Now - to sing to lose weight: Chang Shouge equivalent to running 100 meters
Weight loss method to sing the principle of weight loss are as follows:
Singing and breathing at the time of their daily lives do not speak the same breath. Sing to express emotion, Changji is to listen to other people's. Therefore require not only the voice of a certain volume, but also a certain degree of intensity change, in accordance with the requirements and the needs of the song, or a long or short, or strong or weak, or high, or low-controlled air transport. Therefore, when the singing of the arts as a means of breathing, has its own unique set of rules and ways of training the day after tomorrow.
Weight loss method to sing the basic breathing is abdominal breathing method. To make full use of the abdominal muscle contraction effect of promoting metabolism, but also strong abdominal muscles. The use of abdominal breathing method, the diaphragm can regulate the activities of the inhaled and exhaled air, break down fat required oxygen can be fully absorbed, which will help burn fat.
K song at the time of breathing exercise
The first step: inhale
With the mouth, nose down vertical suction, air breath at the bottom of the lungs, can not pay attention to Taijian, inhaled air so that when the next expansion up near the ribs. To stand back, almost immobile spine, but it is on both sides can move slowly to spit gas.
Step two: blow off steam
In the process of singing always keep the breathing, breath control spit it out slowly, it is necessary to save gas, evenly blow off steam, which is called the atmosphere of confrontation.
The third step: to have air support when they sing points
Support the point is to have a sound footing, the footing is also under the diaphragm and rib support on both sides of the points made. Singing voice, that voice is not only loud music, but also to ease the strength to make the changes.
Chang Shouge equivalent to running 100 meters
Weight loss expert done research on a person a song over and over after the consumption of oxygen and ran the 100 meters after the oxygen consumption compared the effects of two very, which is to say singing the same song to run a hundred Meters. Different song and consumption of calories, depending on the type of song. Here is a look at what the impact on your calorie consumption.
Impact on the number of calories consumed to sing the main factors:
1. Melody melody greater the ups and downs, the more calories consumed.
2. Song length songs longer, the more calories consumed.
3.'s Songs, the stronger the faster-paced tempo, the more calories consumed. For example, on the rock ballad than the number of calories consumed.
4.'s Songs, since most of the languages of other countries who do not speak the language, so foreign language to sing songs will be consumed more calories.
5. Singer's pitch also known as the tone pitch, tone when singing, the higher the consumption of more calories.
6. Singers singing when the voice of the greater volume, consume more calories.
Health Net weight loss tips in particular: the following situations, please do not sing for weight loss method
Occurrence of large-scale burns and toothache, muscle pain, and other inflammatory
After the surgery within 3 months
Female menstrual period and before and after a few days
When a cold
Oh, we must pay attention to
This is a singing way to lose weight, it is true! Can lose weight in entertainment!
歌唱时的呼吸与日常生活中说话的呼吸不大一样。唱歌是为了抒发情感,是要 唱给别人听的。因而要求声音既要有一定的音量,又要有一定的力度变化,并要求根据歌曲的需要,或长、或短、或强、或弱、或高、或低地有控制地输送气息。因 此唱歌时的呼吸作为一种艺术手段,有它自身特有的一套规律和方法,是后天训练出来的。
减肥专家作过研究,一个人唱完一首歌后的氧气消耗量和跑完一百米后的氧气消耗量相比较,两者的效果相当,这也就是说唱一首歌等于跑了一 百米。而且不同的歌消耗的热量不同,这主要取决于歌的类型。下面就来看看是什么在影响你的热量消耗。
To introduce children to lose weight thin shoes of the situation to lose weight
Thin shoes to lose weight infants was the popular weight loss product, it is a weight loss of aerobic shoes
Thin children aerobic exercise to lose weight is to promote the shoes: a pair of incredible shoes, a pair of walking shoes thin. It is the world's simplest, most fool, the safest way thin.
Thin child to lose weight characteristics of thin shoes, insoles is by polymers, high-density material, its weight is 6 times as common in soles, wear it, walk 1 km equivalent to running 1 km, equivalent to walking 1 hour running 1 hour, do not sweat, not asthma, and the calories are run in order to consume a lot of speed!
