Weight loss phenomenon: you may wonder, why not others Dachidahe obesity, and you eat the day timid, Yaofu Kyo, it is obviously » The answer in the metabolism.
Metabolism as the body inside a small machine, burning calories all the time. Due to genetic factors, some women fat-burning speed more quickly. But age, weight, diet, exercise habits will also have a role. With age, women's metabolic rate will gradually decline. From more than 20 at the age of 10 will be 56 pounds less muscle. In other words, at the age of 35 at the age of 25 than the daily consumption of 100 calories less calories. This sounds Although it is worried, but we still have some simple ways to tap the potential of the body Ranzhi.
Following is the 14 ST strokes tell you how to burn the body Ranzhi Wong flame. As long as such as the implementation of law, I believe that thin, Body, obesity will become easy.
1 calorie diet not by Meng
A very low calorie diet diet, weight loss is not an effective way. Because the body maintain normal body weight have a set of automatic procedures, so if you suddenly cut from the diet in 1000 kilocalories of heat, your body's metabolic rate basis (the body to maintain basic physiological functions such as breathing and heartbeats required by the heat Numerical) will automatically slow down, because now that your body is in a state of hunger.
Then, the body should be consumed every day how many calories it » This according to the size of your activities to determine. You will be the existing body weight (pounds) multiplied by 11 the result is that you should be in need of daily calories. For example, your weight is 120 pounds, the normal daily consumption of calories to about 1,320 kilocalories. Unless you are the height of less than 5 feet (1.52 meters) Do not make your daily calorie consumption of less than 1,200 kilocalories. Research shows that, where consumption of calories less than the value of women, the basis of their metabolic rate will be reduced as much as 45 percent.
2 diet must eat breakfast
Breakfast is three meals a day and in the metabolism and weight loss is most closely connected a meal. Many studies show that eating breakfast than to eat breakfast to lose weight more easily. As in sleep, metabolic rate is very low, only to again rise to restore a meal. Therefore, if neglected breakfast, lunch before the body can not burn fat as usual. That is why that breakfast intake of 300 to 400 kilocalories diet may be sensible reasons, because breakfast is the metabolism of the starter.
Researchers at the University of Australia will be high fat and high fibre carbohydrate breakfast breakfast to compare the effects found that all the consumption of high fat meal, the meal hunger faster time. The body to digest and absorb high-fiber carbohydrate diet than the time-fat food so that they will not cause blood sugar levels are large fluctuations, thus hunger is the time to be longer. Therefore, breakfast should contain a large number of high-fiber carbohydrates.
3 eat protein diet
Research shows that adequate intake of protein can improve the body's metabolism, the body will burn more than 150 daily to 200 kilocalories of heat. Protein is primarily composed of amino acids, the body digest the food to digest fat than carbohydrates and more time-consuming. Therefore, they Fenjie Diao on the need to burn more calories.
Of course, this does not mean that people with high-protein diet must be based. However, you should ensure that the total daily calorie intake of 10% to 35% from protein (such as fish, chicken, low-fat cheese, yogurt, beans), such a structure to be balanced diet.
4 obesity increase the number of meals
April 5 Dayton Daily eat small meals more than 3 Dayton feast metabolism to maintain strong levels. The time between meals to keep in 2 to 3 hours, and to ensure that each meal must have a protein food, because it is the metabolism of the reinforcer. For example, if you eat breakfast in high-fiber foods like cereal and fruit, breakfast and lunch between the Jiacan should be eating yogurt and fruit. As far as possible to eat lunch at 100 grams of chicken (or fish) outer a vegetable salad. Jiacan afternoon when an edible bananas and a low-fat cheese. Dinner to eat as much as possible, 1 to 100 to 150 grams of turkey, fish or 1 protein foods, vegetables plus 1.
5 eat good carbohydrate diet
Refined carbohydrates such as bread circle, white bread, make sharp fluctuations in the level of insulin, which promoted the corresponding body fat in the store, which will lower metabolic rate and body. As a result, added carbohydrates, should be better than those with a high cellulose, such as various types of vegetables, fruits and whole grain, and so on, they all belong to good carbohydrates, the food has little effect on insulin levels.
6 diet kick alcoholism
Fasting Xianghe a cocktail or other spirits? » That you please take the time to think twice glasses. Recently, a number of studies show that fasting will make more people drink intake of 200 kilocalories. Another study found that body to play in metabolic function, the first burning alcohol is contained in the heat. In other words, other restaurants in the heat may be used as storage in the subcutaneous fat. If you really intolerable alcoholism, may wish to drink some wine, every cup of wine contains only 80 calories of heat, and also contains a lot of healthy antioxidant substances.
7 slimming not weaned
Dairy products must be there every day. January 2003 the United States, "Journal of Nutrition," published a study that: all day to drink (water) three to four times milk, yoghurt and cheese and not the women who consumed dairy products compared to its fat will be more Reduce the more than 70 percent. Dairy lipid-lowering diet for: calcium in the milk and other ingredients interaction and enhance the body's metabolism, increase the burning excess body fat rate. Women in the daily consumption of dairy products at the same time, to add another 1,200 milligrams of calcium, Ranzhi can get the best results.
8 Mala soup diet drink
Research shows that Zuotang lunch or dinner or cooking, put some pepper, will temporarily increase the state body resting metabolic rate, the reason is that capsaicin will stimulate the body to release adrenaline, thus speeding up the metabolism, thereby enhancing the body The ability to burn calories. In addition, researchers also found that chilli can suppress appetite, postprandial not easy to make sense of hunger.
9 slimming Institute Bimuyangshen
Insufficient sleep will affect the body's metabolic functions. All less than four hours of sleep every night, the body of carbohydrates decomposition will face greater difficulties. When you feel fatigue, lack of energy on the body to maintain the functions of daily activities (including the burning heat), so your body's metabolic capacity will naturally reduce.
There are many ways to ensure adequate sleep, depending on their own will arrange a time. If you have a poor state of sleep, it will be time for training before going to sleep in two to three hours, this will Shuiyi closely with you Xiangyong. In addition, a hot shower before bed bubble, people can more easily into dreamland.
Chi Xiangjiao more than 10 diet
Contains a lot of bananas in potassium elements, by adjusting its balance of body fluids to enhance the body's metabolic levels. If the body in a dry state, will reduce the burning of calories. Therefore, to ensure that at least daily intake of 1,200 milligrams of potassium elements: a banana contains 450 milligrams, a cup of milk contains 370 mg, 250 mg containing an orange.
11 lose weight not to overlook peanut butter
You usually love peanut butter? » In order to increase the level of the body metabolism and reduce waist size, from today onwards Think of it as your diet partner it, because peanut butter is rich in magnesium elements. Through this mineral magnesium added to the cells to increase energy metabolism functions. Therefore, in order to Ranzhi diet, daily intake of 320 milligrams of magnesium should be elements. This material containing the best food: whole-wheat bread production of peanut butter sandwiches and spinach produced by the dishes, and so on.
12 diet ate the fish
People often eat fish, can reduce the body Laipu Pavilion (leptin) the level of this hormone, which is very useful lipid-lowering diet, because the body Laipu kiosks in the higher level, the body of the metabolic rate becomes, the lower body Will become more and more fat. Therefore, in order to slim build, every week should eat three to four fish.
13 iron diet supplement
Fitness is very important for the iron. If insufficient iron intake, the body can not adequate delivery of oxygen to the cells, thereby reducing the level of metabolism. Adults should be added daily 18 mg iron. To achieve this goal, you can use iron or vitamin complex, can also eat more iron-rich foods such as lean meat, chicken, beans, cereals, such as strengthening.
14 Changhe green tea diet
Not only for its green tea anti-cancer benefits as well known by people, but also is conducive to enhancing the role of metabolic obesity. All three times daily to drink tea, its metabolic rate will increase 4 percent. In other words, to a daily consumption of more than 60 kilocalories, equivalent to annual lost six pounds weight. This may be due to the presence of green tea can increase norepinephrine levels of chemicals such elements, this substance to speed up the metabolism plays an important role. From this we can see that the tea not only to combat heart disease and cancer, but also for the role of diet Fei-Ran.
