Security slimming methods are as follows:
Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren't sure how to change it — and many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone else.
So what should you do about weight control?
Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian, who can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss, then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.
Weight management is about long-term success. People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all (and often more) of the pounds they lost because they haven't permanently changed their habits. Therefore, the best weight-management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime. That's a long time, so we'll try to keep these suggestions as easy as possible!
Make it a family affair. Ask your mom or dad to lend help and support and to make dietary or lifestyle changes that will benefit the whole family, if possible. Teens who have the support of their families tend to have better results with their weight-management programs. But remember, you should all work together in a friendly and helpful way — making weight loss into a competition is a recipe for disaster!
Watch your drinks. It's amazing how many extra calories can be lurking in the sodas, juices, and other drinks that you take in every day. Simply cutting out a can of soda or one sports drink can save you 150 calories or more each day. Drink water or other sugar-free drinks to quench your thirst and stay away from sugary juices and sodas. Switching from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.
Start small. Small changes are a lot easier to stick with than drastic ones. Try reducing the size of the portions you eat and giving up regular soda for a week. Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.
Stop eating when you're full. Lots of people eat when they're bored, lonely, or stressed, or keep eating long after they're full out of habit. Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you're full. Slowing down can help because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize how much is in your stomach. Sometimes taking a break before going for seconds can keep you from eating another serving.
Avoid eating when you feel upset or bored — try to find something else to do instead (a walk around the block or a trip to the gym are good alternatives). Many people find it's helpful to keep a diary of what they eat and when. Reviewing the diary later can help them identify the emotions they have when they overeat or whether they have unhealthy habits. A registered dietitian can give you pointers on how to do this.
Eat less more often. Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals. Stick a couple of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, whole-grain pretzels, or a piece of fruit) in your backpack so that you can have one or two snacks during the day. Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you to cut calories without feeling deprived.
Five a day keep the pounds away. Ditch the junk food and dig out the fruits and veggies! Five servings of fruits and veggies aren't just a good idea to help you lose weight — they'll help keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy. Other suggestions for eating well: replace white bread with whole wheat, trade your sugary sodas for water and low-fat milk, and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Having low-sugar, whole-grain cereal and low-fat milk with a piece of fruit is a much better idea than inhaling a donut as you run to the bus stop or eating no breakfast at all! A registered dietitian can give you lots of other snack and menu ideas.
Avoid fad diets. It's never a good idea to trade meals for shakes or to give up a food group in the hope that you'll lose weight — we all need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Stay away from fad diets because you're still growing and need to make sure you get proper nutrients. Avoid diet pills (even the over-the-counter or herbal variety). They can be dangerous to your health; besides, there's no evidence that they help keep weight off over the long term.
Don't banish certain foods. Don't tell yourself you'll never again eat your absolutely favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a bag of chips from the vending machine at school. Making these foods forbidden is sure to make you want them even more. Also, don't go fat free: You need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn't a good idea. The key to long-term success is making healthy choices most of the time. If you want a piece of cake at a party, go for it! But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out.
Get moving. You may find that you don't need to cut calories as much as you need to get off your behind. Don't get stuck in the rut of thinking you have to play a team sport or take an aerobics class to get exercise. Try a variety of activities from hiking to cycling to dancing until you find ones you like.
Not a jock? Find other ways to fit activity into your day: walk to school, jog up and down the stairs a couple of times before your morning shower, turn off the tube and help your parents in the garden, or take a stroll past your crush's house — anything that gets you moving. Your goal should be to work up to 60 minutes of exercise every day. But everyone has to begin somewhere. It's fine to start out by simply taking a few turns around the block before bed and building up your levels of fitness gradually.
Build muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. So adding strength training to your exercise routine can help you reach your weight loss goals as well as give you a toned bod. And weights are not the only way to go: Try resistance bands, pilates, or push-ups to get strong. A good, well-balanced fitness routine includes aerobic workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Forgive yourself. So you were going to have one cracker with spray cheese on it and the next thing you know the can's pumping air and the box is empty? Drink some water, brush your teeth, and move on. Everyone who's ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don't look back. Avoid telling yourself that you'll get back on track tomorrow or next week or after New Year's. Start now.
Try to remember that losing weight isn't going to make you a better person — and it won't magically change your life. It's a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it's just that: healthy.
This can be safe weight loss.
How kind of rapid weight loss can safely lose weight »
How kind of rapid weight loss can safely lose weight »
Losing weight is probably on the top of nearly everyone's New Year's resolution this year. This is the year you will get to your goal weight. All you have to do is incorporate these simple steps into your life and I'll show you how to lose weight.
1) Drink lots of water - Drinking a lot of water (at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses a day) is very important for your health and it will help you shed pounds faster. Water hydrates your body and replenishes your system.
It helps to flush out your intestines of anything that shouldn't still be there and keeps your liver working like it should. Water will even help your skin, making it clearer, as well as making your hair healthier. Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it is not that hard at all. The best part about adding more water to your diet is that it will force you to not drink other beverages that are not healthy, such as sodas, juices, coffee, etc.
2) Exercise - Getting your body moving is vital to losing weight. You should start slow, especially if you haven't exercised in a while. After a couple of weeks of small steps in exercise, such as walking once a day for thirty minutes, you need to start increasing the intensity of your exercise. Increasing the intensity of your exercise and continually challenging yourself will help you lose weight easier, make you feel better, give you more energy and help you drop weight faster than if you just kept doing the same thing.
Plus, it can get rather boring doing the same thing all the time. Changing it up about once a week will keep it fun for you. The key to a good workout routine is doing it at least three times a week (everyday is the best) and including aerobic exercise with weight training, which I will talk about below. Aerobics will help your flexibility, keep your heart healthy, improve your lung function and so much more.
3) Diet - I know, the word sounds daunting, but it's not about taking away or restricting you. Dieting is about change. You must change the way you think about food, the way you eat and the way you see food. Don't make any drastic changes, because you will probably not be able to make them and simply get disappointed and that leads to quitting.
Moderation is the key for any diet, for anyone. Add foods to your diet that you never tried before. Eating a variety of healthy foods is extremely important. You should be eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and grains. Change your grains to whole grains, as this is much healthier than processed, refined grains. Eat fish at least twice a week if you can. You can increase your metabolism simply by eating six smaller meals daily rather than three larger meals.
This will also help shrink your stomach so you don't feel that you need to eat so much in one sitting. There are many healthy snacks out there such as peanuts, vegetables, fruit, yogurt, cheeses, cereals, pretzels and so on. These are also foods you should be able to eat on the go. Food is not your enemy - it is your friend.
Food is what gives us the fuel we need to do what we need to do in a day. However, without exercise, dieting can be frustrating. We need to exercise as well to use those calories and carbohydrates so we can turn our fat into muscle, which brings me to my next point of discussion.
4) Gaining muscle - Gaining muscle just might be the most important aspect of your weight loss plan. With more muscle (even just an added pound of muscle), you will increase your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you will be burning fat even when you are sleeping!
With weight training, you can use dumbbells, ankle weights or a resistance workout. This will even help make your bones healthier and stronger. Gaining muscle may be just as important as the fat you lose.
Losing weight is probably on the top of nearly everyone's New Year's resolution this year. This is the year you will get to your goal weight. All you have to do is incorporate these simple steps into your life and I'll show you how to lose weight.
1) Drink lots of water - Drinking a lot of water (at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses a day) is very important for your health and it will help you shed pounds faster. Water hydrates your body and replenishes your system.
It helps to flush out your intestines of anything that shouldn't still be there and keeps your liver working like it should. Water will even help your skin, making it clearer, as well as making your hair healthier. Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it is not that hard at all. The best part about adding more water to your diet is that it will force you to not drink other beverages that are not healthy, such as sodas, juices, coffee, etc.
2) Exercise - Getting your body moving is vital to losing weight. You should start slow, especially if you haven't exercised in a while. After a couple of weeks of small steps in exercise, such as walking once a day for thirty minutes, you need to start increasing the intensity of your exercise. Increasing the intensity of your exercise and continually challenging yourself will help you lose weight easier, make you feel better, give you more energy and help you drop weight faster than if you just kept doing the same thing.
Plus, it can get rather boring doing the same thing all the time. Changing it up about once a week will keep it fun for you. The key to a good workout routine is doing it at least three times a week (everyday is the best) and including aerobic exercise with weight training, which I will talk about below. Aerobics will help your flexibility, keep your heart healthy, improve your lung function and so much more.
3) Diet - I know, the word sounds daunting, but it's not about taking away or restricting you. Dieting is about change. You must change the way you think about food, the way you eat and the way you see food. Don't make any drastic changes, because you will probably not be able to make them and simply get disappointed and that leads to quitting.
Moderation is the key for any diet, for anyone. Add foods to your diet that you never tried before. Eating a variety of healthy foods is extremely important. You should be eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and grains. Change your grains to whole grains, as this is much healthier than processed, refined grains. Eat fish at least twice a week if you can. You can increase your metabolism simply by eating six smaller meals daily rather than three larger meals.
This will also help shrink your stomach so you don't feel that you need to eat so much in one sitting. There are many healthy snacks out there such as peanuts, vegetables, fruit, yogurt, cheeses, cereals, pretzels and so on. These are also foods you should be able to eat on the go. Food is not your enemy - it is your friend.
Food is what gives us the fuel we need to do what we need to do in a day. However, without exercise, dieting can be frustrating. We need to exercise as well to use those calories and carbohydrates so we can turn our fat into muscle, which brings me to my next point of discussion.
4) Gaining muscle - Gaining muscle just might be the most important aspect of your weight loss plan. With more muscle (even just an added pound of muscle), you will increase your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you will be burning fat even when you are sleeping!
With weight training, you can use dumbbells, ankle weights or a resistance workout. This will even help make your bones healthier and stronger. Gaining muscle may be just as important as the fat you lose.
What are the conditions you will not lose campaign

