy to cause constipation. In addition, the long-protein diet, you will feel the heart turned nausea, fatigue can not afford. Daily intake of less than 130 grams of starch material will make the human body ketones in the blood increase the content of the material, so that the content of uric acid increase the trigger gout and kidney stones.
Zhi Zhao: The high-protein diet limits the intake of calories the body, which could see the effects in the short term, but for health, diet of fruit and vegetables, whole Valley is not small.
11, the meat is not conducive to health, is not conducive to weight loss
Truth: eating a small amount of meat is a healthy weight loss. Chicken, pork, fish and so on, there is a certain degree of cholesterol and fatty acids, but they also contain some elements of health, for example protein, iron, zinc and so on.
Zhizhao: as much as possible to choose lean meat, such as pig loin, steak and so on. At the same time should also pay attention to food, a good meal (2-3 ounces, about a size of a deck of cards stacked together)
12, seed foods rich in fat, do not eat.
Truth: The seeds of plants such as peanuts, sunflower seeds, and so do rich in fat, but the number of unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, and so on, be of great benefit to the human body. At the same time, they are also rich in protein, dietary fiber, a variety of minerals.
Zhi Zhao: The amount is conducive to healthy eating. We have to remember that about one-third of the small bowl of seeds 270 calories foods contain calories.
13, 20 o'clock, after eating will gain weight
Truth: The root cause lies not gain weight when you eat, but one day you eat it more than you need energy. Over-eating, you will gain weight.
Zhi Zhao: If you want to eat something before going to bed, think about the best you eat that day what these things if you have to meet the needs of today's energy. Avoid eating snacks while watching TV, because you will unconsciously eat more.
14, fat-rich dairy products without health
Truth: those low-fat or skim milk, yogurt, cheese and whole milk, as well as nutrient-rich, but contain less fat and calories. They range of rich in protein and calcium, as well as vitamin D, on the human body, muscle and bone health has an important role.
Zhi Zhao: "The United States dietary guidelines for weight loss," that, as well as 50-year-old 9-18 years of age, should drink 3 a day dairy products, and the 19-49 year-olds, two drinks a day (for each cup of milk Or yogurt or 1.5 ounces of natural cheese or 2 ounces processed cheese)
If you have lactose intolerance syndrome, you can choose low-lactose products. Or choose other equally rich in calcium and vitamin D in food, such as enhanced fruit juices, milk beverages, tofu, and so on.
15, rapid weight loss packages can help you lose weight successfully
Truth: rapid weight loss package is not conducive to successful weight loss. Possible in the short term you can clearly see the effect, but because they strictly limited the recipes you eat the types of things, as well as food intake, very soon you will not persist indefinitely, to restore the original diet or overeating, Weight rebound was even more fat. At the same time, rapid weight loss is likely to unhealthy diet, because they are more single nutrient. In addition, the rapid drop-off weight (less than a week or two weeks, lost more than 3 pounds) will lead to gallstones. The daily energy intake of less than 800 calories, long-term possibility of a fatal cardiovascular disease.
Zhizhao: scientific research shows that the adoption of reasonable scientific diet and appropriate amount of exercise a week 0.5-2 pounds of body weight lost is the best method of weight loss. It not only can you cut the fat, can greatly reduce your change into diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease risk.
根据国际度量换算标准,1磅=453.6克,而1斤=500克,所以1磅=0.972斤 1盎司=0.6566875斤)
富含维生素B12的食物: 大豆。臭豆腐、酱豆腐
真相:低脂肪食物通常比同等质量的高脂肪食物所含的热量要低。但是也会有例外情况出现,有时候低脂肪食物的热量和等量高脂肪食物的热量是一样多的,甚至更多。因为它们可能添加了大量的糖 ,面粉或者淀粉粘稠剂来定型,这些添加剂都是高热量的。
支招:尽量选择精瘦的肉,比如猪里脊,牛排等。同时也要注意食物的量,每餐一份就好(2-3 盎司,大约一副扑克牌叠起来的大小)
如果你有乳糖不耐受综合症,你可以选择那些低乳糖的制品。或者选择其他同样富含钙和维生素D 的食物,比如说强化果汁、豆浆饮料、豆腐等。
真相:快速减肥套餐并不有利于成功减肥。可能在短期之内你可以看到明显的效果,但是因为这些食谱严格限制了你能吃的事物的种类以及进食量,很快你就会坚持不下去,恢复原有饮食习惯甚至暴饮暴食,体重随即反弹,甚至变得更胖。 同时快速减肥食谱很可能不健康,因为它们的营养成分较为单一。此外,体重过速下降(一周或两周以内减掉3磅以上)会引发胆结石。而每天摄入能量低于800卡路里,长期可能会引发致命的心血管疾病。