It is true the rapid weight loss menu
Stanford University last month published a research report, a comparison of four popular diet Menpai - Atkins Nutritional Approach, "Regional dieting method" (LEARNA dieting method and "Leonid Xu diet" (), found that Atkins Nutritional Approach the most effective Well, this method is most worthy of follow it »
The Stanford University School of Medicine assistant professor found a 311 obese, for a one-year diet diet, weight loss and then compare comparison figures, triglyceride, high-density cholesterol (good cholesterol), LDL cholesterol (bad Cholesterol) and blood pressure.
Four kinds of slimming meals are as follows:
1. Atkins Nutritional Approach: that large meat, even the Chi Feirou, but declined grain types such as carbohydrates and fruit; Yun did not campaign with personal preferences.
2. Dieting regional law: that protein and starch with the food intake, ban eating refined carbohydrates like white bread, rice and biscuits; 3-5 times per week campaign, every 30 minutes.
3.LEARN dieting Law: In accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines for healthy eating, focus on lifestyle, sports, attitude, interpersonal and balanced nutrition; campaign four times a week, every 30 minutes.
4. Leonid diet-law: that a low-fat and Gao Xian, almost vegetarian; 30-60 minutes a day campaign.
The results, the Atkins Nutritional Approach cut by the Pangshuo largest, began six months of slimming the fastest, the largest increase in good cholesterol and triglyceride fell the most. The surface, the weight loss seems to be the most effective method.
Copper acid excessive damage to the body
Nutritionists do not recommend using Atkins Nutritional Approach, why? »
1. Obesity is a long-term struggle, the study of time is too short to know after two or three years and the effectiveness of the physical damage.
2. Atkins Nutritional Approach superscript-pound weight loss results than short-term health, although by much faster, but be able to maintain is the problem. There are examples show that by fast, De Yekuai rebound.
Nutritionists refer to a large number of meat, in the long run can bring a lot of side effects, such as copper acid poisoning - blood copper acid too high, damage internal organs function, but also add to the burden-dirty, do not eat dairy products lead to calcium deficiency, Easy to osteoporosis, the meat proteins to accelerate the loss of calcium.
Although the report showed that increase in good cholesterol, and triglyceride also dropped, but the report also found that anti-bad cholesterol down or not, suffering from heart disease increased the chance.
Dietitians added that the definition of successful weight loss, not a short period of time can see by how much, but state can be maintained for at least five years, it is considered successful. Obesity is the most important lifestyle changes.
Dietitians from the perspective of dieting method is the most healthy diet, because it advocates diversified diet, living habits and stressed that a change of thinking, so users are aware of the importance of sports diet. The most healthy diet method, or the standard reference food pyramid, nutrition should be balanced, each person's calorie intake must also be based on personal preference, engaged in the industry, and rest time to tailor-made.
The Stanford University School of Medicine assistant professor found a 311 obese, for a one-year diet diet, weight loss and then compare comparison figures, triglyceride, high-density cholesterol (good cholesterol), LDL cholesterol (bad Cholesterol) and blood pressure.
Four kinds of slimming meals are as follows:
1. Atkins Nutritional Approach: that large meat, even the Chi Feirou, but declined grain types such as carbohydrates and fruit; Yun did not campaign with personal preferences.
2. Dieting regional law: that protein and starch with the food intake, ban eating refined carbohydrates like white bread, rice and biscuits; 3-5 times per week campaign, every 30 minutes.
3.LEARN dieting Law: In accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines for healthy eating, focus on lifestyle, sports, attitude, interpersonal and balanced nutrition; campaign four times a week, every 30 minutes.
4. Leonid diet-law: that a low-fat and Gao Xian, almost vegetarian; 30-60 minutes a day campaign.
The results, the Atkins Nutritional Approach cut by the Pangshuo largest, began six months of slimming the fastest, the largest increase in good cholesterol and triglyceride fell the most. The surface, the weight loss seems to be the most effective method.
Copper acid excessive damage to the body
Nutritionists do not recommend using Atkins Nutritional Approach, why? »
1. Obesity is a long-term struggle, the study of time is too short to know after two or three years and the effectiveness of the physical damage.
2. Atkins Nutritional Approach superscript-pound weight loss results than short-term health, although by much faster, but be able to maintain is the problem. There are examples show that by fast, De Yekuai rebound.
Nutritionists refer to a large number of meat, in the long run can bring a lot of side effects, such as copper acid poisoning - blood copper acid too high, damage internal organs function, but also add to the burden-dirty, do not eat dairy products lead to calcium deficiency, Easy to osteoporosis, the meat proteins to accelerate the loss of calcium.
Although the report showed that increase in good cholesterol, and triglyceride also dropped, but the report also found that anti-bad cholesterol down or not, suffering from heart disease increased the chance.
Dietitians added that the definition of successful weight loss, not a short period of time can see by how much, but state can be maintained for at least five years, it is considered successful. Obesity is the most important lifestyle changes.
Dietitians from the perspective of dieting method is the most healthy diet, because it advocates diversified diet, living habits and stressed that a change of thinking, so users are aware of the importance of sports diet. The most healthy diet method, or the standard reference food pyramid, nutrition should be balanced, each person's calorie intake must also be based on personal preference, engaged in the industry, and rest time to tailor-made.
Postpartum Mummy how to lose weight fast
[Abstract] to eat this special way of eating fruits meet the appetite wrong, fruit sugar content in the 8 percent sugar content can sometimes reach 20 percent, bananas also contain a high starch. Therefore, the number of daily eating fruits must also pay attention to restrictions. The number of the best control in the following 300 grams (peeled to the post), Chi Xiangjiao not more than two above.
No.1 for the baby if we do not breast-feeding, can be the same as before pregnancy and the intake of calories, so who can help the less stubborn curves do not want, but also to maintain physical strength.
No.2 daily drink two cups of milk, milk fat content of only 3 percent, after drinking enough to produce abdominal flu, is difficult to make obesity, the body will be adequate protein, calcium and a large number of Vitamin B, A, and other nutrients. Optional Tuozhi Nai also may be a best way, Quan Zhinai Tuozhi Nai and the protein content is the same, but help to control excessive fat intake.
No.3 eat five a day two dark green vegetables, dark green vegetables rich in dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin C, calcium, iron and other nutrients, such as Chinese kale, broccoli, pea seedlings, Chinese cabbage, Kong Xincai, and so on. Xianchi dine at the best in these foods, this can increase the heat consumption.
No.4 eat every day of the three two staple foods, of course, do not eat staple food can be consumed body fat, but will have too much metabolic waste, the health disadvantage. There is a staple food in the best coarse grain, such as oats, corn, millet, sweet potato, beans, and so on. These coarse grain rich in dietary fiber and B vitamins, people do not eat after not only easy to have a sense of hunger, will not eat too much. >>> Mummy delicious dish of thin
No.5 to eat special way to eat fruits meet the appetite wrong, fruit sugar content in the 8 percent sugar content can sometimes reach 20 percent, bananas also contain a high starch. Therefore, the number of daily eating fruits must also pay attention to restrictions. The number of the best control in the following 300 grams (peeled to the post), Chi Xiangjiao not more than two above.
No.6 time to eat the fruit can not be ignored, to control excessive calorie intake is very important. It is best not to eat the meal of fruit, the correct approach is to eat fruits in the fasting. In this way, wait until dinner time into the womb have food, not too much sense of hunger. This will not eat too much, help control weight gain.
No.1 for the baby if we do not breast-feeding, can be the same as before pregnancy and the intake of calories, so who can help the less stubborn curves do not want, but also to maintain physical strength.
No.2 daily drink two cups of milk, milk fat content of only 3 percent, after drinking enough to produce abdominal flu, is difficult to make obesity, the body will be adequate protein, calcium and a large number of Vitamin B, A, and other nutrients. Optional Tuozhi Nai also may be a best way, Quan Zhinai Tuozhi Nai and the protein content is the same, but help to control excessive fat intake.