For many people, regular physical exercise is the main motive want to lose weight or control their weight. But physical exercise is not an effective way to do » This view was now a challenge. Below together to see what the situation will not lose your campaign
Innate differences in form factors
A number of factors are beyond the control of you. Every person born, on their own and other people of different metabolism. Some people rest at a faster metabolism, or the body's fat-burning enzymes than others have more. La Fuge wrote that the presence of chronic muscle fibrillation muscle fibers seem less able to not "burn" in skeletal muscle fat. Therefore, they used in training the way the difficulties encountered when weight loss also a little bit more. Finally, sex is also a factor. Women tend to "burn" more subcutaneous fat, but they do not like a man can as easily remove abdominal fat.
Lose weight through exercise varying degrees of success
You may have heard, although the exercise is to maintain body weight increased, but less physical exercise on the extra weight is not very useful. You may also heard that only weight-bearing exercise (by the feet and legs support a body weight training methods) - such as jogging or brisk walking - can help you do not want less weight. And some other sports, like swimming and cycling, all the weight will not achieve much effect.
But the last you will find that there is no realization of this goal. You will be pondering Why is this »
In between physical activity and weight, in the end what the argument is correct? » In the end have no way to accurately calculate the different training methods by the consumption of calories » Training Council in the United States published in the latest magazine from the United States Duke University Medical Center in La Fuge Ralph wrote a report analysing the impact of exercise slimming effect of various factors.
La Fuge first to refute a popular point of view - since a pound of fat in the human body "burn" after the release of 3,500 calories of heat, with every run or walk a mile to consume 100 calories of heat, then when a Who ran 35 miles, he will be able to cut one pound of fat. In other words, if a lack of exercise that people started running every day or walk five miles, he will lose one pound per week weight.
Campaign consumption of calories is overvalued
La Fuge that the actual situation is not the case. Estimation of the above did not exercise deducted from the heat consumption.
Even if a person sitting for a few hours fixed, his body will consume some calories. For a person weighing 154 pounds, with the speed of 3.5 miles per hour walk every mile of the net calorie consumption only just 54 calories. If the 3.5 to 5 miles per hour the speed of fast walking, the consumption of calories per mile has 97 calories. If it is jogging or sprints, the number of calories consumed only 107 calories.
For a word that in the mobile equivalent of the distance, running the heat consumption is almost twice the speed of walking. Start your weight is also a factor: If your weight is less than 154 pounds, the calorie consumption, and so it is necessary to reduce the proportion If your weight is greater than 154 pounds, to a greater consumption of natural.
Dieting may be counterproductive
If you are walking on the treadmill or jogging, treadmill because of the assistance, the consumption of calories your body also prompted the treadmill than less 10 to 15 percent. But La Fuge also shows that treadmill has a positive side: "mechanical advantage of some physical activity can enhance the level of comfort, and reduce the impact of the pressure on the muscles and bones."
In addition, if the weather conditions not good enough, but you can not or are reluctant to exercise outdoors, this time using the indoor exercise equipment, perhaps a week means you can consume more calories than usual.
The length of duration and intensity of physical activity are two other important factors, the body decided to "burn"
The number of fat have a need of energy. After all these fat that you want to cut things. The more you exercise is strenuous and long-term, you remove the more fat.
When you do not exercise to diet, you will lose muscle will not only lose fat. This will cause your diet played opposite effect, because the muscle will reduce very significantly reduces your body's basic metabolic rate, which determines the speed of your body time to rest in the number of calories consumed.
Load movement "burning" more fat
Movement against the weight of the body of the Earth's gravity. Like walking, jogging, skiing, dancing, wandering Han Bing and the stairs to board the aerobic exercise on a weight-bearing movements. In the same level of training circumstances, the weight-bearing sports than swimming, cycling or water aerobics burn more calories.
The muscle groups involved in training, the more you may "burn" more out of the heat. This is the fight against Earth's gravity than non-weight-bearing activities of the reasons for the need for more heat. On the other hand, because, like swimming such a way to exercise pressure on weight-bearing joints relatively small, so many people more time to conduct such training, made up swimming less consumption of energy deficiencies.
If you have outdoor activities also include walked over the mountains, you will per minute than in the plains on the same train when the consumption of more calories. However, if you are involved in the resistance exercise - in the outdoor loading or through the machinery to strengthen the training of different muscle groups on the way - you might be a few more pounds of muscle, which was partially offset by less fat lost weight .
In other words, the consumption of the same calories, you lose in this way may be less than the weight like walking and swimming as aerobic exercise, but you will become more stronger to get to know more. After the increase in the number of muscle, your body's basic metabolic rate will rise, you throughout the day and night, of course, more consumption of calories. As the muscles to maintain the water less, and the same weight of fat compared to the relatively small place, remove the fat by adding muscle, you can not reduce the weight scale at the same time reduce the size of the body.
Slimming effect of physical factors
And the same time compared to aerobic exercise, resistance training, "burning" of fat or less certain.
La Fuge that you have chosen the more skilled training methods, the same will also affect the number of calories consumed. Those less skilled people often do unnecessary movements or have to make more efforts to carry out training. Of course, their consumption of calories per hour more than Confirmed. This sounds like novices or have an advantage, but there is a clear weakness: De Yekuai fatigue, exercise less time.
In order to "burn" the heat, another factor to consider: After the training, the use of the human body will increase the number of calories. Whether aerobic exercise or resistance training, will be tempered after the 12 to 24 hours to increase energy consumption, and the number of great - from 10 to 150 calories there. It depends on the type of training, length and intensity level. Although this sounds small, but day after day, and accumulated a lot. Those who are too obese people and normal people engaged in the same exercise, the same intensity the same time, the consumption of fat to the corresponding number.
However, some people used to eat a more dynamic approach has less to compensate for the loss of body heat. If you campaign over, let themselves too fatigue, and you will perhaps one day remaining in the period of reduced activity. As a result, the benefits of exercise have been fewer.
Or, if you know in their morning exercises in the consumption of 300 extra calories, then you may intentionally or unintentionally eat things in the day, the compensation of these losses the heat. From the other hand, many people found in the lunch or dinner before the Games had people not keen appetite, resulting in reduced calorie intake. This enable them to exercise their own, can reduce body weight.
For many people, regular physical exercise is the main motive want to lose weight or control their weight. But physical exercise is not an effective way to do » This view was now a challenge. Below together to see what the situation will not lose your campaign
Innate differences in form factors
A number of factors are beyond the control of you. Every person born, on their own and other people of different metabolism. Some people rest at a faster metabolism, or the body's fat-burning enzymes than others have more. La Fuge wrote that the presence of chronic muscle fibrillation muscle fibers seem less able to not "burn" in skeletal muscle fat. Therefore, they used in training the way the difficulties encountered when weight loss also a little bit more. Finally, sex is also a factor. Women tend to "burn" more subcutaneous fat, but they do not like a man can as easily remove abdominal fat.
Lose weight through exercise varying degrees of success
You may have heard, although the exercise is to maintain body weight increased, but less physical exercise on the extra weight is not very useful. You may also heard that only weight-bearing exercise (by the feet and legs support a body weight training methods) - such as jogging or brisk walking - can help you do not want less weight. And some other sports, like swimming and cycling, all the weight will not achieve much effect.
But the last you will find that there is no realization of this goal. You will be pondering Why is this »
In between physical activity and weight, in the end what the argument is correct? » In the end have no way to accurately calculate the different training methods by the consumption of calories » Training Council in the United States published in the latest magazine from the United States Duke University Medical Center in La Fuge Ralph wrote a report analysing the impact of exercise slimming effect of various factors.
La Fuge first to refute a popular point of view - since a pound of fat in the human body "burn" after the release of 3,500 calories of heat, with every run or walk a mile to consume 100 calories of heat, then when a Who ran 35 miles, he will be able to cut one pound of fat. In other words, if a lack of exercise that people started running every day or walk five miles, he will lose one pound per week weight.
Campaign consumption of calories is overvalued
La Fuge that the actual situation is not the case. Estimation of the above did not exercise deducted from the heat consumption.
Even if a person sitting for a few hours fixed, his body will consume some calories. For a person weighing 154 pounds, with the speed of 3.5 miles per hour walk every mile of the net calorie consumption only just 54 calories. If the 3.5 to 5 miles per hour the speed of fast walking, the consumption of calories per mile has 97 calories. If it is jogging or sprints, the number of calories consumed only 107 calories.
For a word that in the mobile equivalent of the distance, running the heat consumption is almost twice the speed of walking. Start your weight is also a factor: If your weight is less than 154 pounds, the calorie consumption, and so it is necessary to reduce the proportion If your weight is greater than 154 pounds, to a greater consumption of natural.
Dieting may be counterproductive
If you are walking on the treadmill or jogging, treadmill because of the assistance, the consumption of calories your body also prompted the treadmill than less 10 to 15 percent. But La Fuge also shows that treadmill has a positive side: "mechanical advantage of some physical activity can enhance the level of comfort, and reduce the impact of the pressure on the muscles and bones."
In addition, if the weather conditions not good enough, but you can not or are reluctant to exercise outdoors, this time using the indoor exercise equipment, perhaps a week means you can consume more calories than usual.
The length of duration and intensity of physical activity are two other important factors, the body decided to "burn"
The number of fat have a need of energy. After all these fat that you want to cut things. The more you exercise is strenuous and long-term, you remove the more fat.
When you do not exercise to diet, you will lose muscle will not only lose fat. This will cause your diet played opposite effect, because the muscle will reduce very significantly reduces your body's basic metabolic rate, which determines the speed of your body time to rest in the number of calories consumed.
Load movement "burning" more fat
Movement against the weight of the body of the Earth's gravity. Like walking, jogging, skiing, dancing, wandering Han Bing and the stairs to board the aerobic exercise on a weight-bearing movements. In the same level of training circumstances, the weight-bearing sports than swimming, cycling or water aerobics burn more calories.
The muscle groups involved in training, the more you may "burn" more out of the heat. This is the fight against Earth's gravity than non-weight-bearing activities of the reasons for the need for more heat. On the other hand, because, like swimming such a way to exercise pressure on weight-bearing joints relatively small, so many people more time to conduct such training, made up swimming less consumption of energy deficiencies.
If you have outdoor activities also include walked over the mountains, you will per minute than in the plains on the same train when the consumption of more calories. However, if you are involved in the resistance exercise - in the outdoor loading or through the machinery to strengthen the training of different muscle groups on the way - you might be a few more pounds of muscle, which was partially offset by less fat lost weight .
In other words, the consumption of the same calories, you lose in this way may be less than the weight like walking and swimming as aerobic exercise, but you will become more stronger to get to know more. After the increase in the number of muscle, your body's basic metabolic rate will rise, you throughout the day and night, of course, more consumption of calories. As the muscles to maintain the water less, and the same weight of fat compared to the relatively small place, remove the fat by adding muscle, you can not reduce the weight scale at the same time reduce the size of the body.
Slimming effect of physical factors
And the same time compared to aerobic exercise, resistance training, "burning" of fat or less certain.
La Fuge that you have chosen the more skilled training methods, the same will also affect the number of calories consumed. Those less skilled people often do unnecessary movements or have to make more efforts to carry out training. Of course, their consumption of calories per hour more than Confirmed. This sounds like novices or have an advantage, but there is a clear weakness: De Yekuai fatigue, exercise less time.
In order to "burn" the heat, another factor to consider: After the training, the use of the human body will increase the number of calories. Whether aerobic exercise or resistance training, will be tempered after the 12 to 24 hours to increase energy consumption, and the number of great - from 10 to 150 calories there. It depends on the type of training, length and intensity level. Although this sounds small, but day after day, and accumulated a lot. Those who are too obese people and normal people engaged in the same exercise, the same intensity the same time, the consumption of fat to the corresponding number.
However, some people used to eat a more dynamic approach has less to compensate for the loss of body heat. If you campaign over, let themselves too fatigue, and you will perhaps one day remaining in the period of reduced activity. As a result, the benefits of exercise have been fewer.
Or, if you know in their morning exercises in the consumption of 300 extra calories, then you may intentionally or unintentionally eat things in the day, the compensation of these losses the heat. From the other hand, many people found in the lunch or dinner before the Games had people not keen appetite, resulting in reduced calorie intake. This enable them to exercise their own, can reduce body weight.
Shoutuixiyao rest of the small gymnastics
The crush their work, or go to school to the MM, can use the time to rest at noon on activities, we recommend the following for such a small gymnastics, will be able to play a Long Legs Xiyao Oh, the magical effect.
First, legs frequently cited:
Supine, legs held up a right angle, Shuangxi peg-leg, and muscle relaxation. Quick to do 100-180 (day-by-by).
Second, riding tread Sports:
Supine do tread bike action. Leg Press speed faster, started 40 times, each time gradually increased to 150.
Third, his legs moving:
Supine, elbow flexion, palm down, right leg knees, moved to the left, forced turnover thigh, knee touchdown, and then change legs do. Each of the legs to do 10 to 20 times by the daily.
4, the body slowly to:
Duanzuo the ground, his legs separated from his hands, hands Protrusion left to right repeatedly, to 10 to 15 times. Supine, muscle completely relaxed, the whole repeat 3-5 times, gradually increasing.
5, buttocks walk:
Straight legs, back and hands to help foot the rise, taking the same side, and so forward movement 5-10 meters. Twice a day, one by one by distance.
Will be kicked placed chair, to vary-bending, feet first touch, do 10 to 15 times. Then-for-pin to do, by the daily.
Recommended reading:
Lose weight together to do gymnastics
Simple diet Miaozhao
Like how to build as soon as possible to become Transamerica, does not occupy too much valuable work time? »Today to introduce a simple diet Miaozhao
Thin Miaozhao 1: slimming tea
Slimming thin case: Talking about the secret stay in shape, she said netizens daily drink plenty of tea a day will drink a packet of slimming teas, the long run will be much better defecation, people feel very relaxed. Netizen said he had been drinking Pitt students SO slimming tea, "tea drinking to facilitate the weight loss, each time after drinking from in vitro have oily stool, will not have adverse effects on the body, but also provide nutrients for the body and Add water, the skin has become white Hongrun.
Expert Comments: a series of recent experimental results show that some tea can be effective in preventing obesity. Tea contains a lot of food fiber, and fiber can not be digested food, stay in the womb of a long time, there will be full of feeling full, more importantly, it can burn fat, this is the key role of vitamin B1 . Tea rich in vitamin B1, is the full fat burning and energy into the necessary material.
Thin Miaozhao 2: stairs slimming
Slimming thin case: Speaking of thin, netizens said that when the study because of regular exercise, is of fairly satisfactory, after working as usual too busy, there is no extra time for exercise, the results of a burden on the fat of 11, Plus' skeletons have been spectacular on the comparison, looks even more, '. Later start slimming adhere to the stairs, one month down the results on thin three catties, but also changed the muscles of the firm. "
Expert Comments: In the plains on the stairs than take the amount of exercise or running good times, both running and jumping ability both, the reverse is also the Earth's magnetic effect, the stairs will not only hip range of activities increased, Can also lower limb muscle ligament and tendon flexibility to receive training in order to achieve strong gluten remarkably effective.
Further, it was determined in a sit-in at the energy consumption of 100 kcal / hour, walk for 200 kcal / hour, swimming to 550 kcal / hour, while running-tread staircase to 1000 kcal / hour, so much energy Consumption is, after all, fit and lose weight "panacea."
Thin Miaozhao 3: The chair fitness slimming
Slimming thin case: User that she stay in shape the secret is to use office furniture fitness. She said that as long as one can have time to do the following actions:
1. Upper body sitting upright in the chair, the two arms down. Yang previously the head, about the dumping, and then right to left turn lap, the second rotation the opposite direction, to three.
2. After two of his arm extended, cross-Ten, palm outward, as far as possible extension, chest started to maintain the posture 3-5 seconds.
3. Shoring hands to help in the table. Legs Binglong extension, the entire body and desktop form a diagonal, the two arm flexion fall and Chengqi body, hold out for 15 to 20.
Expert Comments: Office of prolonged sitting, back and shoulder fatigue easily. Proper use of office furniture fitness, it can eliminate fatigue, greatly increasing efficiency and reducing the excess fat arm, the United States to maintain body.
Long period of time sitting at a computer table, abdomen and buttocks is most likely to take shape, it should be tempered. Thin experts tell us, abdominal exercises can be Shoufu chairs, Shoufu chest, the former Taitui, led thigh leg tightened up as much as possible elevation to the abdomen, legs feel difficult to take turns; hip exercise can Shoufu chairs, Shoufu Chest and legs as far as possible future extension, rotation legs, feeling hard done so far. This will obviously help you lose weight
As long as you Kennu of the body is a good, oh:)
Thin Miaozhao 1: slimming tea
Slimming thin case: Talking about the secret stay in shape, she said netizens daily drink plenty of tea a day will drink a packet of slimming teas, the long run will be much better defecation, people feel very relaxed. Netizen said he had been drinking Pitt students SO slimming tea, "tea drinking to facilitate the weight loss, each time after drinking from in vitro have oily stool, will not have adverse effects on the body, but also provide nutrients for the body and Add water, the skin has become white Hongrun.
Expert Comments: a series of recent experimental results show that some tea can be effective in preventing obesity. Tea contains a lot of food fiber, and fiber can not be digested food, stay in the womb of a long time, there will be full of feeling full, more importantly, it can burn fat, this is the key role of vitamin B1 . Tea rich in vitamin B1, is the full fat burning and energy into the necessary material.
Thin Miaozhao 2: stairs slimming
Slimming thin case: Speaking of thin, netizens said that when the study because of regular exercise, is of fairly satisfactory, after working as usual too busy, there is no extra time for exercise, the results of a burden on the fat of 11, Plus' skeletons have been spectacular on the comparison, looks even more, '. Later start slimming adhere to the stairs, one month down the results on thin three catties, but also changed the muscles of the firm. "
Expert Comments: In the plains on the stairs than take the amount of exercise or running good times, both running and jumping ability both, the reverse is also the Earth's magnetic effect, the stairs will not only hip range of activities increased, Can also lower limb muscle ligament and tendon flexibility to receive training in order to achieve strong gluten remarkably effective.
Further, it was determined in a sit-in at the energy consumption of 100 kcal / hour, walk for 200 kcal / hour, swimming to 550 kcal / hour, while running-tread staircase to 1000 kcal / hour, so much energy Consumption is, after all, fit and lose weight "panacea."
Thin Miaozhao 3: The chair fitness slimming
Slimming thin case: User that she stay in shape the secret is to use office furniture fitness. She said that as long as one can have time to do the following actions:
1. Upper body sitting upright in the chair, the two arms down. Yang previously the head, about the dumping, and then right to left turn lap, the second rotation the opposite direction, to three.
2. After two of his arm extended, cross-Ten, palm outward, as far as possible extension, chest started to maintain the posture 3-5 seconds.
3. Shoring hands to help in the table. Legs Binglong extension, the entire body and desktop form a diagonal, the two arm flexion fall and Chengqi body, hold out for 15 to 20.
Expert Comments: Office of prolonged sitting, back and shoulder fatigue easily. Proper use of office furniture fitness, it can eliminate fatigue, greatly increasing efficiency and reducing the excess fat arm, the United States to maintain body.
Long period of time sitting at a computer table, abdomen and buttocks is most likely to take shape, it should be tempered. Thin experts tell us, abdominal exercises can be Shoufu chairs, Shoufu chest, the former Taitui, led thigh leg tightened up as much as possible elevation to the abdomen, legs feel difficult to take turns; hip exercise can Shoufu chairs, Shoufu Chest and legs as far as possible future extension, rotation legs, feeling hard done so far. This will obviously help you lose weight
As long as you Kennu of the body is a good, oh:)
Ultra-thin popular coffee bath Law