Sales staff to lose weight thin children sports shoes for the big light bulb analogy can be doubled calorie consumption and speed up the burning excess fat; thin children thin shoes that make the buttocks, thighs, legs and feet of subcutaneous fat in the running to speed up the burning, The effect of lower body more, with a very good role in shaping. Just asking the user to walk 20 minutes a day.
The following children's look at skinny weight of the shoe user feedback:
1. In fact, things like that to you two feet tied sandbags, you no longer control? The kind of things are deceptive. The real way to lose weight: eat in the morning and at noon, at night do not eat as much as possible, or do not eat pasta ,7.00-8.00 scattered about 10 minutes out of step, do not eat snacks, do not drink beverages, drink Oh no! ~ White Water to drink when!
2. For a long time before the popular diet Shoes Beijing for a period of time, we bought all his family is very small, exposed heel, but no results. Just feel the reduction.
Carefully choose your method of weight loss, it is necessary oh
Thin children aerobic exercise to lose weight is to promote the shoes: a pair of incredible shoes, a pair of walking shoes thin. It is the world's simplest, most fool, the safest way thin.
Thin child to lose weight characteristics of thin shoes, insoles is by polymers, high-density material, its weight is 6 times as common in soles, wear it, walk 1 km equivalent to running 1 km, equivalent to walking 1 hour running 1 hour, do not sweat, not asthma, and the calories are run in order to consume a lot of speed!
Sales staff to lose weight thin children sports shoes for the big light bulb analogy can be doubled calorie consumption and speed up the burning excess fat; thin children thin shoes that make the buttocks, thighs, legs and feet of subcutaneous fat in the running to speed up the burning, The effect of lower body more, with a very good role in shaping. Just asking the user to walk 20 minutes a day.
The following children's look at skinny weight of the shoe user feedback:
1. In fact, things like that to you two feet tied sandbags, you no longer control? The kind of things are deceptive. The real way to lose weight: eat in the morning and at noon, at night do not eat as much as possible, or do not eat pasta ,7.00-8.00 scattered about 10 minutes out of step, do not eat snacks, do not drink beverages, drink Oh no! ~ White Water to drink when!
2. For a long time before the popular diet Shoes Beijing for a period of time, we bought all his family is very small, exposed heel, but no results. Just feel the reduction.
Carefully choose your method of weight loss, it is necessary oh
To lose weight - with 60% of the obese women to eat no relationship
Most people know that the most effective way to lose weight should eat less hyperactivity, physical energy consumed. According to the authorities to investigate, they found that 1,000 women were obese, obesity caused by overeating because the number of people accounted for only 39%. This means that 60 percent of obese women with eating unrelated
The survey taken from the 1000 partial fat women accounted for 67% of married women, unmarried women accounted for 33% of which resulted in excessive fat diet because of the number of people accounted for only 39%. The distinction between the root causes of obesity in order to solve the problem
Shanghai Women's Disease Rehabilitation Commission, who organized a women-specific diet and obesity found that more than 50% of women-fat diet does not cause excessive.
According to previous information revealed that 23.1 percent of China's urban population overweight or obese. Among them, Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin in the proportion of urban population as high as 44.1%, 33.1% and 28.3%. It was, therefore, specialized organizations related to the investigation of the causes of obesity. "At present the majority of women choose fat-diet or weight loss drugs, so women on the constitution itself, there is a certain effect." Shanghai Women's Hospital were husband and wife experts in Chinese medicine to lose weight, said Lu Ya-fang, to allow the body to reach a reasonable weight range, not just diet and Drugs can be resolved, because most of the fat diet is not only due to the problems.
Complex causes of obesity, not just caloric intake and consumption balance, endocrine obesity, pharmacological obesity, visceral obesity, such as the existence of a variety of obesity, require patients to distinguish between the causes of obesity in order to solve the problem, "This is a systematic project." Psychological problems Fat is also the reason
The survey found that about 1 / 3 of obese mothers give birth to babies of low birth weight more than 4000 grams. Parents of normal weight, obese children occurred in a ratio of 9%; one of the parents, especially mothers of obese children and 40% to 50% are obese; parents of fat children occurred in the proportion of obesity is 70% to 80% . "Genetic usually caused by obesity accounted for 30% or slightly more." Experts said that familial obesity, in addition to other factors genes, there is a very important reason is that the surrounding environment, such as family members do not love sports, and so on.