No.3 eat five a day two dark green vegetables, dark green vegetables rich in dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin C, calcium, iron and other nutrients, such as Chinese kale, broccoli, pea seedlings, Chinese cabbage, Kong Xincai, and so on. Xianchi dine at the best in these foods, this can increase the heat consumption.
No.4 eat every day of the three two staple foods, of course, do not eat staple food can be consumed body fat, but will have too much metabolic waste, the health disadvantage. There is a staple food in the best coarse grain, such as oats, corn, millet, sweet potato, beans, and so on. These coarse grain rich in dietary fiber and B vitamins, people do not eat after not only easy to have a sense of hunger, will not eat too much. >>> Mummy delicious dish of thin
No.5 to eat special way to eat fruits meet the appetite wrong, fruit sugar content in the 8 percent sugar content can sometimes reach 20 percent, bananas also contain a high starch. Therefore, the number of daily eating fruits must also pay attention to restrictions. The number of the best control in the following 300 grams (peeled to the post), Chi Xiangjiao not more than two above.
No.6 time to eat the fruit can not be ignored, to control excessive calorie intake is very important. It is best not to eat the meal of fruit, the correct approach is to eat fruits in the fasting. In this way, wait until dinner time into the womb have food, not too much sense of hunger. This will not eat too much, help control weight gain.
Swept the world three days rapid weight loss possible? »
From 1985 began to emerge three days of rapid weight loss, are still allowed to sweep the world, the network can be seen everywhere on the three-day diet meal version, boasting a rapid weight loss, clean-up of gastrointestinal, lower cholesterol and provide the necessary human body heat. But no one meal diet books to explain clearly one of the principles of metabolism.
What is a three-day diet meals »
Three-day diet meals must be in strict accordance with the implementation of 4-5 days and then resume normal times the normal diet, weight loss can begin the next round of the scheme. Three-day diet meals to people in 10 pounds within three days of weight loss, although it is not possible but not reduce the moisture, and so are not people think less of the burden of excess fat.
How to eat »
Slimming meals for three days is unique, in order to be effective, must be in strict accordance with good eating plan persevered. Weight must be precise and must not eat too much - or they may not reach the expected target of minus 10 pounds. Similarly, even if slimming, Bue not eat too little.
First day
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
Or half a cup of grapefruit juice
Tusi painted with a spoonful of peanut butter 1
Semi-dish tuna
A Tusi
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
About 100 grams of lean meat or chicken
A cup of green bean sand
A dish of carrot
An apple
A cup of vanilla ice cream
The next day
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
An egg
Half a banana
A Tusi
A cup of cheese or tuna
8 biscuits
2 roast beef
A bowl of broccoli or cabbage
Banwan carrot
Half a banana
Banbei coriander ice cream
Third Day
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
A piece of cheese
An apple
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
A boiled egg
A Tusi
A dish of tuna
A bowl of carrot
A bowl of cauliflower
A dish Qinggua
Banbei vanilla ice cream
In addition to the menu in strict accordance with the control of food, drinking four cups of water a day or non-calorie beverages.
The opinions of experts
Many who do not adhere to slimming down, and am very annoyed ERA. In fact, obesity is not wrong, and the slimming meals. Three-day diet meals can really play a role, because the very low calorie diet meal contained, and few carbohydrates, the body metabolism to be much more water than usual. But back to normal three days after eating four to five days, the body of water will slowly return to normal, more frightening is the fear of being hungry body consciously stored fat to spare, so stop postprandial diet, weight may be Rebound.
The bottom line is: to maintain a balanced diet, good control of the daily intake of calories; eating species diversity, adhere to physical activity to achieve weight loss fitness results. Three-day diet meals are not reliable.
What is a three-day diet meals »
Three-day diet meals must be in strict accordance with the implementation of 4-5 days and then resume normal times the normal diet, weight loss can begin the next round of the scheme. Three-day diet meals to people in 10 pounds within three days of weight loss, although it is not possible but not reduce the moisture, and so are not people think less of the burden of excess fat.
How to eat »
Slimming meals for three days is unique, in order to be effective, must be in strict accordance with good eating plan persevered. Weight must be precise and must not eat too much - or they may not reach the expected target of minus 10 pounds. Similarly, even if slimming, Bue not eat too little.
First day
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
Or half a cup of grapefruit juice
Tusi painted with a spoonful of peanut butter 1
Semi-dish tuna
A Tusi
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
About 100 grams of lean meat or chicken
A cup of green bean sand
A dish of carrot
An apple
A cup of vanilla ice cream
The next day
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
An egg
Half a banana
A Tusi
A cup of cheese or tuna
8 biscuits
2 roast beef
A bowl of broccoli or cabbage
Banwan carrot
Half a banana
Banbei coriander ice cream
Third Day
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
A piece of cheese
An apple
Black coffee or tea, plus 1-2 small teaspoon of sugar or butter
A boiled egg
A Tusi
A dish of tuna
A bowl of carrot
A bowl of cauliflower
A dish Qinggua
Banbei vanilla ice cream
In addition to the menu in strict accordance with the control of food, drinking four cups of water a day or non-calorie beverages.
The opinions of experts
Many who do not adhere to slimming down, and am very annoyed ERA. In fact, obesity is not wrong, and the slimming meals. Three-day diet meals can really play a role, because the very low calorie diet meal contained, and few carbohydrates, the body metabolism to be much more water than usual. But back to normal three days after eating four to five days, the body of water will slowly return to normal, more frightening is the fear of being hungry body consciously stored fat to spare, so stop postprandial diet, weight may be Rebound.
The bottom line is: to maintain a balanced diet, good control of the daily intake of calories; eating species diversity, adhere to physical activity to achieve weight loss fitness results. Three-day diet meals are not reliable.
Teach you quickly lose weight two kilograms of 12 strokes
Chunnuanhuakai, to a diet of the season. A winter's accumulation of fat, it is the eradication of times.
From the beginning of this week, Japan is ready to introduce a series of popular weight loss approach. A matter of principle, against the local, sports, but also restaurants. We hope that effective in helping restore the former Transamerica Huanji in the body.
First of all, to share with you today in Japan as of 12 diet rules, as the opening of this series, which is Japan's Shiho model pursued by Guinie. Zhaobenxuanke so, a month can be reduced under two kilograms. Health is not torture people the way.
Diet Rule 1 serious consideration "Why Xiangshou» "grounds, and then started slimming
Many people often "slimming" Guazaizuibian, but this is not the Shouxia Lai. "Want to wear the clothes do not fit", "physically very easy to feel tired," "every day the terrible feeling of edema"…… seriously now the size of the inconvenience caused and the problems listed, with the understanding that after the Will have a clear goal, and can we find the right diet method.
Commentary: big favour! I can see that the most successful slimming experience is a friend of postpartum two and a half months restoring the original weight and build, in order to wear the clothes back to the original of the United States and the United States go back to work, the super power!
Diet Rule 2 at the beginning of feeling fat diet is the best time
Perhaps you do not know, even to eat too much, these things will not immediately become fat accumulation. When you start to feel fat when, in fact, the food is superfluous body began to become swollen. If放着regardless, it will become fat accumulation, but it's difficult to cut. But in the two weeks of emerging from the case, the extra food will not be fat, so now it began to lose weight.
Commentary: Yes, a bit on the fat reduction is most likely to start, wait until the fat of the upper body to reduce it will be difficult!
Diet Rule 3 was not convinced that their own fat entangled
Weight loss, mood and feel is very important. Is also a cake, the embrace of the "This will allow you to Bianpan Oh," the mood to eat, this piece of cake prepared to immediately become a fat army. But if told myself, "one can eat Oh pressure to disarm", it is inconceivable that, your body will not be to absorb it. Similarly, do not mirror in front of their own, said: "Bianpan!" Mood can change the constitution to enable it difficult to hoard fat.
Commentary: feeling really would cause great impact on the body. This means that in order to lose weight and not to engage in the nervous, frankly that slimming effect will be even better. And not after that self-hypnosis can Taichitaihe!!