Below are suggested a super-popular coffee-bath method of thin
Coffee diet of thin bath principle:
Caffeine is the role of fat decomposition, penetrate the skin, subcutaneous tissue into the deep, direct combustion, consumption stored in body fat, can also stimulate the sympathetic nervous excitement, to reduce appetite and eat to achieve the objective. In a Japanese bath of thin Pao Kafei center, with an average 100 people a day, which is 100 people, 70% of women have demonstrated the slimming coffee bath method is more than the Japanese women's love!
Bath status of the raw materials of coffee, pepper and red wine bath and bath are different, coffee bath is liquid, and then the two is the powder.
It is used 10 kg of coffee beans Zhucheng concentrated coffee and then pour into hot water tank for human immersion.
The implementation of thin coffee bath:
1. Tank about 38 degrees and place around the hot water with a high degree of the best in the heart of the following half-baths.
2. To 10 kilograms of coffee beans Zhucheng concentrated coffee, pour into hot water tank immersion.
3. Soaking time is about 15 to 20 minutes. If there is cardiovascular disease, please use the intermittent water law: soak 5 minutes, get up three minutes rest, re-entry soaking pool, three times to cycle. Requests by individual physical condition to the discretion soaking time.
Research reports that caffeine does make people Bianshou, "the warm SPA Museum" responsible person, Mr. Matsui wanted: Since can drink coffee with thin, with the foam should have the same effect, because the body will be immersed in Coffee acidic environment, the skin can be a wake-up call (refresh) the role, and a side of a coffee flavor that makes people calm, quiet mood.
Experimental stem-Americans experience reviews:
I go after the bubble bath water quality coffee found some Sese, soaking the time the body will slowly fever, and then suddenly accelerate blood circulation, from the body out of a sense of excitement, the spirit of it inspired people, and then Paoshui diluted with a light coffee-and bring a feeling very uncomfortable, there is only one word to describe ─ ─ Chan!
In addition, the Americans also found that immersion in the process of cleansing the skin Mo Qilai particular, it is because we generally take a bath soap is alkaline, and occasionally allow themselves to adapt to the skin, and in the acidic environment, Is absolutely points effects. Therefore, like the diet of coffee, the next may wish to own a coffee at home bubble bath give it a try, to experience the Paoka Fei bath and a cup of coffee brought about by different enjoy! Believe that you will be obsessed this approach oh
Below are suggested a super-popular coffee-bath method of thin
Coffee diet of thin bath principle:
Caffeine is the role of fat decomposition, penetrate the skin, subcutaneous tissue into the deep, direct combustion, consumption stored in body fat, can also stimulate the sympathetic nervous excitement, to reduce appetite and eat to achieve the objective. In a Japanese bath of thin Pao Kafei center, with an average 100 people a day, which is 100 people, 70% of women have demonstrated the slimming coffee bath method is more than the Japanese women's love!
Bath status of the raw materials of coffee, pepper and red wine bath and bath are different, coffee bath is liquid, and then the two is the powder.
It is used 10 kg of coffee beans Zhucheng concentrated coffee and then pour into hot water tank for human immersion.
The implementation of thin coffee bath:
1. Tank about 38 degrees and place around the hot water with a high degree of the best in the heart of the following half-baths.
2. To 10 kilograms of coffee beans Zhucheng concentrated coffee, pour into hot water tank immersion.
3. Soaking time is about 15 to 20 minutes. If there is cardiovascular disease, please use the intermittent water law: soak 5 minutes, get up three minutes rest, re-entry soaking pool, three times to cycle. Requests by individual physical condition to the discretion soaking time.
Research reports that caffeine does make people Bianshou, "the warm SPA Museum" responsible person, Mr. Matsui wanted: Since can drink coffee with thin, with the foam should have the same effect, because the body will be immersed in Coffee acidic environment, the skin can be a wake-up call (refresh) the role, and a side of a coffee flavor that makes people calm, quiet mood.
Experimental stem-Americans experience reviews:
I go after the bubble bath water quality coffee found some Sese, soaking the time the body will slowly fever, and then suddenly accelerate blood circulation, from the body out of a sense of excitement, the spirit of it inspired people, and then Paoshui diluted with a light coffee-and bring a feeling very uncomfortable, there is only one word to describe ─ ─ Chan!
In addition, the Americans also found that immersion in the process of cleansing the skin Mo Qilai particular, it is because we generally take a bath soap is alkaline, and occasionally allow themselves to adapt to the skin, and in the acidic environment, Is absolutely points effects. Therefore, like the diet of coffee, the next may wish to own a coffee at home bubble bath give it a try, to experience the Paoka Fei bath and a cup of coffee brought about by different enjoy! Believe that you will be obsessed this approach oh
Delicate slimming bubble bath to build good