The survey also showed that psychological problems caused by obesity is also one of the reasons why. Due to the general public of overweight people due to prejudice and discrimination, many overweight people who build their own very satisfied, leading to psychological depression, anxiety and lack of self-confidence so that they are in a growing weight The more weight.
Recommended reading:
To lose weight Psychological therapy
There are several types of obesity, which
据以往资料显示,23.1%的中国城市人口超重或肥胖。其中,上海、北京 和天津 城市人口中这一比例分别高达44.1%、33.1%和28.3%。因此,有关方面专门组织进行了此项有关肥胖成因的调查。“目前大部分偏胖女性选择节食或药物减肥,这样对女性本身体质是有一定影响的。”上海俪人女子医院中医减肥专家陆雅芳说,让身体达到一个合理的体重范围,不单是节食和药物能解决的,因为大部分肥胖不是单单由于饮食问题引起。
The survey taken from the 1000 partial fat women accounted for 67% of married women, unmarried women accounted for 33% of which resulted in excessive fat diet because of the number of people accounted for only 39%. The distinction between the root causes of obesity in order to solve the problem
Shanghai Women's Disease Rehabilitation Commission, who organized a women-specific diet and obesity found that more than 50% of women-fat diet does not cause excessive.
According to previous information revealed that 23.1 percent of China's urban population overweight or obese. Among them, Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin in the proportion of urban population as high as 44.1%, 33.1% and 28.3%. It was, therefore, specialized organizations related to the investigation of the causes of obesity. "At present the majority of women choose fat-diet or weight loss drugs, so women on the constitution itself, there is a certain effect." Shanghai Women's Hospital were husband and wife experts in Chinese medicine to lose weight, said Lu Ya-fang, to allow the body to reach a reasonable weight range, not just diet and Drugs can be resolved, because most of the fat diet is not only due to the problems.
Complex causes of obesity, not just caloric intake and consumption balance, endocrine obesity, pharmacological obesity, visceral obesity, such as the existence of a variety of obesity, require patients to distinguish between the causes of obesity in order to solve the problem, "This is a systematic project." Psychological problems Fat is also the reason
The survey found that about 1 / 3 of obese mothers give birth to babies of low birth weight more than 4000 grams. Parents of normal weight, obese children occurred in a ratio of 9%; one of the parents, especially mothers of obese children and 40% to 50% are obese; parents of fat children occurred in the proportion of obesity is 70% to 80% . "Genetic usually caused by obesity accounted for 30% or slightly more." Experts said that familial obesity, in addition to other factors genes, there is a very important reason is that the surrounding environment, such as family members do not love sports, and so on.
The survey also showed that psychological problems caused by obesity is also one of the reasons why. Due to the general public of overweight people due to prejudice and discrimination, many overweight people who build their own very satisfied, leading to psychological depression, anxiety and lack of self-confidence so that they are in a growing weight The more weight.
Recommended reading:
To lose weight Psychological therapy
There are several types of obesity, which
据以往资料显示,23.1%的中国城市人口超重或肥胖。其中,上海、北京 和天津 城市人口中这一比例分别高达44.1%、33.1%和28.3%。因此,有关方面专门组织进行了此项有关肥胖成因的调查。“目前大部分偏胖女性选择节食或药物减肥,这样对女性本身体质是有一定影响的。”上海俪人女子医院中医减肥专家陆雅芳说,让身体达到一个合理的体重范围,不单是节食和药物能解决的,因为大部分肥胖不是单单由于饮食问题引起。
weight loss of nine experts recommend weight loss methods
Now take a look at: weight loss of nine experts recommend weight loss methods
In the process of weight loss is often confused, and why no matter how their efforts can not succeed to lose weight, the following on your weight loss experts recommend nine ways to lose weight.