Diet Rule 4 face up to their SIZE
Of body weight is the most basic, but can not meet. Waist circumference, hip measurement to the size, wearing a highlight is of taking pictures of the clothes was very helpful. Sanwei Size and other effects of weight loss can see that things can stimulate the determination and will to lose weight.
Commentary: Apart from my personal experience will stimulate weight loss, is also a good warning. If today a 0.5 kg weight, the next 12 days can be a little control back, and this is the best way to maintain body weight.
Diet Rule 5 per day to reduce 500 cards
If the target by two kilograms a month, converted to Carroll's consumption, reduce the 500 cards every day can achieve their goals. Whether to reduce food intake or increase exercise will do. For example, eat a piece of cake ate normally can reduce intake of 300 calories a home than usual when a section of road to walk the consumption of 200 cards, 500 cards this day to reduce the goal reached.
Commentary: if it has to kick the habit of eating snacks it should almost! Another in Paozao the time to do some gymnastics, can also consumed many calories.
Diet Rule 6 of daily life in the sports opportunities
Busy day of work, especially taking the time to campaign is really very difficult. Therefore it is necessary to grasp the movement in daily life can be opportunities. Go to work at the point Road, wearing a good walk for a few weeks of shoes, at least baggage. Do not ride elevators and escalators to switch to take the hand. In short as possible to choose to have the opportunity to physical hyperactivity.
Commentary: noon to walk Yuan Yidian also good to eat Oh, go back finished the distance will not only help absorb more can be prevented microgastropods larger.
Diet Rule 7 in a little luxury to lose weight at the point
This month during the embrace of a small cheap mentality of greed is absolutely prohibited. To restaurants to eat, not to the point of dessert set, even higher prices, we must choose a single point of the menu. In any case want to eat sweets, to a senior chocolate, can be great satisfaction. Compared to money, the effect of weight loss is more important.
Commentary: This is Zhennan ah! Watching others eat Dessert……
Diet Rule 8 can only grasp the correct timing of the successful people can lose weight
Women with physiological cycle to lose weight, you can reach the multiplier effect. Physiological period to the date of ovulation, rapid metabolism, even if it does not reduce the intake of food, as long as hyperactivity, are a good opportunity to reduce weight. On the contrary, after a day after ovulation, the accumulation of energy to the body, then as long as the maintenance of body weight on the line. This will be able to repeat it easy to set up the lean physique and rhythm.
Commentary: This should be as we all know, is not really grasp it! Refueling!
Diet Rule 9 the order of eating is very important
Even as many eat the same thing, eat the same sequence in the body absorb different levels. Xianchi vegetables should be the beginning, because the fibers can be physically separated after the sugar and fat absorption. And would like things to stay the last to eat, is a wrong way, because let themselves unknowingly eating too much, right after the order is in vegetable intake. Now adjust their consumption of order!!
Commentary: I have also started "Save the Best for Last" family, from today this Xiaojiazaiqi改掉the habit!
Diet Rule 10 to 48 hours of small diet
If want to lose weight quickly, the proposal can take small diet. Instead of 24 hours or 36 hours, must adhere to 48 hours. Do not eat for 48 hours, the body will discharge into a pattern, if only to drink water that is too painful, you can eat that apple or yogurt, so the body will feel very cool.
Commentary: strongly recommended! I often do this! Will not only lose weight, but also can help purify the body detoxification, skin exhilarating activities also improving.
Diet Rule 11 cold is the best ally of slimming
Tian Qileng the time the body will strive to create heat, metabolism faster than the summer. Has been staying with the warmth of the indoors, it would be better to feel the cold more easily outdoors Bianshou. Follow the same distance from the use of the cold through the underpass in the street than the campaign more effective. Paleng it will not be easy Bianshou!
Diet Rule 12 was only the consumption of hunger
Stomach guru guru is equivalent to stomach hunger? »The contrary. Stomach is in fact something to eat before the end of the signal to digest, with the original flexibility of the stomach, ready to digest after the return to the original size, if the stomach is immediately after eating, the stomach will not become smaller but will be Hold out great. There is no sense of hunger will eat into the vortex of obesity.
Commentary: This is really very important, because the hold of the stomach will feel like how hungry!
Begin now to follow the 12 rules!! Bless everyone can easily reach one of two kilograms of weight-loss results.
From the beginning of this week, Japan is ready to introduce a series of popular weight loss approach. A matter of principle, against the local, sports, but also restaurants. We hope that effective in helping restore the former Transamerica Huanji in the body.
First of all, to share with you today in Japan as of 12 diet rules, as the opening of this series, which is Japan's Shiho model pursued by Guinie. Zhaobenxuanke so, a month can be reduced under two kilograms. Health is not torture people the way.
Diet Rule 1 serious consideration "Why Xiangshou» "grounds, and then started slimming
Many people often "slimming" Guazaizuibian, but this is not the Shouxia Lai. "Want to wear the clothes do not fit", "physically very easy to feel tired," "every day the terrible feeling of edema"…… seriously now the size of the inconvenience caused and the problems listed, with the understanding that after the Will have a clear goal, and can we find the right diet method.
Commentary: big favour! I can see that the most successful slimming experience is a friend of postpartum two and a half months restoring the original weight and build, in order to wear the clothes back to the original of the United States and the United States go back to work, the super power!
Diet Rule 2 at the beginning of feeling fat diet is the best time
Perhaps you do not know, even to eat too much, these things will not immediately become fat accumulation. When you start to feel fat when, in fact, the food is superfluous body began to become swollen. If放着regardless, it will become fat accumulation, but it's difficult to cut. But in the two weeks of emerging from the case, the extra food will not be fat, so now it began to lose weight.
Commentary: Yes, a bit on the fat reduction is most likely to start, wait until the fat of the upper body to reduce it will be difficult!
Diet Rule 3 was not convinced that their own fat entangled
Weight loss, mood and feel is very important. Is also a cake, the embrace of the "This will allow you to Bianpan Oh," the mood to eat, this piece of cake prepared to immediately become a fat army. But if told myself, "one can eat Oh pressure to disarm", it is inconceivable that, your body will not be to absorb it. Similarly, do not mirror in front of their own, said: "Bianpan!" Mood can change the constitution to enable it difficult to hoard fat.
Commentary: feeling really would cause great impact on the body. This means that in order to lose weight and not to engage in the nervous, frankly that slimming effect will be even better. And not after that self-hypnosis can Taichitaihe!!
Diet Rule 4 face up to their SIZE
Of body weight is the most basic, but can not meet. Waist circumference, hip measurement to the size, wearing a highlight is of taking pictures of the clothes was very helpful. Sanwei Size and other effects of weight loss can see that things can stimulate the determination and will to lose weight.
Commentary: Apart from my personal experience will stimulate weight loss, is also a good warning. If today a 0.5 kg weight, the next 12 days can be a little control back, and this is the best way to maintain body weight.
Diet Rule 5 per day to reduce 500 cards
If the target by two kilograms a month, converted to Carroll's consumption, reduce the 500 cards every day can achieve their goals. Whether to reduce food intake or increase exercise will do. For example, eat a piece of cake ate normally can reduce intake of 300 calories a home than usual when a section of road to walk the consumption of 200 cards, 500 cards this day to reduce the goal reached.
Commentary: if it has to kick the habit of eating snacks it should almost! Another in Paozao the time to do some gymnastics, can also consumed many calories.
Diet Rule 6 of daily life in the sports opportunities
Busy day of work, especially taking the time to campaign is really very difficult. Therefore it is necessary to grasp the movement in daily life can be opportunities. Go to work at the point Road, wearing a good walk for a few weeks of shoes, at least baggage. Do not ride elevators and escalators to switch to take the hand. In short as possible to choose to have the opportunity to physical hyperactivity.
Commentary: noon to walk Yuan Yidian also good to eat Oh, go back finished the distance will not only help absorb more can be prevented microgastropods larger.
Diet Rule 7 in a little luxury to lose weight at the point
This month during the embrace of a small cheap mentality of greed is absolutely prohibited. To restaurants to eat, not to the point of dessert set, even higher prices, we must choose a single point of the menu. In any case want to eat sweets, to a senior chocolate, can be great satisfaction. Compared to money, the effect of weight loss is more important.