Today to introduce a bubble bath refined diet is of good
Bathing with ways to lose weight is the way the ancients has been spread, made in this way to introduce law on slimming bathing
Fresh lemon bath
1, the lemon into thin slices;
2, gauze wrap, placed in the tub, bath soak about 30.
Effects: lemon are rich in vitamin C, can stimulate the skin microvascular, and promote blood circulation.
NOTE: Sun.
Health green tea bath
Green tea is the vanguard of thin Corps troops, can not think!
1, to drink green tea residue (three times the amount) or drink the Chabao 3-5 package, with gauze Baoqi;
2, the bag Add to bath water, to bathing, a bubble about 20 minutes.
Effects: elimination of fatigue, accelerate blood circulation and body fat consumption, both whitening effect.
Note: Do not use Ge Yecha
Coarse salt bath curve
Without the use of artificial modification of natural Cuyanpaozao, unconsciously thin, but many Japanese girls Body tips.
1, 2 spoons around the Cuyan, adding the warm water of 40 degrees Celsius.
2, bathing soak about 5 minutes, get up to leave about 30 seconds, once again bathing, so repeated 2-3 times.
3, finally, use of clean bathing body.
Effects: speed up the waste from the body, and salt in the minerals will be attached to the skin, increasing moisture effects, promote blood circulation and metabolism. In addition to downsizing, it has to headaches, shoulder acid have some effect.
Note: bath salts can be used to replace, but not with edible salt.
Delicate Sake Bath
Sake in Japan to rise to the beauty of thin materials, said Qi Jia effect, it is worth a try.
1,500 ml Sake Bangang mixed with hot water, wipe the chest, arm and neck and shoulder, about half an hour, sweating can be.
2,5 minutes later, the same way wipe the waist and legs.
Effects: promoting blood circulation and speed up the body metabolism, also deep clean pores in the dirt, the smooth shiny skin.
Note: the skin very sensitive to use.
More than four bathed the law are very good, oh, it is worth a try
Today to introduce a bubble bath refined diet is of good
Bathing with ways to lose weight is the way the ancients has been spread, made in this way to introduce law on slimming bathing
Fresh lemon bath
1, the lemon into thin slices;
2, gauze wrap, placed in the tub, bath soak about 30.
Effects: lemon are rich in vitamin C, can stimulate the skin microvascular, and promote blood circulation.
NOTE: Sun.
Health green tea bath
Green tea is the vanguard of thin Corps troops, can not think!
1, to drink green tea residue (three times the amount) or drink the Chabao 3-5 package, with gauze Baoqi;
2, the bag Add to bath water, to bathing, a bubble about 20 minutes.
Effects: elimination of fatigue, accelerate blood circulation and body fat consumption, both whitening effect.
Note: Do not use Ge Yecha
Coarse salt bath curve
Without the use of artificial modification of natural Cuyanpaozao, unconsciously thin, but many Japanese girls Body tips.
1, 2 spoons around the Cuyan, adding the warm water of 40 degrees Celsius.
2, bathing soak about 5 minutes, get up to leave about 30 seconds, once again bathing, so repeated 2-3 times.
3, finally, use of clean bathing body.
Effects: speed up the waste from the body, and salt in the minerals will be attached to the skin, increasing moisture effects, promote blood circulation and metabolism. In addition to downsizing, it has to headaches, shoulder acid have some effect.
Note: bath salts can be used to replace, but not with edible salt.
Delicate Sake Bath
Sake in Japan to rise to the beauty of thin materials, said Qi Jia effect, it is worth a try.
1,500 ml Sake Bangang mixed with hot water, wipe the chest, arm and neck and shoulder, about half an hour, sweating can be.
2,5 minutes later, the same way wipe the waist and legs.
Effects: promoting blood circulation and speed up the body metabolism, also deep clean pores in the dirt, the smooth shiny skin.
Note: the skin very sensitive to use.
More than four bathed the law are very good, oh, it is worth a try
How legs film Shoutui »