First, to reduce the intake of calories
Nutritionists believe that no matter what you control - protein, carbohydrates or fat and eventually reduce the calorie intake. If a person daily intake of 800 calories less heat, may within 6 weeks to reduce the weight 10 pounds; intake of 500 calories less, in 2 and a half months to reduce weight 10 pounds. We do not carry weight down too quickly, otherwise it is very dangerous. Information, per person per day intake of at least 1,200 kilocalories of heat, the body's supply if too few calories; will lose muscle. The human body is muscle energy consumption, the key to the promotion of metabolism.
Second, to reduce food intake
To lose weight without having to give up favorite foods, it is important to be controlled. If you prefer some kind of food consumption and large, it should pay attention to reducing the weight of each. 4 times a week instead of every 200 grams of meat consumption, but 100 grams each, so that less intake of 1,200 kilocalories of heat, can be about 7 and a half months to reduce the time-pound weight. Weight loss recommendations are put in a kitchen scale, prompted a paste posters, pay attention to remind ourselves of the weight of food intake.
Third, eat less fatty food
Experts pointed out that for every 1 gram of fat combined 9 kilocalories. Compared with the fat, carbohydrate and protein calories per gram, much lower, about 4 kilocalories. Therefore, in order to lose weight do not have to eat something, you can order fresh vegetables, fruits, grains instead of the daily consumption of fat-containing food (such as butter and other experts believe that if done only eat 20-40 grams of fat per day, In 2 months weight 10 pounds. However, not everyone can eat less fat to lose weight, if the food carbohydrates too, will gain.
Fourth, eat more fresh flow
Typically, the flow of the food system is very convenient. If only one meal a day eating food or drink flow may be 8 months to reduce weight 10 pounds. Fresh flow to diversify in order to avoid the lack of nutrition. Under the guidance of a doctor in, or even two meals a day, fresh flow. This is in the 5 weeks to reduce weight 10 pounds. However, to ensure that the flow of food to choose the body to provide the necessary nutrients and proteins, and to guarantee three meals a day.
Five fixed exercise
3-5 times a week for regular exercise, after all, reduce body fat and reduce weight, increase muscle and energy to make a good way. Running, 5 times a week, a 45-minute-per-minute speed of 170 meters, in three months to reduce 10 pounds; dance, 6th week, 1 hour each time, within four months to reduce the 10 pounds ; Swimming, 4 hours per week, four months to reduce 10 pounds; cycling, 4 times a week, every time 1 hour, the speed of 15 km per hour, in five months to reduce 10 pounds. If that was not carried out regular exercise, beginning to do something less in order to prevent harm to the body. Excessive movement, to increase appetite, weight loss can not be this way.
Six or strength training
Strength training can enhance muscle. The more muscle, the faster metabolism. 3 times a week for 45 minutes of weight training, 10 months to reduce weight 10 pounds. In order to avoid sustained injuries to his body, the coach should be invited to help select the appropriate weight and the development of appropriate training plans. Stretching exercises before and after exercise to be done in order to maintain the flexibility of the body, weight lifting and weight can be a gradual increase in the number.
Seven weight away
Adhere to 5 days per week, 1 day, every 45 minutes walking distance of 5 km, may do so within six months, weight 10 pounds less. If within 45 minutes walking 6.5 kilometers, the weight loss more quickly. Some people might say "do not have the time to take a walk." In fact, out of time. Cardiovascular doctor pointed out: to lose weight using this method may increase the appetite. As a result, either before or after a walk, you can eat some of the low-fat foods or fresh fruit, drink plenty of water to supplement the reduced as a result of sweating in the body of water.
Eight, reducing calorie intake combined with a walk
Coca-Cola to replace soda with water, a small daily intake of 150 kilocalories of heat. If the 5 times per week for each 45-minute walk 5 kilometers, then in three months by 10 pounds. If you reduce the heat some more, still above a walk, then 7 weeks to reduce the weight 10 pounds.
Nine to reduce the fat intake combined with weightlifting
This method can be consumed in the body of excess fat and maintain a good body, muscle growth, speed up the metabolism, promote cardiovascular health. 20 grams of fat per day deprivation, weight lifting and 20 minutes, 3 times a week, in 3 and a half months to reduce weight 10 pounds.