Commentary: This is Zhennan ah! Watching others eat Dessert……
Diet Rule 8 can only grasp the correct timing of the successful people can lose weight
Women with physiological cycle to lose weight, you can reach the multiplier effect. Physiological period to the date of ovulation, rapid metabolism, even if it does not reduce the intake of food, as long as hyperactivity, are a good opportunity to reduce weight. On the contrary, after a day after ovulation, the accumulation of energy to the body, then as long as the maintenance of body weight on the line. This will be able to repeat it easy to set up the lean physique and rhythm.
Commentary: This should be as we all know, is not really grasp it! Refueling!
Diet Rule 9 the order of eating is very important
Even as many eat the same thing, eat the same sequence in the body absorb different levels. Xianchi vegetables should be the beginning, because the fibers can be physically separated after the sugar and fat absorption. And would like things to stay the last to eat, is a wrong way, because let themselves unknowingly eating too much, right after the order is in vegetable intake. Now adjust their consumption of order!!
Commentary: I have also started "Save the Best for Last" family, from today this Xiaojiazaiqi改掉the habit!
Diet Rule 10 to 48 hours of small diet
If want to lose weight quickly, the proposal can take small diet. Instead of 24 hours or 36 hours, must adhere to 48 hours. Do not eat for 48 hours, the body will discharge into a pattern, if only to drink water that is too painful, you can eat that apple or yogurt, so the body will feel very cool.
Commentary: strongly recommended! I often do this! Will not only lose weight, but also can help purify the body detoxification, skin exhilarating activities also improving.
Diet Rule 11 cold is the best ally of slimming
Tian Qileng the time the body will strive to create heat, metabolism faster than the summer. Has been staying with the warmth of the indoors, it would be better to feel the cold more easily outdoors Bianshou. Follow the same distance from the use of the cold through the underpass in the street than the campaign more effective. Paleng it will not be easy Bianshou!
Diet Rule 12 was only the consumption of hunger
Stomach guru guru is equivalent to stomach hunger? »The contrary. Stomach is in fact something to eat before the end of the signal to digest, with the original flexibility of the stomach, ready to digest after the return to the original size, if the stomach is immediately after eating, the stomach will not become smaller but will be Hold out great. There is no sense of hunger will eat into the vortex of obesity.
Commentary: This is really very important, because the hold of the stomach will feel like how hungry!
Begin now to follow the 12 rules!! Bless everyone can easily reach one of two kilograms of weight-loss results.
10, will try the Peach wine
Did you know, wine is also available in pink. If you do not like red wine tannin Shibuya flu, do not like white wine the color was too light, you look at our recommendation to the Peach Bar, beautiful colors, light and full of fruit flavor taste.

Peach wine does not seem to Lafite, as the noble, but this amiable personality even more valuable. Peach never refused people thousands of miles away from the flu, any time, with no dishes, in any case, if you will not be the election of liquor, wine bar Taohong an election, even if not too perfection, not too Chu Ge. Now you will not let you have a choice of wine stolen in the face of the bottom of wine - Peach wine.
Must say that the Peach even resorted to every effort has not sell 300 more than the price of money, the Peach import tariffs on wine with freight, but usually Zaqizaba Add together more than 100 pieces in foreign countries is cheaper, 3 » Even if the end is 4 euros, which look down on the number of people, "Hey, this is not a cheap wine?» "Maybe many people would think so. The fact is that sometimes things with a price on the surface it is difficult to measure the real value of it, to borrow one of the revolutionary rhetoric: "We is to use small Mega rifles, and defeated the U.S. imperialists and reactionaries of the Chiang Kai-shek increase aircraft gun." Peach wine Bingzhen After a summer Xiaoshu thirst to drink, can add a little sweetness to add strength. Sometimes, simple wine, like to think we touched.
1. Doris from Spain famous family in 1979, established the winery in Chile produced. This may be the New World (600,628) produced the first wine Cabernet Sauvignon Peach. Selection of the Central Valley of Chile for special climate conditions of grape varieties brewed from. A cherry red, bright and clear. With red berries, apples and a slight aroma of yeast flavor. Imported fruit-rich unassuming, lively, moderate acidity, memorable clean.
2. A bottle of fine wine only in small-scale grape can produce Manor Lane, uncompromising attention, Didi boutique. This is Yiyuan winery pursuit of the concept of! 1997 we finally for purebred French grape varieties in China has found an ideal manor. It is located in Shanxi Province, Luliang and Taihang Mountains in embracing at the foot of the mountain. It was bright pink, foreign flower, fruit flavor. Imported fresh, sweet, smooth, light green fruit flavor with Yu Wei.
3.Casa Solar means "Solar Garden", from Spain and Central regions of Castilla. Nikko Park original brewery was founded in 1889. Its founder Martinez »Buqiong Da was first used their own small vineyard production of grape wine fermentation. 1951 Sunlight Park Winery move and expand the scale of 1995 breweries again transformation, a high degree of modernization of production equipment and operations to date. Nikko Park Winery 4000 with the United States oak barrel, each can be in full bloom 2 million bottles of wine. Today, Martinez »Buqiong Da descendants took over the management of breweries, the traditional family and inheritance, and constantly expand the scale of sunlight Park.
4. Weifei located in the south of France is a liquor industry has a long history of the wineries, as early as 1781 has already begun in the wine brewing. It is the Long Valley region's oldest wineries, and open only when the 25 acres of vineyards, in addition to their own wine from them is also involved in the sale of the work, including sales of wine and their estate from other places to come back brewed grape The wine. Weifei liquor founder Joseph Vidal life-long pursuit of the Valley grapes produced in different geographical personality into the wine went, he hoped that every one of their own brewing wine-producing areas are the most representative works. And this spirit that was down from generation to generation and transmission, laying a Weifei liquor in the Long Valley's leading position.
5. Weidi Winery, founded in 1883, when German immigrants came to the CH Wente of California, San Francisco Bay in the east of the benefits of regional Moya bought the 48 acres of land, planting his Bordeaux from France Mary Song Chong bring Grape seedlings, thus began his dream of the United States for gold. So far, Wei Di Winery has spread to the fifth generation in the hands of people, is California's oldest wine families of the system. Park has now Weidi wine from the vineyards of 48 acres extended to today's more than 3,000 acres vineyard, in the Lee Valley and Yaluo Moya of gifted high Andean (Arroyo Seco) area has its own vineyards, wine Weidi Park 60 percent of global output exported 153 countries, the nation's export one of the largest number of wineries. Imported fresh simple, slightly sweet taste.
6. Weidi Winery, founded in 1883, when German immigrants came to the CH Wente of California, San Francisco Bay in the east of the benefits of regional Moya bought the 48 acres of land, planting his Bordeaux from France Mary Song Chong bring Grape seedlings, thus began his dream of the United States for gold. So far, Wei Di Winery has spread to the fifth generation in the hands of people, is California's oldest wine families of the system. Park has now Weidi wine from the vineyards of 48 acres extended to today's more than 3,000 acres vineyard, in the Lee Valley and Yaluo Moya of gifted high Andean (Arroyo Seco) area has its own vineyards, wine Weidi Park 60 percent of global output exported 153 countries, the nation's export one of the largest number of wineries. Imported fresh simple, slightly sweet taste.
7.1946 years, Etienne Guigal Rhône valley in the northern part of Cote Rotie Kigali to create a music family. Kigali Le family is the only region to maintain the tradition of aging in new oak barrel in the 36 to 42 months of the winery. There is also brewing in the Rhône valley from the northern part of the fine wine-producing areas, and the selection, training and promotion from the Rhône valley south of quality wine. E. Guigal Tavel is a typical partridge eye color, the aroma of a significant mineral flavor, slightly tannic entrance of the Shibuya flu, mineral lasted for a long time, a structure of a rare sense of Peach wine.