Today we look at how to use a leg up film Shoutui »
Below are suggested several Shoutui film with legs, help you lose weight fast legs
Papaya Shoutui film
Materials: papaya 1 / 2
Practice: papaya cleaned to grant Quzi, Add to fruit juice machine labeled as mud, stirring to evenly.
Wash mud juice legs will be spread evenly in both legs, the film will be used fresh legs wrapped up, wash legs after 30 minutes (seven days once). Elimination leg stubborn curves
Tomato Long Legs film
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 2 spoonful of honey
Practices: Wash tomatoes to Diqie block, Add to fruit juice machines labeled as Nizhuang, by adding honey stirred into a paste.
Shower mud film will be uniformly applied in the legs, Guoshang cling film, Fushang hot towels, wash after 15 minutes. Eliminate excess fat legs, skin whitening.
Sesame Shoutui film
Ingredients: sesame 150 g, water 300 ml
Practice: sesame ground into powder, into a paste by adding water Leveling Draw Frame.
Wash the legs with hot water, sesame paste evenly coated in the legs, thighs and small on both sides of the thick Tuidu can hand a little bit. Eliminate the stubborn curves and swelling in his leg.
Coffee fiber legs film
Materials: coffee powder 100 g, olive oil 3 drops, a spoonful of honey.
Practice: coffee powder and honey mixed evenly, adding olive oil can.
Cleaning the leg, will be evenly Tumo mud film in the legs, Guoshang cling film, Fushang hot towels, wash his leg after 20 minutes. Eliminate excess fat legs, remove the skin surface of aging skin.
Today we look at how to use a leg up film Shoutui »
Below are suggested several Shoutui film with legs, help you lose weight fast legs
Papaya Shoutui film
Materials: papaya 1 / 2
Practice: papaya cleaned to grant Quzi, Add to fruit juice machine labeled as mud, stirring to evenly.
Wash mud juice legs will be spread evenly in both legs, the film will be used fresh legs wrapped up, wash legs after 30 minutes (seven days once). Elimination leg stubborn curves
Tomato Long Legs film
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 2 spoonful of honey
Practices: Wash tomatoes to Diqie block, Add to fruit juice machines labeled as Nizhuang, by adding honey stirred into a paste.
Shower mud film will be uniformly applied in the legs, Guoshang cling film, Fushang hot towels, wash after 15 minutes. Eliminate excess fat legs, skin whitening.
Sesame Shoutui film
Ingredients: sesame 150 g, water 300 ml
Practice: sesame ground into powder, into a paste by adding water Leveling Draw Frame.
Wash the legs with hot water, sesame paste evenly coated in the legs, thighs and small on both sides of the thick Tuidu can hand a little bit. Eliminate the stubborn curves and swelling in his leg.
Coffee fiber legs film
Materials: coffee powder 100 g, olive oil 3 drops, a spoonful of honey.
Practice: coffee powder and honey mixed evenly, adding olive oil can.
Cleaning the leg, will be evenly Tumo mud film in the legs, Guoshang cling film, Fushang hot towels, wash his leg after 20 minutes. Eliminate excess fat legs, remove the skin surface of aging skin.
Several recommended effective thin microgastropods food