9 understanding of the ways to lose weight, is based on the above-mentioned nine ways to develop a step-by-step and be able to guarantee the implementation of the plan, the best combination of programs to control fat intake, exercise and strength training to strengthen. As long as there is confidence and make unremitting efforts to do so, we will be able to achieve weight loss, enhance muscle to promote cardiovascular health and body metabolism. 100 kilocalories per day to reduce the intake of calories, 3 times a week for a walk every 30 minutes by walking 3 km a week to do weight training 2 times per 40 minutes. This mix of 5 months to reduce weight 10 pounds.
Beginning of the three methods will be combined to do, may not adapt, we might as well try to gradually increase. For example, a way to add a way to do it. To be patient and not quick results.
Experts point out that women with 1-0.5 pounds of body weight per week by the best men to 1-2 pounds of body weight per week is appropriate reduction. So long as you adhere to will be able to successfully lose weight.
This is a weight loss of nine experts recommend ways to lose weight, according to these methods of weight loss, weight loss of friends there to help.
减肥过程中是否经常迷茫,为什么不论自己怎么努力都不能成功减肥呢 ,下面就为您推荐减肥专家的九个减肥途径。
营养学家认为,无论你控制什么——蛋白质、碳水化合物或脂肪, 最终降低的是热量的摄取。如果一个人每天少摄取800大卡的热量,可在6个星期内减少10磅体重;少摄取500大卡,可在2个半月内减轻10磅体重。但切 忌体重降得过快,否则是很危险的。须知,每人每天至少要摄取1200千卡的热量,如果供给身体的热量太少;就会失去肌肉。肌肉是人体消耗热量、促进新陈代 谢的关键。
了解这9中减肥途径之后,就是根据上述九种方法,制订一个循序渐进和能够保证实施的计划,最理想的组合方案是控制脂肪的摄入,加强锻炼和力量训练。只要有信心并坚持不懈地去 做,就一定能达到减轻体重,增强肌肉,促进心血管健康和肌体新陈代谢的目的。每天减少100千卡热量的摄入,每周进行3次散步,每次用30分钟走3公里, 每周做2次举重锻炼,每次40分钟。如此组合,可在5个月中减少10磅体重。
开始时就将三种方法结合起来做,可能不太适应,不妨试着逐渐增加。比如,一种 方法一种方法地加上去做。要有耐心,不要急于求成。
In the process of weight loss is often confused, and why no matter how their efforts can not succeed to lose weight, the following on your weight loss experts recommend nine ways to lose weight.
First, to reduce the intake of calories
Nutritionists believe that no matter what you control - protein, carbohydrates or fat and eventually reduce the calorie intake. If a person daily intake of 800 calories less heat, may within 6 weeks to reduce the weight 10 pounds; intake of 500 calories less, in 2 and a half months to reduce weight 10 pounds. We do not carry weight down too quickly, otherwise it is very dangerous. Information, per person per day intake of at least 1,200 kilocalories of heat, the body's supply if too few calories; will lose muscle. The human body is muscle energy consumption, the key to the promotion of metabolism.
Second, to reduce food intake
To lose weight without having to give up favorite foods, it is important to be controlled. If you prefer some kind of food consumption and large, it should pay attention to reducing the weight of each. 4 times a week instead of every 200 grams of meat consumption, but 100 grams each, so that less intake of 1,200 kilocalories of heat, can be about 7 and a half months to reduce the time-pound weight. Weight loss recommendations are put in a kitchen scale, prompted a paste posters, pay attention to remind ourselves of the weight of food intake.
Third, eat less fatty food
Experts pointed out that for every 1 gram of fat combined 9 kilocalories. Compared with the fat, carbohydrate and protein calories per gram, much lower, about 4 kilocalories. Therefore, in order to lose weight do not have to eat something, you can order fresh vegetables, fruits, grains instead of the daily consumption of fat-containing food (such as butter and other experts believe that if done only eat 20-40 grams of fat per day, In 2 months weight 10 pounds. However, not everyone can eat less fat to lose weight, if the food carbohydrates too, will gain.