8. Pui Ling-chul estate in Napa, California, founded in 1876, has more than 130 years of brewing tradition. Pui Ling-chul was "enthusiastic about wine home" and "wine and spirits," the magazine at the same time as "the best wine Park in 2001." Pui Ling-chul is the only access at the same time, "wine observers" magazine "best Cabernet Sauvignon" and "the best chardonnay-li," the wine garden. The wine has fresh strawberries color, clear lucent, is the aroma of fresh strawberries and Rubus aroma. Entrance with a slightly sweet, simple and easy to drink.
9. Beilagede wine garden has 150 years of brewing a long history. Winery in Italy of the smallest Atuoadi origin of the grapes planted grape-producing areas. Geographical location is very suitable for grape growing and maturing. At the same time, it is also the first in the region began growing grapes of Chateau Li Jia, on behalf of a variety of cultural elements in combination: a long history and far-sighted vision. The Peach fragrance of red berries and flower quite significant and Expressive. Of moderate wine, smooth and refreshing taste, the recollection of long and elegant.
10. Julian history Witt wineries and wine sales in Spain's history can be traced back to 1647. Today, diversification has produced high-quality vineyards and wine series of Julian Witt pursued the history of wine philosophy is "to highlight performance of its wine grape varieties of characteristics", this philosophy in the production of each of these steps have been reflected. Selection of 100% ganatcha grape juice, strawberry pink as disclosed in Yima violet hue, very charming. Mixed berry bushes and fruit-the wine complex, full, aromatic Siyi, and the fruit flavor and acid balance. Smooth texture, lasting and memorable Come experience contained in the fruit and incense.
Peach wine does not seem to Lafite, as the noble, but this amiable personality even more valuable. Peach never refused people thousands of miles away from the flu, any time, with no dishes, in any case, if you will not be the election of liquor, wine bar Taohong an election, even if not too perfection, not too Chu Ge. Now you will not let you have a choice of wine stolen in the face of the bottom of wine - Peach wine.
Must say that the Peach even resorted to every effort has not sell 300 more than the price of money, the Peach import tariffs on wine with freight, but usually Zaqizaba Add together more than 100 pieces in foreign countries is cheaper, 3 » Even if the end is 4 euros, which look down on the number of people, "Hey, this is not a cheap wine?» "Maybe many people would think so. The fact is that sometimes things with a price on the surface it is difficult to measure the real value of it, to borrow one of the revolutionary rhetoric: "We is to use small Mega rifles, and defeated the U.S. imperialists and reactionaries of the Chiang Kai-shek increase aircraft gun." Peach wine Bingzhen After a summer Xiaoshu thirst to drink, can add a little sweetness to add strength. Sometimes, simple wine, like to think we touched.
1. Doris from Spain famous family in 1979, established the winery in Chile produced. This may be the New World (600,628) produced the first wine Cabernet Sauvignon Peach. Selection of the Central Valley of Chile for special climate conditions of grape varieties brewed from. A cherry red, bright and clear. With red berries, apples and a slight aroma of yeast flavor. Imported fruit-rich unassuming, lively, moderate acidity, memorable clean.
2. A bottle of fine wine only in small-scale grape can produce Manor Lane, uncompromising attention, Didi boutique. This is Yiyuan winery pursuit of the concept of! 1997 we finally for purebred French grape varieties in China has found an ideal manor. It is located in Shanxi Province, Luliang and Taihang Mountains in embracing at the foot of the mountain. It was bright pink, foreign flower, fruit flavor. Imported fresh, sweet, smooth, light green fruit flavor with Yu Wei.
3.Casa Solar means "Solar Garden", from Spain and Central regions of Castilla. Nikko Park original brewery was founded in 1889. Its founder Martinez »Buqiong Da was first used their own small vineyard production of grape wine fermentation. 1951 Sunlight Park Winery move and expand the scale of 1995 breweries again transformation, a high degree of modernization of production equipment and operations to date. Nikko Park Winery 4000 with the United States oak barrel, each can be in full bloom 2 million bottles of wine. Today, Martinez »Buqiong Da descendants took over the management of breweries, the traditional family and inheritance, and constantly expand the scale of sunlight Park.
4. Weifei located in the south of France is a liquor industry has a long history of the wineries, as early as 1781 has already begun in the wine brewing. It is the Long Valley region's oldest wineries, and open only when the 25 acres of vineyards, in addition to their own wine from them is also involved in the sale of the work, including sales of wine and their estate from other places to come back brewed grape The wine. Weifei liquor founder Joseph Vidal life-long pursuit of the Valley grapes produced in different geographical personality into the wine went, he hoped that every one of their own brewing wine-producing areas are the most representative works. And this spirit that was down from generation to generation and transmission, laying a Weifei liquor in the Long Valley's leading position.
5. Weidi Winery, founded in 1883, when German immigrants came to the CH Wente of California, San Francisco Bay in the east of the benefits of regional Moya bought the 48 acres of land, planting his Bordeaux from France Mary Song Chong bring Grape seedlings, thus began his dream of the United States for gold. So far, Wei Di Winery has spread to the fifth generation in the hands of people, is California's oldest wine families of the system. Park has now Weidi wine from the vineyards of 48 acres extended to today's more than 3,000 acres vineyard, in the Lee Valley and Yaluo Moya of gifted high Andean (Arroyo Seco) area has its own vineyards, wine Weidi Park 60 percent of global output exported 153 countries, the nation's export one of the largest number of wineries. Imported fresh simple, slightly sweet taste.
6. Weidi Winery, founded in 1883, when German immigrants came to the CH Wente of California, San Francisco Bay in the east of the benefits of regional Moya bought the 48 acres of land, planting his Bordeaux from France Mary Song Chong bring Grape seedlings, thus began his dream of the United States for gold. So far, Wei Di Winery has spread to the fifth generation in the hands of people, is California's oldest wine families of the system. Park has now Weidi wine from the vineyards of 48 acres extended to today's more than 3,000 acres vineyard, in the Lee Valley and Yaluo Moya of gifted high Andean (Arroyo Seco) area has its own vineyards, wine Weidi Park 60 percent of global output exported 153 countries, the nation's export one of the largest number of wineries. Imported fresh simple, slightly sweet taste.
7.1946 years, Etienne Guigal Rhône valley in the northern part of Cote Rotie Kigali to create a music family. Kigali Le family is the only region to maintain the tradition of aging in new oak barrel in the 36 to 42 months of the winery. There is also brewing in the Rhône valley from the northern part of the fine wine-producing areas, and the selection, training and promotion from the Rhône valley south of quality wine. E. Guigal Tavel is a typical partridge eye color, the aroma of a significant mineral flavor, slightly tannic entrance of the Shibuya flu, mineral lasted for a long time, a structure of a rare sense of Peach wine.
8. Pui Ling-chul estate in Napa, California, founded in 1876, has more than 130 years of brewing tradition. Pui Ling-chul was "enthusiastic about wine home" and "wine and spirits," the magazine at the same time as "the best wine Park in 2001." Pui Ling-chul is the only access at the same time, "wine observers" magazine "best Cabernet Sauvignon" and "the best chardonnay-li," the wine garden. The wine has fresh strawberries color, clear lucent, is the aroma of fresh strawberries and Rubus aroma. Entrance with a slightly sweet, simple and easy to drink.
9. Beilagede wine garden has 150 years of brewing a long history. Winery in Italy of the smallest Atuoadi origin of the grapes planted grape-producing areas. Geographical location is very suitable for grape growing and maturing. At the same time, it is also the first in the region began growing grapes of Chateau Li Jia, on behalf of a variety of cultural elements in combination: a long history and far-sighted vision. The Peach fragrance of red berries and flower quite significant and Expressive. Of moderate wine, smooth and refreshing taste, the recollection of long and elegant.
10. Julian history Witt wineries and wine sales in Spain's history can be traced back to 1647. Today, diversification has produced high-quality vineyards and wine series of Julian Witt pursued the history of wine philosophy is "to highlight performance of its wine grape varieties of characteristics", this philosophy in the production of each of these steps have been reflected. Selection of 100% ganatcha grape juice, strawberry pink as disclosed in Yima violet hue, very charming. Mixed berry bushes and fruit-the wine complex, full, aromatic Siyi, and the fruit flavor and acid balance. Smooth texture, lasting and memorable Come experience contained in the fruit and incense.