Today, as we recommended several thin microgastropods effective food to help you easily minus your microgastropods
If you do sit-ups every day to do almost unconscious, microgastropods are still consistent relaxation of the way, you should be eating in your review! !
1. Eggs
Can not find the protein content of eggs more than the rich food. Eggs popular nutritionist respected, because they contain all kinds of important amino acid, the body of these amino acids are used to "production" from the muscle fibers to the brain chemical composition, and so almost all the material. Study found that eating breakfast of eggs, they will be in a whole day, feel less hungry. Eggs contain protein and fat will have Guobao people a false impression.
Best consumption: If your cholesterol is not high, eating an egg a day. (An egg containing 213 milligrams of cholesterol)
3. Soybean
Soybean materialization of anti-rich, fiber and protein. Chifa variety of soybean, can be used as snacks or used for cooking, Baotang. There are also many types of soy products, such as tofu and soy milk, are healthy and delicious diet of. Journal of the American Institute of Nutrition study found that use soy milk instead of milk as a dinner drinks obesity can be more successful weight loss.
Best consumption: 25 grams per day of soy protein. (Banbei the cooked soybean with 130 calories and 11 grams of protein. 4 ounces tofu with 94 calories and 10 grams of protein)
3. Almonds
This delicious with nuts rich in protein, fiber, there are powerful antioxidants - vitamin E. It contained the mineral magnesium, is the body of energy, shape and muscle tissue of the necessity to maintain blood glucose. Stable blood sugar can effectively prevent excessive hunger caused by overeating and obesity. However, almond most magical feature is that it can stop the body's absorption of heat. Study found that the amygdala cell wall component can reduce the body's absorption of fat. Therefore, in the stomach to digest almond, it has to change its "thin".
Best consumption: 1 oz per day (about 23), about 160 calories.
4. Apple
Research has found that a long time ago Apple slimming effect. The women participating in the study were divided into two groups, a group of day to eat three apples or pears, while another group with oatmeal instead of fruit. Three months later, the first group of women weight loss even more. An apple with 5 grams fiber, and are 85 percent water, it is easy to feed people. Apple also contain Quercetin, a cancer of the ingredients, it can reduce cholesterol damage and promote lung health.
Best consumption: daily 1-2 Apple.
5. Green leafy vegetables
A cup of spinach containing only 40 calories, with 55 calories a cup of broccoli every day you have to meet the 20 per cent of the demand for cellulose, vegetable diet role is not questioned. And green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium, contribute to muscle coordination and movement to provide energy.
Best consumption: three meals a day should include vegetables, Zuotang, sandwiches, and even pasta can be boiled with vegetables as with CDs.
6. Yogurt
According to a recent obesity in a journal published a study, the major absorb calcium from yogurt have a flat crowd of microgastropods. Most of yogurt contains a number of fungi can promote the health of the digestive system and reduce abdominal distention, constipation, the microgastropods you look more flat.
Best consumption: 1-3 cups a day of low-fat yogurt or skim. Choose not sweetened yogurt, and then in the above plus some cut fruit to increase flavor.
7. Berries
Berries full of cellulose, is a good friend to each diet. The more you eat cellulose (the best daily intake is 25 to 35 grams), where you from other food absorption of heat will be the less. Because in the stomach to digest food completely before, they have fiber, "Yun" away. Berries (and other fruits) have a high content of antioxidants, can not only prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, and make your body to maximize the results of the campaign into the effectiveness of weight loss - by improving blood flow, Let muscle movements more efficient.
Best consumption: at least three glasses a day, or with volume of around 30 calories. In fact, you can eat as much as a large number of propeller fruit: strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and so on.
8. Salmon
Seafood, particularly salmon, tuna and mackerel and other fish are rich in Feimei Omega -3 fatty acids. This fatty acid metabolism can speed up, speed up consumption of body fat. An Australian study found that eating fish every day can increase the glucose obese - insulin response system, this means that the operation would slow down the digestive system, the desire of people on food decreased. If the above findings are not enough to allow you more fish, then perhaps the following facts will make you change your mind: the variety of seafood rich in protein to keep microgastropods health, Slender are very helpful.
Best consumption: two meals a week of salmon, about 4 ounces each meal. Wild salmon farming than the more expensive, but contain more Omega -3 fatty acids. If you really do not touch seafood, can also try the same rich in Omega -3 fatty acids, linseed and walnut.
9. Chenopodium Valley
Have never heard of it «This is a Banbei each containing five grams of cellulose and 11 grams of protein the full grain cereals. Like other cereals as cooking cooking Gu Li on the trip. Its taste like nuts, chewing up in Cuixiang.
Best consumption: a day at least half a cup of (health food stores for sale).
10. Vegetable soup
With the same heat with the vegetable soup to replace the snack food, can be more than the average annual lost 16 pounds! Moreover, do not like to eat vegetables for the people, this is also an easy way to eat vegetables.
Best consumption: at least a cup of low-calorie per day, hyponatremia in the vegetable soup.
The best thin microgastropods food should have the following standards: a lot of fiber, enough to eliminate abdominal distention; containing antioxidants, the more effective your campaign; should also contain enough protein to promote metabolic health. Above introduce you to the dozens of food are very thin microgastropods Oh, good food, worth a try
Today, as we recommended several thin microgastropods effective food to help you easily minus your microgastropods
If you do sit-ups every day to do almost unconscious, microgastropods are still consistent relaxation of the way, you should be eating in your review! !
1. Eggs
Can not find the protein content of eggs more than the rich food. Eggs popular nutritionist respected, because they contain all kinds of important amino acid, the body of these amino acids are used to "production" from the muscle fibers to the brain chemical composition, and so almost all the material. Study found that eating breakfast of eggs, they will be in a whole day, feel less hungry. Eggs contain protein and fat will have Guobao people a false impression.
Best consumption: If your cholesterol is not high, eating an egg a day. (An egg containing 213 milligrams of cholesterol)
3. Soybean
Soybean materialization of anti-rich, fiber and protein. Chifa variety of soybean, can be used as snacks or used for cooking, Baotang. There are also many types of soy products, such as tofu and soy milk, are healthy and delicious diet of. Journal of the American Institute of Nutrition study found that use soy milk instead of milk as a dinner drinks obesity can be more successful weight loss.
Best consumption: 25 grams per day of soy protein. (Banbei the cooked soybean with 130 calories and 11 grams of protein. 4 ounces tofu with 94 calories and 10 grams of protein)
3. Almonds
This delicious with nuts rich in protein, fiber, there are powerful antioxidants - vitamin E. It contained the mineral magnesium, is the body of energy, shape and muscle tissue of the necessity to maintain blood glucose. Stable blood sugar can effectively prevent excessive hunger caused by overeating and obesity. However, almond most magical feature is that it can stop the body's absorption of heat. Study found that the amygdala cell wall component can reduce the body's absorption of fat. Therefore, in the stomach to digest almond, it has to change its "thin".
Best consumption: 1 oz per day (about 23), about 160 calories.
4. Apple
Research has found that a long time ago Apple slimming effect. The women participating in the study were divided into two groups, a group of day to eat three apples or pears, while another group with oatmeal instead of fruit. Three months later, the first group of women weight loss even more. An apple with 5 grams fiber, and are 85 percent water, it is easy to feed people. Apple also contain Quercetin, a cancer of the ingredients, it can reduce cholesterol damage and promote lung health.
Best consumption: daily 1-2 Apple.
5. Green leafy vegetables
A cup of spinach containing only 40 calories, with 55 calories a cup of broccoli every day you have to meet the 20 per cent of the demand for cellulose, vegetable diet role is not questioned. And green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium, contribute to muscle coordination and movement to provide energy.
Best consumption: three meals a day should include vegetables, Zuotang, sandwiches, and even pasta can be boiled with vegetables as with CDs.
6. Yogurt
According to a recent obesity in a journal published a study, the major absorb calcium from yogurt have a flat crowd of microgastropods. Most of yogurt contains a number of fungi can promote the health of the digestive system and reduce abdominal distention, constipation, the microgastropods you look more flat.
Best consumption: 1-3 cups a day of low-fat yogurt or skim. Choose not sweetened yogurt, and then in the above plus some cut fruit to increase flavor.
7. Berries
Berries full of cellulose, is a good friend to each diet. The more you eat cellulose (the best daily intake is 25 to 35 grams), where you from other food absorption of heat will be the less. Because in the stomach to digest food completely before, they have fiber, "Yun" away. Berries (and other fruits) have a high content of antioxidants, can not only prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, and make your body to maximize the results of the campaign into the effectiveness of weight loss - by improving blood flow, Let muscle movements more efficient.
Best consumption: at least three glasses a day, or with volume of around 30 calories. In fact, you can eat as much as a large number of propeller fruit: strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and so on.
8. Salmon
Seafood, particularly salmon, tuna and mackerel and other fish are rich in Feimei Omega -3 fatty acids. This fatty acid metabolism can speed up, speed up consumption of body fat. An Australian study found that eating fish every day can increase the glucose obese - insulin response system, this means that the operation would slow down the digestive system, the desire of people on food decreased. If the above findings are not enough to allow you more fish, then perhaps the following facts will make you change your mind: the variety of seafood rich in protein to keep microgastropods health, Slender are very helpful.
Best consumption: two meals a week of salmon, about 4 ounces each meal. Wild salmon farming than the more expensive, but contain more Omega -3 fatty acids. If you really do not touch seafood, can also try the same rich in Omega -3 fatty acids, linseed and walnut.
9. Chenopodium Valley
Have never heard of it «This is a Banbei each containing five grams of cellulose and 11 grams of protein the full grain cereals. Like other cereals as cooking cooking Gu Li on the trip. Its taste like nuts, chewing up in Cuixiang.
Best consumption: a day at least half a cup of (health food stores for sale).
10. Vegetable soup
With the same heat with the vegetable soup to replace the snack food, can be more than the average annual lost 16 pounds! Moreover, do not like to eat vegetables for the people, this is also an easy way to eat vegetables.
Best consumption: at least a cup of low-calorie per day, hyponatremia in the vegetable soup.
The best thin microgastropods food should have the following standards: a lot of fiber, enough to eliminate abdominal distention; containing antioxidants, the more effective your campaign; should also contain enough protein to promote metabolic health. Above introduce you to the dozens of food are very thin microgastropods Oh, good food, worth a try
Cocoa powder slimming method
Today to introduce the cocoa powder diet of cocoa in the mud extrusion process, in addition to part of fat, and the remaining solid material is called cocoa cake, the cake after milling on the formation of the cocoa powder.
Cocoa powder contains vitamins B2, and potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and other elements that can contribute effectively to the muscles and body reflective system and stimulate blood circulation to the effect of weight loss. Is a good diet supplies, sound health is very good, oh
Below to take a look at some of it cocoa powder slimming
1, cocoa powder and Guiling Gao at the same time the use of slimming
Ingredients: cocoa powder, the original flavor Guiling Gao 1 box
Approach: in Guiling Gao added a spoon of cocoa powder and ready-to-eat after cuts
Chifa: As early as before the dinner in a box, for 2-3 weeks, the results became clear
Efficacy: diuretic, ruled out intestinal long-term accumulation of toxins, thin waist easily achieve the effect.
Food Note:
1, 10:00 and 16:00 consumption effect is not bad
Second, cocoa Guiling Gao alternative Breakfast
2, cocoa powder and soy milk at the same time the use of slimming method
Ingredients: cocoa powder, soy milk
Approach: a spoon adding cocoa powder 1 cup sugar-free soy milk, stirring to drink.
Chifa: sooner or later, one each, for human consumption 3-4 weeks evident result.
Efficacy: Qingrejiedu, strengthening fat burning. Another soybean milk containing large quantity of food fiber, with a little sweetness itself, can taste more beautiful.
Food Note:
1, cocoa soy milk can substitute breakfast, no longer need to eat other food.
Second, dinner drink only one cup of cocoa soy milk, and then with a water, sugar less fruit.
3, cocoa powder and slimming method used Liensinine
Materials: IL, cocoa powder
Practice: 10 grams liensinine the brew by adding boiling water, and 10 minutes later by adding cocoa powder 1 spoon, stirring to evenly consumption
Chifa: in the morning before a dinner in the Cup for three consecutive weeks
Effects: IL-fire, cocoa and Water, particularly applicable to the intractable, Zaore-fat physique.
PS: Lin hearts of pharmacies for sale, cocoa powder in a supermarket
Food Note:
1, please use the alkalization pure cocoa powder
Second, using this method lose weight, eating meals in the normal 1 / 3
It is pretty good, the production of cheap, if you try conditional oh
Cocoa powder contains vitamins B2, and potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and other elements that can contribute effectively to the muscles and body reflective system and stimulate blood circulation to the effect of weight loss. Is a good diet supplies, sound health is very good, oh
Below to take a look at some of it cocoa powder slimming
1, cocoa powder and Guiling Gao at the same time the use of slimming
Ingredients: cocoa powder, the original flavor Guiling Gao 1 box
Approach: in Guiling Gao added a spoon of cocoa powder and ready-to-eat after cuts
Chifa: As early as before the dinner in a box, for 2-3 weeks, the results became clear
Efficacy: diuretic, ruled out intestinal long-term accumulation of toxins, thin waist easily achieve the effect.
Food Note:
1, 10:00 and 16:00 consumption effect is not bad
Second, cocoa Guiling Gao alternative Breakfast
2, cocoa powder and soy milk at the same time the use of slimming method
Ingredients: cocoa powder, soy milk
Approach: a spoon adding cocoa powder 1 cup sugar-free soy milk, stirring to drink.
Chifa: sooner or later, one each, for human consumption 3-4 weeks evident result.
Efficacy: Qingrejiedu, strengthening fat burning. Another soybean milk containing large quantity of food fiber, with a little sweetness itself, can taste more beautiful.
Food Note:
1, cocoa soy milk can substitute breakfast, no longer need to eat other food.
Second, dinner drink only one cup of cocoa soy milk, and then with a water, sugar less fruit.
3, cocoa powder and slimming method used Liensinine
Materials: IL, cocoa powder
Practice: 10 grams liensinine the brew by adding boiling water, and 10 minutes later by adding cocoa powder 1 spoon, stirring to evenly consumption
Chifa: in the morning before a dinner in the Cup for three consecutive weeks
Effects: IL-fire, cocoa and Water, particularly applicable to the intractable, Zaore-fat physique.
PS: Lin hearts of pharmacies for sale, cocoa powder in a supermarket
Food Note:
1, please use the alkalization pure cocoa powder
Second, using this method lose weight, eating meals in the normal 1 / 3
It is pretty good, the production of cheap, if you try conditional oh
Chila exercise help you lose weight fast

