Now take a look at: weight loss surgery - liposuction to lose weight method introduced
A whole summer and watched by the many beautiful women who dress cool show hot body, even if high-temperature heat you can only hope that other people do not pay attention to cover their legs thick arm fat, which is both really hard and depressing things. Since the campaign was a dream to lose weight, weight loss diet is suffering, then take a look at weight loss related to liposuction knowledge of it.
This article for you on the way to introduce liposuction to lose weight.
1, who is the most suitable candidates for liposuction surgery?
Liposuction surgery to accept the two conditions must be: excessive weight in the range of 30% or less at the same time have a very good skin elasticity - not too many wrinkles on the skin, it has not happened over-relaxation phenomenon. In addition, through diet and exercise will not improve the accumulation of fat, liposuction to be considered as a solution.
2, liposuction is applicable to the soft parts of the upper arm?
For liposuction surgery in the upper arm, can relax the muscles so that appears to be relatively thin and tight. The implementation of the manner in the elbow, the lateral cutting an opening to remove excess fat. At the site to carry out the shortcomings of liposuction is: will leave a more obvious scar. If the skin from the inside out than a lot of surface fat, so that the arm may be a surprising degree of bending. In addition, after 2 to 6 months, the skin will continue to be a state of relaxation, which must keep a clear understanding.
3, if there is a bucket back, whether it be liposuction surgery to improve?
Depending on individual cases. If the bucket back due to the formation of the accumulation of fat rather than muscle itself will be referred to the doctor. Testing methods are as follows: the thumb and index finger to his waist to seize the meat, and again after sliding forward
. The location of the accumulation of fat in muscle at the top. If you pull the meat soft found abdominal muscles, liposuction can imagine after abdominal muscle will lose the support of the carnage, so do choose to liposuction surgery is not appropriate.
4, from a medical point of view of health, the body parts which are not suitable for liposuction surgery?
Many doctors not to recommend the most protruding buttocks at the site of the liposuction because it is possible to lead from hip level and do not look natural.
5, each time the amount of liposuction should be maintained at which the safety area? Possibility of an operation carried out in many parts of liposuction?
In general, liposuction is not appropriate for patients, each more than 2000cc. Of course, this is also liposuction for the purse to save the patient a good way. Many doctors will agree to take a total of not more than 4000 ~ 5000cc fat, but for safety reasons, unless special circumstances, experts recommend liposuction for each volume should be maintained at less than 2000cc.
6, heard by standing for a better effect of liposuction surgery, is it true?
Not entirely correct. Most of the liposuction surgery in a patient lying on a bed in operation. Of course, there are some physicians in order to observe the gravity for the distribution of fat, sometimes require surgery in the United States for the last or stand up to observe the entire process.
7, after liposuction, the wound will be seeping blood or other liquid it?
After 24 hours the possibility of a bleeding or leaking fluid. Patients need a doctor under the guidance of liposuction in the incision absorbent pad paste, part of a wider liposuction who will have to put on tight to prevent leakage of Shu Yi, and a layer of absorbent mats laid on the bed. These are usually in operation 24 hours after the phase out, but Shu Yi still wearing tight for some time.
8, liposuction, how does it hurt?
Operation along with most of the blood, nervous, sensitive skin, Ma pain, hurt, and so on, depending on the site of liposuction vary. In general, the back half of Tunshang, back pain after liposuction is the most violent parts because they are close to the fat part of the muscle. On the most typical liposuction surgery, no more than 2000cc of fat from the abdomen and taking the lateral thigh after the first day of a slight pain, followed by a week the skin is sensitive to pain and Ma. Most of the patients after liposuction will be taking painkillers, the situation may be more severe after 24 to 48 hours into enhanced analgesics.
9, each of liposuction patients should wear tight Shuyi it?
Most physicians will be asked to wear after liposuction patients in the tight Shuyi 1 to 6 weeks, so that the trouble reduce the swelling and congestion situation. The greater amount of liposuction, should be put on at least 3 weeks. However, for a long time to put on tight Shuyi really feel very uncomfortable, as if the body were tied up meat-like, but for the long-term health and appearance, or a forbearance and tolerance now.
10, after swelling of the situation how long it will last?
Most of the patients in the first 5 days after swelling of the situation reached a peak in the next 10 to 12 weeks were gradually easing. When you think of the most serious swelling after liposuction, because those who have been deprived of the fat part of the swelling filled for the time being, but the Department of knee and ankle liposuction was virtually no such problems.
11, liposuction will not leave scars? They will not disappear?
Yes. The reason is that liposuction surgery on the skin surface to be cut open a can be placed in straw, the fat will be derived. Fortunately, these are not big incision, most of liposuction in a few months after the basic disagree.
12, after liposuction the skin occurs relaxation processes or problems?
50-year-old following a good skin elasticity most people will not be too serious. If you choose the plastic surgeons rich enough experience, he will be left behind liposuction thin layer of fat on the skin layer, so that would not have happened liposuction led to the excessive loose skin, the problem of uneven.
13, after liposuction at the site will become a more feel insensitive?
There are very few patients will be the permanent site of surgery insensitive, but after a few weeks to months may from time to time have a sense of paralysis. When the gradual return of the patients, the skin will start to feel a little itchy, such as sprinkling water on the skin feel.
14, liposuction surgery will not cause infection or disease?
California, there have been a case, as plastic surgeons will not use liposuction Straw caused a thorough disinfection of the patients infected with bacteria. In fact, all the bad state of health of the operation could lead to infection, surgery and liposuction of the most common complication is peeling, excessive loss of blood poisoning, as well as anesthetics.
15, died of complications arising from the risk of how much?
99.98 percent of the patients as a result of liposuction surgery and will not lead to life-threatening, as a very small number of patients after the accidental death of reasons, most have their own serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease, asthma, high blood pressure ... ... if liposuction surgery Time for more than 6 hours, or a combination of liposuction surgery such as face-lifts, breast augmentation, abdominal surgery, such as plastic surgery, the cause of the accident likely will be much higher.
16, body weight after liposuction will again return to the status quo? Whether other parts of the fat?
There are indeed restored to their original condition possible. Once patients after liposuction and fat re-rehabilitation, return to the pre-liposuction weight.
Each person has a certain number of fat cells, as they will increase or decrease in body weight and the expansion or contraction, not only liposuction to remove fat, but also to be out of the fat cells in vitro. As a result, after liposuction fat rehabilitation of patients, the location of fat is no longer the same as in the past, and will be transferred to other parts of the body, with arm and back are most welcome.
17, to receive liposuction surgery will affect the body's metabolism it?
For some, liposuction will speed up the rate of metabolism in the body, but not everyone is so. According to a medical report, 14 liposuction patients, only 7 after the increase in metabolic rate, so this theory does not apply to everyone. Central liposuction is not recommended because it may cause deformation of the leg line.
These are some of the weight loss surgery - liposuction methods of weight loss, weight loss of a friend would like to be helpful.
99.98%的病人不会因抽脂手术而导致生命危险,至于极少数病人术后意外死亡的原因,多半是本身就有严重的健康问题,如心血管疾病、气喘、高血压……若抽脂手术进行时间超过6小时 ,或抽脂手术结合其他如拉皮、隆胸、腹部塑型术等手术,则引发意外的几率将高出许多。
对于某些人来说,抽脂会加速体内新陈代谢速度,但并非所有人都如此。根据一项医学报告,14位抽脂病人当中,只有7位在术后新陈代谢率增加,所以这个理论并不适用于每一个人。 中央也不建议抽脂,因其可能造成腿部线条变形。