The world's most luxurious of the most expensive suits and shoes
Brioni & Berluti
Inconceivable, more than 30-year-old man is still high spirits, happily and Pai Zhuodui to 18-year-old boy with the first to buy a T-shirt. Dress for men (not boys), should have a different philosophy and attitude, "classic" and "identity" will at some point (perhaps 25 years old this threshold is) the same as the switch is turned on.
Thus, the past may be considered a classic conservative and sophisticated quality, should be re-understanding, to appreciate and enjoy. For example, custom Brioni suits and custom Berluti shoes. The reason why they placed a stress because they are good to people from the arts and crafts stunning Apennine peninsula.

The world's most difficult to tailor a graduate of the school produced custom Brioni suits
Brioni has its own tailoring schools, in general only started training four years can be dealt with cloth, the women need training two years to fight Kouyan. I think this is a tailoring school graduate students to do by the suit and has been looking forward to a very worthy.
The latest in a 007 movie "Casino Royale", Bond and Bang Nvlang access to restaurants, which are Brioni suits will be Daniel is of the merits of each Zhanlu have no doubt. Italy's close crop, able, contour lines and fine stripes, all show a Brioni brand Guorenzhichu. According to a researcher from the New York luxury of the report (2007 Luxury Brand Status Index) show that, Brioni was rated the top U.S. Regal most of the men's luxury brand.
Brioni was founded in 1945, with a brand-excellent Savile Row tailoring, sewing technology, and inspired by the rich Mediterranean style. In the 1950s, has attracted Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, John Wayne and Kirk Douglas, and many other Hollywood stars.
Brioni has been emphasizing that their clothing is truly custom, rather than the general volume of customization, because here in addition to considerations of personal身形and taste, more customer-oriented professional, personal details and no to all the fine words that demand. In Brioni, there are over 5,000 kinds of different fabrics available for customer choice, a lot of different styles of rechargeable lithium-ion battery, a unique artistic Kouyan and life services to Brioni be called unique in the industry.
A set of custom suits usually takes two months, at least 185 procedures, Brioni to fully understand the needs of customers and considerate and patient services, including the successful capture of former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, New York real estate and large亨唐纳德特Langpu 007 former and current 007 Daniel Brosnan, 25,000 customers of the heart. It will launch a quarterly basis, of 200 different sizes and styles suit, and each customer in
On a quarterly basis will be customized sets of 2-3, one of the Middle East Sudan in January has provided 100 sets.
Brioni ready-made clothing prices from 4,200 U.S. dollars to 7,500 U.S. dollars ranging from men's about to order about 80,000 yuan. If you are interested, then even the Carver in Hong Kong and Shanghai Xintiandi the COSTUMEUOMO shops can be found Brioni's clothing products.

Manual 250 hours and 20 can wear the custom Berluti shoes
Berluti shoes were "Forbes" named the world price of the most expensive ready-made one of the men's shoes, a pair of shoes over 10,000 yuan to the price of similar brands Berluti become the most classic of the pilot to the most extravagant.
Shoe factory was founded in 1895, a family business brands, only a designer, not more than 20 of the top hand technicians, a pair of handmade shoes to spend 250 hours to complete, in addition to the existing products shoes, there are some Packets and travel bag, but for the men's footwear manufacturers in the quality of their mind will not change.
Currently the designer is the world's only female footwear division, Berluti family's fourth generation successor Olga Berluti, once the rue Marbeuf in Paris shoe store spent up to 10 years of his apprenticeship, during the period studied under numerous surgical - Dr customers, to learn from them foot the physiology.
Good not only good shoes to wear, Olga, the foot can accurately judge the position, shape, and because of these daily habits back caused by the disease, so she was Berluti shoes designed by the publicity slogan, "When Shoes have a soul when Shoes with soul. " She watched the Pope of modern artists including Andy Warhol, Duke of Windsor, football players Del Piero, the famous singer Bryan Ferry, the famous acting actor John Malkovitch, and so on.
Berluti shoes unique design, elegant hand, the beauty, color, luster Berluti shoes is the most unique recipe. Berluti it optional for leather Venezia, and through the patina technology will turn color leather, shoes were unknown since the dark color and color depth, this technique is the essence of Berluti expensive, magical ingredients hidden in Berluti Studio of Johnson Spearmint water bottles, from an officer dressed like a dumb custody. (It seems that this is a dumb similar to Wulin master's existence.)
Berluti shoes really expensive, Cheng Pinxie minimum 470 U.S. dollars, 2,200 dollars from the custom shoes. However, Berluti that a pair of shoes to wear But if 20 can not count on good shoes, this point of view, a pair of custom shoes only 110 U.S. dollars per year, self-consolation is a good way, but once you have the first double-sure knowing Yang Yang would like to have the second double.
Beijing International Trade shop is Berluti in mainland China opened the first shop, the mainland is also the only one, and another in Prince's Building, Central, Hong Kong, is regrettable that the two shops do not accept new customers customized network directly. If you want to customize a pair, it may be necessary to direct Italy, but fortunately the way can be customized to match sets of Brioni suits Berluti shoes, perfect.
Source: International Online
Inconceivable, more than 30-year-old man is still high spirits, happily and Pai Zhuodui to 18-year-old boy with the first to buy a T-shirt. Dress for men (not boys), should have a different philosophy and attitude, "classic" and "identity" will at some point (perhaps 25 years old this threshold is) the same as the switch is turned on.
Thus, the past may be considered a classic conservative and sophisticated quality, should be re-understanding, to appreciate and enjoy. For example, custom Brioni suits and custom Berluti shoes. The reason why they placed a stress because they are good to people from the arts and crafts stunning Apennine peninsula.
The world's most difficult to tailor a graduate of the school produced custom Brioni suits
Brioni has its own tailoring schools, in general only started training four years can be dealt with cloth, the women need training two years to fight Kouyan. I think this is a tailoring school graduate students to do by the suit and has been looking forward to a very worthy.
The latest in a 007 movie "Casino Royale", Bond and Bang Nvlang access to restaurants, which are Brioni suits will be Daniel is of the merits of each Zhanlu have no doubt. Italy's close crop, able, contour lines and fine stripes, all show a Brioni brand Guorenzhichu. According to a researcher from the New York luxury of the report (2007 Luxury Brand Status Index) show that, Brioni was rated the top U.S. Regal most of the men's luxury brand.
Brioni was founded in 1945, with a brand-excellent Savile Row tailoring, sewing technology, and inspired by the rich Mediterranean style. In the 1950s, has attracted Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, John Wayne and Kirk Douglas, and many other Hollywood stars.
Brioni has been emphasizing that their clothing is truly custom, rather than the general volume of customization, because here in addition to considerations of personal身形and taste, more customer-oriented professional, personal details and no to all the fine words that demand. In Brioni, there are over 5,000 kinds of different fabrics available for customer choice, a lot of different styles of rechargeable lithium-ion battery, a unique artistic Kouyan and life services to Brioni be called unique in the industry.
A set of custom suits usually takes two months, at least 185 procedures, Brioni to fully understand the needs of customers and considerate and patient services, including the successful capture of former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, New York real estate and large亨唐纳德特Langpu 007 former and current 007 Daniel Brosnan, 25,000 customers of the heart. It will launch a quarterly basis, of 200 different sizes and styles suit, and each customer in
On a quarterly basis will be customized sets of 2-3, one of the Middle East Sudan in January has provided 100 sets.
Brioni ready-made clothing prices from 4,200 U.S. dollars to 7,500 U.S. dollars ranging from men's about to order about 80,000 yuan. If you are interested, then even the Carver in Hong Kong and Shanghai Xintiandi the COSTUMEUOMO shops can be found Brioni's clothing products.
Manual 250 hours and 20 can wear the custom Berluti shoes
Berluti shoes were "Forbes" named the world price of the most expensive ready-made one of the men's shoes, a pair of shoes over 10,000 yuan to the price of similar brands Berluti become the most classic of the pilot to the most extravagant.