Below to introduce a help you lose weight fast approach: Chila exercise help you lose weight fast
Rapid weight loss has been a topic of concern, we can refer to our rapid weight loss channel, here are some quick weight loss methods and note
Today to introduce the slimming method is very simple. Take a look at a case: Miss one day at home persist in doing 10 minutes of aerobics, and every day to eat hot pepper, onion and ginger, and so, naturally drop their weight down. "You Look! Even I could not believe that all of a sudden a lot less weight!" Zhanxing who lives in the Miss Hong Kong, start with their friends whenever and incredible weight loss harvest, eventually so amazed Road. Also met with the doctors said: "Miss Chan tired of the gym, although her approach a bit thin 'instant success', but it is a success."
Below on this to see why Miss successful it will lose weight:
Peppers contain capsaicin, after the stimulus to eat into the tongue, oral mucosa, the mouth of the nerve endings, reflex down through the brain, promote saliva production, favorable to digest food, and people are easily excited, after the thrill of a spicy and delicious, be considered Is the ideal condiment.
At the same time Pepper has also increased the secretion of digestive juice gastrointestinal tract, the digestive juice containing FQ, not only to help digest food, but also strengthen the gastrointestinal motility.
Although Pepper has so many benefits, but not everyone can eat hot pepper, chili is not eat the more the better.
Below it is not appropriate to look at what people eat chili:
1. Suffering from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, esophagitis patients, because capsaicin stimulus mucosal congestion and edema, erosion, gastric peristalsis surge, caused by abdominal pain, diarrhoea, but also to digest the recovery.
2. Suffering from chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis patients, because capsaicin stimulus caused increased secretion of gastric acid, gastric acid can cause more cholecystokinin, biliary mouth sphincter spasm, causing bile from the difficulties, and induce cholecystitis, Biliary Colic and pancreatitis.
3. Suffering from cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, hypertension, patients should not eat hot pepper, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary heart disease, tuberculosis patients are no exception.
4. Patients suffering from hemorrhoids, as the stimulation of capsaicin, hemorrhoids venous congestion and edema, can add to hemorrhoids, even anal abscess formation. In addition pepper can increase constipation, hemorrhoids variable weight.
5. Suffering from Hong Yanbing, pepper keratitis patients Jishi, from the perspective of Chinese medicine Shanghuo easy, and increase the illness.
6. Maternal, pregnant women should not eat hot pepper, not only in Shengchuang mouth, dry stool, can make breast-feeding babies sick.
7. Shouren not eat hot pepper, often because of Yangan Shouren, I suffer, irritable irritability, if the consumption of pepper, not only add to the above symptoms, but also lead to easy bleeding, allergy and inflammation, will be in serious infections such as sore carbuncle .
8. Kidney patients should not eat hot pepper, capsaicin is a result of excretion through the kidneys, kidney damage cells, can cause serious kidney function. Hyperthyroid patients are unsuitable for consumption.
9. Are taking Chinese medicine treatment of patients with the disease is a taboo list, the food will affect the efficacy of capsaicin.
As long as all efforts to lose weight is not a difficult thing:)
Below to introduce a help you lose weight fast approach: Chila exercise help you lose weight fast
Rapid weight loss has been a topic of concern, we can refer to our rapid weight loss channel, here are some quick weight loss methods and note
Today to introduce the slimming method is very simple. Take a look at a case: Miss one day at home persist in doing 10 minutes of aerobics, and every day to eat hot pepper, onion and ginger, and so, naturally drop their weight down. "You Look! Even I could not believe that all of a sudden a lot less weight!" Zhanxing who lives in the Miss Hong Kong, start with their friends whenever and incredible weight loss harvest, eventually so amazed Road. Also met with the doctors said: "Miss Chan tired of the gym, although her approach a bit thin 'instant success', but it is a success."
Below on this to see why Miss successful it will lose weight:
Peppers contain capsaicin, after the stimulus to eat into the tongue, oral mucosa, the mouth of the nerve endings, reflex down through the brain, promote saliva production, favorable to digest food, and people are easily excited, after the thrill of a spicy and delicious, be considered Is the ideal condiment.
At the same time Pepper has also increased the secretion of digestive juice gastrointestinal tract, the digestive juice containing FQ, not only to help digest food, but also strengthen the gastrointestinal motility.
Although Pepper has so many benefits, but not everyone can eat hot pepper, chili is not eat the more the better.
Below it is not appropriate to look at what people eat chili:
1. Suffering from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, esophagitis patients, because capsaicin stimulus mucosal congestion and edema, erosion, gastric peristalsis surge, caused by abdominal pain, diarrhoea, but also to digest the recovery.
2. Suffering from chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis patients, because capsaicin stimulus caused increased secretion of gastric acid, gastric acid can cause more cholecystokinin, biliary mouth sphincter spasm, causing bile from the difficulties, and induce cholecystitis, Biliary Colic and pancreatitis.
3. Suffering from cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, hypertension, patients should not eat hot pepper, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary heart disease, tuberculosis patients are no exception.
4. Patients suffering from hemorrhoids, as the stimulation of capsaicin, hemorrhoids venous congestion and edema, can add to hemorrhoids, even anal abscess formation. In addition pepper can increase constipation, hemorrhoids variable weight.
5. Suffering from Hong Yanbing, pepper keratitis patients Jishi, from the perspective of Chinese medicine Shanghuo easy, and increase the illness.
6. Maternal, pregnant women should not eat hot pepper, not only in Shengchuang mouth, dry stool, can make breast-feeding babies sick.
7. Shouren not eat hot pepper, often because of Yangan Shouren, I suffer, irritable irritability, if the consumption of pepper, not only add to the above symptoms, but also lead to easy bleeding, allergy and inflammation, will be in serious infections such as sore carbuncle .
8. Kidney patients should not eat hot pepper, capsaicin is a result of excretion through the kidneys, kidney damage cells, can cause serious kidney function. Hyperthyroid patients are unsuitable for consumption.
9. Are taking Chinese medicine treatment of patients with the disease is a taboo list, the food will affect the efficacy of capsaicin.
As long as all efforts to lose weight is not a difficult thing:)
1020 posts: the largest feces feces

Long drought on Mannan
Gold nomination
Anthurium wedding night
Guzhi home event
40 Taibei life:
Spreading a urinary uric shoes
He Tang spread Kudang
Wiping the coding deduction breaking paper
Fangpi collapsing from feces
Long drought on Mannan
Gold nomination
Anthurium wedding night
Guzhi home event
40 Taibei life:
Spreading a urinary uric shoes
He Tang spread Kudang
Wiping the coding deduction breaking paper
Fangpi collapsing from feces
1019 posts: tight black pants, white thigh-ah! The little brother Chan bad. . .