Fourth, eat more fresh flow
Typically, the flow of the food system is very convenient. If only one meal a day eating food or drink flow may be 8 months to reduce weight 10 pounds. Fresh flow to diversify in order to avoid the lack of nutrition. Under the guidance of a doctor in, or even two meals a day, fresh flow. This is in the 5 weeks to reduce weight 10 pounds. However, to ensure that the flow of food to choose the body to provide the necessary nutrients and proteins, and to guarantee three meals a day.
Five fixed exercise
3-5 times a week for regular exercise, after all, reduce body fat and reduce weight, increase muscle and energy to make a good way. Running, 5 times a week, a 45-minute-per-minute speed of 170 meters, in three months to reduce 10 pounds; dance, 6th week, 1 hour each time, within four months to reduce the 10 pounds ; Swimming, 4 hours per week, four months to reduce 10 pounds; cycling, 4 times a week, every time 1 hour, the speed of 15 km per hour, in five months to reduce 10 pounds. If that was not carried out regular exercise, beginning to do something less in order to prevent harm to the body. Excessive movement, to increase appetite, weight loss can not be this way.
Six or strength training
Strength training can enhance muscle. The more muscle, the faster metabolism. 3 times a week for 45 minutes of weight training, 10 months to reduce weight 10 pounds. In order to avoid sustained injuries to his body, the coach should be invited to help select the appropriate weight and the development of appropriate training plans. Stretching exercises before and after exercise to be done in order to maintain the flexibility of the body, weight lifting and weight can be a gradual increase in the number.
Seven weight away
Adhere to 5 days per week, 1 day, every 45 minutes walking distance of 5 km, may do so within six months, weight 10 pounds less. If within 45 minutes walking 6.5 kilometers, the weight loss more quickly. Some people might say "do not have the time to take a walk." In fact, out of time. Cardiovascular doctor pointed out: to lose weight using this method may increase the appetite. As a result, either before or after a walk, you can eat some of the low-fat foods or fresh fruit, drink plenty of water to supplement the reduced as a result of sweating in the body of water.
Eight, reducing calorie intake combined with a walk
Coca-Cola to replace soda with water, a small daily intake of 150 kilocalories of heat. If the 5 times per week for each 45-minute walk 5 kilometers, then in three months by 10 pounds. If you reduce the heat some more, still above a walk, then 7 weeks to reduce the weight 10 pounds.
Nine to reduce the fat intake combined with weightlifting
This method can be consumed in the body of excess fat and maintain a good body, muscle growth, speed up the metabolism, promote cardiovascular health. 20 grams of fat per day deprivation, weight lifting and 20 minutes, 3 times a week, in 3 and a half months to reduce weight 10 pounds.
9 understanding of the ways to lose weight, is based on the above-mentioned nine ways to develop a step-by-step and be able to guarantee the implementation of the plan, the best combination of programs to control fat intake, exercise and strength training to strengthen. As long as there is confidence and make unremitting efforts to do so, we will be able to achieve weight loss, enhance muscle to promote cardiovascular health and body metabolism. 100 kilocalories per day to reduce the intake of calories, 3 times a week for a walk every 30 minutes by walking 3 km a week to do weight training 2 times per 40 minutes. This mix of 5 months to reduce weight 10 pounds.
Beginning of the three methods will be combined to do, may not adapt, we might as well try to gradually increase. For example, a way to add a way to do it. To be patient and not quick results.
Experts point out that women with 1-0.5 pounds of body weight per week by the best men to 1-2 pounds of body weight per week is appropriate reduction. So long as you adhere to will be able to successfully lose weight.
This is a weight loss of nine experts recommend ways to lose weight, according to these methods of weight loss, weight loss of friends there to help.