Shoe factory was founded in 1895, a family business brands, only a designer, not more than 20 of the top hand technicians, a pair of handmade shoes to spend 250 hours to complete, in addition to the existing products shoes, there are some Packets and travel bag, but for the men's footwear manufacturers in the quality of their mind will not change.
Currently the designer is the world's only female footwear division, Berluti family's fourth generation successor Olga Berluti, once the rue Marbeuf in Paris shoe store spent up to 10 years of his apprenticeship, during the period studied under numerous surgical - Dr customers, to learn from them foot the physiology.
Good not only good shoes to wear, Olga, the foot can accurately judge the position, shape, and because of these daily habits back caused by the disease, so she was Berluti shoes designed by the publicity slogan, "When Shoes have a soul when Shoes with soul. " She watched the Pope of modern artists including Andy Warhol, Duke of Windsor, football players Del Piero, the famous singer Bryan Ferry, the famous acting actor John Malkovitch, and so on.
Berluti shoes unique design, elegant hand, the beauty, color, luster Berluti shoes is the most unique recipe. Berluti it optional for leather Venezia, and through the patina technology will turn color leather, shoes were unknown since the dark color and color depth, this technique is the essence of Berluti expensive, magical ingredients hidden in Berluti Studio of Johnson Spearmint water bottles, from an officer dressed like a dumb custody. (It seems that this is a dumb similar to Wulin master's existence.)
Berluti shoes really expensive, Cheng Pinxie minimum 470 U.S. dollars, 2,200 dollars from the custom shoes. However, Berluti that a pair of shoes to wear But if 20 can not count on good shoes, this point of view, a pair of custom shoes only 110 U.S. dollars per year, self-consolation is a good way, but once you have the first double-sure knowing Yang Yang would like to have the second double.
Beijing International Trade shop is Berluti in mainland China opened the first shop, the mainland is also the only one, and another in Prince's Building, Central, Hong Kong, is regrettable that the two shops do not accept new customers customized network directly. If you want to customize a pair, it may be necessary to direct Italy, but fortunately the way can be customized to match sets of Brioni suits Berluti shoes, perfect.
Source: International Online
China's stock market to create wealth for whom the myth »
30 years of reform and opening up to "Made in China" for the world well-known and recognized. In building an innovation-oriented country today, how to promote "Made in China" to "China to create a" change in how the "China create" the world recognized the urgent and important. I think that the stock market should give full play to the role of promoting the "creation of China" can be achieved.
If we breakdown of the mainland stock market from 1990 to now set up 18 Niuxiong conversion of history, some regret and surprise to find that the stock market Niuxiong conversion and the economic cycle and do not have much of the inner links. Although this 18 in the course of development, we can see looming economic development drive the market higher shadow, but "new investors to open an account City" and "promote the capital city" and "City policy" three mixed-mode has gradually become market-led, Contrary to "shadow" seems to be if not, is not so important.
Such a market, too many interpretations "Zuozhuang", "Quanqian" night暴富myth of the wealth, investment and speculation seems to have been less clear. Revelation keen on the media and pursued those low-key, mysterious makers, big, small investors also relish in these "Legends", also hopes to one day pass insider information or Zhuangtai Yun become part of the myth of such wealth.
Piequ those with "Inside Story" color of speculative transactions aside, the author and do not intend to criticize the rules of speculation, it did have an active market role. We believe that the stock market is even more important role in helping enterprises and found that the value of the future will be the value of "liquidating", which is the stock market and the promotion of innovation will be linked to the key.
There are cases for certification. At first, Microsoft listed on the Nasdaq before, but the United States many small and medium-sized IT enterprises in a successful landing after the listing of Microsoft's value has been fully discovered that Bill Gates has therefore become the world's richest man once. Microsoft's own wealth creation myth as the Nasdaq's one of the classic paradigm. Many years later, the Mainland enterprise search engine Baidu, Nasdaq completed the landing through the development process of qualitative leap. Baidu's success, "Metamorphosis", once again confirms the Nasdaq nurturing SMEs "star" of the value of discovery.
In the stock market play a "full value of that enterprise," this role at the same time, enterprises will have completed the future value of "liquidating" the process. Assume that a business has great potential of new technologies, if not through the stock market, relying on their own development, to reach the other side of success may also experience a very long process, which undoubtedly affect the overall rate of accumulation of social wealth. But if it adopted the stock market "value found" mechanism, the new technology in the future ahead of the value of "liquidating", in a very short time to complete the process of value-added assets, enterprises obtain sufficient funds to develop new markets and follow-up research and development, then it The success of the necessary follow the road will be greatly shortened. When this mechanism continue to play a role, social innovation will be an endless driving force.
This is the myth of the wealth we need. In order to restore the stock market to support innovative features, the most urgent now is to strengthen the capital market as the basis for the building of systems, and in order to guarantee the smooth progress of the system, the Government must "save the city." In the rescue process, the Government must continue to help restore investor confidence in the real positive initiatives to avoid a rescue become investors "flee" good time for the embarrassing situation. "Rescue" than "City governance" more urgent, only to "save" only possible "rule."
Whoever has the core technology and products who can not be replaced, who are successful business model, who will be moving in the stock market staged scenes of wealth creation myth. The stock market, such a system is what we really need.
If we breakdown of the mainland stock market from 1990 to now set up 18 Niuxiong conversion of history, some regret and surprise to find that the stock market Niuxiong conversion and the economic cycle and do not have much of the inner links. Although this 18 in the course of development, we can see looming economic development drive the market higher shadow, but "new investors to open an account City" and "promote the capital city" and "City policy" three mixed-mode has gradually become market-led, Contrary to "shadow" seems to be if not, is not so important.
Such a market, too many interpretations "Zuozhuang", "Quanqian" night暴富myth of the wealth, investment and speculation seems to have been less clear. Revelation keen on the media and pursued those low-key, mysterious makers, big, small investors also relish in these "Legends", also hopes to one day pass insider information or Zhuangtai Yun become part of the myth of such wealth.
Piequ those with "Inside Story" color of speculative transactions aside, the author and do not intend to criticize the rules of speculation, it did have an active market role. We believe that the stock market is even more important role in helping enterprises and found that the value of the future will be the value of "liquidating", which is the stock market and the promotion of innovation will be linked to the key.
There are cases for certification. At first, Microsoft listed on the Nasdaq before, but the United States many small and medium-sized IT enterprises in a successful landing after the listing of Microsoft's value has been fully discovered that Bill Gates has therefore become the world's richest man once. Microsoft's own wealth creation myth as the Nasdaq's one of the classic paradigm. Many years later, the Mainland enterprise search engine Baidu, Nasdaq completed the landing through the development process of qualitative leap. Baidu's success, "Metamorphosis", once again confirms the Nasdaq nurturing SMEs "star" of the value of discovery.
In the stock market play a "full value of that enterprise," this role at the same time, enterprises will have completed the future value of "liquidating" the process. Assume that a business has great potential of new technologies, if not through the stock market, relying on their own development, to reach the other side of success may also experience a very long process, which undoubtedly affect the overall rate of accumulation of social wealth. But if it adopted the stock market "value found" mechanism, the new technology in the future ahead of the value of "liquidating", in a very short time to complete the process of value-added assets, enterprises obtain sufficient funds to develop new markets and follow-up research and development, then it The success of the necessary follow the road will be greatly shortened. When this mechanism continue to play a role, social innovation will be an endless driving force.
This is the myth of the wealth we need. In order to restore the stock market to support innovative features, the most urgent now is to strengthen the capital market as the basis for the building of systems, and in order to guarantee the smooth progress of the system, the Government must "save the city." In the rescue process, the Government must continue to help restore investor confidence in the real positive initiatives to avoid a rescue become investors "flee" good time for the embarrassing situation. "Rescue" than "City governance" more urgent, only to "save" only possible "rule."
Whoever has the core technology and products who can not be replaced, who are successful business model, who will be moving in the stock market staged scenes of wealth creation myth. The stock market, such a system is what we really need.
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