A unit stationed on the 1st position was under siege for several days. Encouraged by the instructor for the morale of the soldiers, all convened a meeting, said: "tell you a piece of good news, bad news, we are willing to listen to what». " Both of the soldiers said: "The first hearing good news." Therefore instructor said: "We know that adhere to the higher level positions for several days, decided to give each of us for a underwear." "The bad news?» "The soldiers asked. Instructors are Shengshui "you with his exchange, he's with you the other."
A unit stationed on the 1st position was under siege for several days. Encouraged by the instructor for the morale of the soldiers, all convened a meeting, said: "tell you a piece of good news, bad news, we are willing to listen to what». " Both of the soldiers said: "The first hearing good news." Therefore instructor said: "We know that adhere to the higher level positions for several days, decided to give each of us for a underwear." "The bad news?» "The soldiers asked. Instructors are Shengshui "you with his exchange, he's with you the other."
1018 posts: fertilizer does not flow outsiders field. . .

Title: urinating!
Lifeguards: "I pay attention to you for a long time, you are not urinating in the pool!"
Eight of: "But we all urinating in the pool ah!"
Lifeguards: "But you did not like portraits, from the platform down on the spread !!!!!"
Title: urinating!
Lifeguards: "I pay attention to you for a long time, you are not urinating in the pool!"
Eight of: "But we all urinating in the pool ah!"
Lifeguards: "But you did not like portraits, from the platform down on the spread !!!!!"
1017 posts: two women, cameras, XX in progress. . . Too much of the pornography. .

Title: A village chief to see films.
A village chief read reprimanded his wife to return home after the film: people act Shijinyaohe foreign woman, you like a wood!
Night of the room, his wife asked mayor: crying? »
Village head said: shout it.
Bayao force a wife, Chekai voice shouted: mayor cao B! !
Title: A village chief to see films.
A village chief read reprimanded his wife to return home after the film: people act Shijinyaohe foreign woman, you like a wood!
Night of the room, his wife asked mayor: crying? »
Village head said: shout it.
Bayao force a wife, Chekai voice shouted: mayor cao B! !
1016 posts: grilled people whip, is now bake sale!
A joke: people whip
A Lady travel to Barcelona, Spain, came to the local noon most prestigious dinner. She saw a table next to a woman eating a very long stick bar, a lead she never Meixian food. The Lady think that is necessarily the product of Spain, must enjoy tasting.
She called over health services, then what is asked for the raw materials. The health service is very courteous, said: "Lady, it is bullwhip." Is a bullwhip, the Lady also quick to point a passenger.
But that health services are: "I am sorry, his wife, we are here bullwhip from the bullring in the field of cattle were killed, and we only city held a bullfight week. So there is no fresh stock. However, you can book the next week. "
No way, the wife of a passenger had reservations. A week later, she came to the hotel on time, this time not long, she was at the end of the dishes on the line, but an open lid, the Lady Borantainu, called off on the back of the health service that, asked : "Last week, I have seen that whip beverage long, but today I am this is not how to Qicun» "
Health services still very courteous replied: "I am sorry, his wife, this week, cattle win the 。。。。"
The joke: people whip wine
Named Xiao Liu naturally good Piao, Hua Liu repeated with the disease, then repair in the treatment of Myoho: men immediately after the war root Jinyu 52 ° Liquor, a short out. No law preventing this disease, sick package governance. So often wide mouth bottles containing alcohol, carry, after the war to the gun and immediately immersed, so far Baodaobulao.
1, before the company named Xiao Liu old office at higher levels to chat, and so named Xiao Liu came back to visit the toilet and found the old desk in the higher level named Xiao Liu has come up with the wide mouth bottles, drinking and being with relish. Named Xiao Liu Dajing pale, but at higher levels Mozui old Chan: "wine! Wine! Such a wine, you how I won possession» "
Named Xiao Liu had said: "We are here to work can not drink, I have to tea and wine, Cheers!"
1015 posts: at night without lights, was done. . .

A peasant migrant work, family and relatives live in a few days, relatives who lived in the 7th floor. One night, the peasants back, see a people just in front of public housing, street lamps are lit, I am very pleased to Shangpa. However, whenever he climb up a layer, the layer out on the street lamps. Digu his mind: "how the city lights are so Shili Yan, to see me, closed on their own."
To think about the work going today, Yue Xiangyue a gas pedal on the staircase, which is also on the bright lights up. Le farmers: "Sure enough, as the city lights of the city, also eat soft hard to eat, I angry it immediately-up."
A peasant migrant work, family and relatives live in a few days, relatives who lived in the 7th floor. One night, the peasants back, see a people just in front of public housing, street lamps are lit, I am very pleased to Shangpa. However, whenever he climb up a layer, the layer out on the street lamps. Digu his mind: "how the city lights are so Shili Yan, to see me, closed on their own."
To think about the work going today, Yue Xiangyue a gas pedal on the staircase, which is also on the bright lights up. Le farmers: "Sure enough, as the city lights of the city, also eat soft hard to eat, I angry it immediately-up."
1014 posts: solemn commitment, the four major guarantee!

Saying the war in Vietnam, the Vietnamese people held protest demonstrations. The procession of the flag fluttering high, reading: "Yankees rolling back! Also Shaoshang our way!"
Saying the war in Vietnam, the Vietnamese people held protest demonstrations. The procession of the flag fluttering high, reading: "Yankees rolling back! Also Shaoshang our way!"
1013 posts: in the hands Shenjin the Kudang. . . Too much of the color bar » !

To a very poor.
1, the one in the village to help the poor teams. The team members of the village are curious about everything, they can not stop, the villagers asked.
We came to a hut before, by a strange phenomenon has attracted attention. Only a small Yesun Liang is an old house before the sun, the old about 60 years old, three-year-old having only two children. Grandchildren handle the Kudang Shenjin Grandpa, what Daogu in high spirits.
We are puzzled, a member approached to ask law ham: "You grandchildren are doing ah» "
Some law ham embarrassed to answer: "the mountains and poor, can not afford to buy toys for children, I only let him play this' Transformers, '……"
To a very poor.
1, the one in the village to help the poor teams. The team members of the village are curious about everything, they can not stop, the villagers asked.
We came to a hut before, by a strange phenomenon has attracted attention. Only a small Yesun Liang is an old house before the sun, the old about 60 years old, three-year-old having only two children. Grandchildren handle the Kudang Shenjin Grandpa, what Daogu in high spirits.
We are puzzled, a member approached to ask law ham: "You grandchildren are doing ah» "
Some law ham embarrassed to answer: "the mountains and poor, can not afford to buy toys for children, I only let him play this' Transformers, '……"
1012 posts: Shaye Mei dancers wear too exposed ...... ......

There is a boys in the back nap, then invoked to answer, the student: "Samba is the first paragraph, is the second paragraph of Lombardy, is the third paragraph……" the teacher said: "Rolling!"
There is a boys in the back nap, then invoked to answer, the student: "Samba is the first paragraph, is the second paragraph of Lombardy, is the third paragraph……" the teacher said: "Rolling!"
1011 posts: one night for the eight positions, I face the final Dunong. .

In Taiwan there are a couple, two consecutive girl child are, therefore asked the doctor came to the clinic, "the doctor, ah, modern technology is developed, we want a boy how to do», "the doctor said:" estimated posture wrong, you have two After hearing from two ......", whispering overjoyed to go; year later, they went to clinics, "Dr ah, but also a woman.", "No bar, estimated or posture problems ! Either case, you do so, in my next guide! "Counting the two-time doctors came to the clinic in the next ......:" left, right, up, or not .... .., "His wife this anxious time," so, ah, your husband go to a doctor!. "
In Taiwan there are a couple, two consecutive girl child are, therefore asked the doctor came to the clinic, "the doctor, ah, modern technology is developed, we want a boy how to do», "the doctor said:" estimated posture wrong, you have two After hearing from two ......", whispering overjoyed to go; year later, they went to clinics, "Dr ah, but also a woman.", "No bar, estimated or posture problems ! Either case, you do so, in my next guide! "Counting the two-time doctors came to the clinic in the next ......:" left, right, up, or not .... .., "His wife this anxious time," so, ah, your husband go to a doctor!. "
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