The crush their work, or go to school to the MM, can use the time to rest at noon on activities, we recommend the following for such a small gymnastics, will be able to play a Long Legs Xiyao Oh, the magical effect.
First, legs frequently cited:
Supine, legs held up a right angle, Shuangxi peg-leg, and muscle relaxation. Quick to do 100-180 (day-by-by).
Second, riding tread Sports:
Supine do tread bike action. Leg Press speed faster, started 40 times, each time gradually increased to 150.
Third, his legs moving:
Supine, elbow flexion, palm down, right leg knees, moved to the left, forced turnover thigh, knee touchdown, and then change legs do. Each of the legs to do 10 to 20 times by the daily.
4, the body slowly to:
Duanzuo the ground, his legs separated from his hands, hands Protrusion left to right repeatedly, to 10 to 15 times. Supine, muscle completely relaxed, the whole repeat 3-5 times, gradually increasing.
5, buttocks walk:
Straight legs, back and hands to help foot the rise, taking the same side, and so forward movement 5-10 meters. Twice a day, one by one by distance.
Will be kicked placed chair, to vary-bending, feet first touch, do 10 to 15 times. Then-for-pin to do, by the daily.
Recommended reading:
Lose weight together to do gymnastics