减肥过程中是否经常迷茫,为什么不论自己怎么努力都不能成功减肥呢 ,下面就为您推荐减肥专家的九个减肥途径。
营养学家认为,无论你控制什么——蛋白质、碳水化合物或脂肪, 最终降低的是热量的摄取。如果一个人每天少摄取800大卡的热量,可在6个星期内减少10磅体重;少摄取500大卡,可在2个半月内减轻10磅体重。但切 忌体重降得过快,否则是很危险的。须知,每人每天至少要摄取1200千卡的热量,如果供给身体的热量太少;就会失去肌肉。肌肉是人体消耗热量、促进新陈代 谢的关键。
了解这9中减肥途径之后,就是根据上述九种方法,制订一个循序渐进和能够保证实施的计划,最理想的组合方案是控制脂肪的摄入,加强锻炼和力量训练。只要有信心并坚持不懈地去 做,就一定能达到减轻体重,增强肌肉,促进心血管健康和肌体新陈代谢的目的。每天减少100千卡热量的摄入,每周进行3次散步,每次用30分钟走3公里, 每周做2次举重锻炼,每次40分钟。如此组合,可在5个月中减少10磅体重。
开始时就将三种方法结合起来做,可能不太适应,不妨试着逐渐增加。比如,一种 方法一种方法地加上去做。要有耐心,不要急于求成。
How to lose weight do not rebound

This article for you: how to lose weight do not rebound
Prior to that we need to know is what led to a rebound of weight loss.
What is the cause weight loss plateau and rebound?
Your body is very smart, it will be enough food in a time when energy storage, and hunger in a time when the energy accumulation. When you are on a hunger strike or reduce the amount of food, your body will think that the arrival of the famine. This time it has consumed energy storage (muscle or fat) to maintain your life, at the same time, your body will be as much as possible to save energy, your metabolic level down.
In addition, weight loss, your basal metabolic level as the lower. And when you have a low level of metabolism, energy consumption also decreased. At this time, if you maintained the same as the initial weight loss and diet, body weight decreased to say, there is a little more.
If you are usually able to maintain an appropriate diet and regular exercise, your body weight is unlikely to suddenly increase. In any case, your body has started to gain weight before the trend is ready to cope with the way it's always good. You can convert your type of diet, it does not contain sugar and fat, you can also eat more fresh vegetables and lean protein, so you can avoid the rapid increase in weight.
At the same time, you want to eat some salad and fruit, and added that amount of meat and poultry in order to ensure that their bodies will not be hungry. At the same time, you also can be other ways to speed up the body heat of the metabolic rate, thus burning body fat reserves.
Weight control is a life-long career
To lose weight and body shape, with a healthy way, the needs are for a period of time. In weight loss or to enhance strength, and if the result is not obvious, we will complain about time too slowly. And then suddenly it will speed up the process of its own weight. Once you can understand any process, there will be a smooth or a slow period, even when you are in these periods, you will still insist that their own efforts. We had a smooth time physical activity as a short break, you continue to do the right thing to do.
When you start to lose weight, put on the road in front of you look long and hard. Set short-term goal of not only the ultimate goal no longer seems so far away, and you can record the progress of each.
All you need is a laptop or a calendar. You can write down your top series of short-term goals, so you will draw a chart their own progress. But you have to ensure that the true record of their progress. You'd better put this on their own record of the others can not see, so you are unlikely to express themselves and make a record of dishonesty.
A note of your initial body weight, if you wish, you can write down their initial body size, including the chest, waist, and hip. Plans for a long time that a lot of weight (a record of the week recommended weight), but do not let weight weighing occupy your life.
If you're on the same day of the week in the same time wearing clothes similar to weighing the weight of its own weight, so you can get the most accurate weight readings. When you record progress, the weight of the absolute value is meaningless, and the key is the last record of the number of body weight compared to see increased or decreased.
In addition to weight, you would also like to record their diet and physical exercise. Exercise is to achieve a healthy weight is an important tool. Some people like to carry out from time to time to exercise the same way, because they found that it easier to adhere to them. It is important you have to persevere and to carry out the law of physical exercise. If you can not carry on, even the best exercise plan is no good. Investigation revealed that records of their diet can help to improve the thin 30% success rate. Even as simple records can provide a sum up and to improve. Healthy Living is a long-term commitment. This is how to lose weight do not rebound, and I hope that my friends for help to lose weight.
Recommended reading:
On the experience of successful weight loss
减肥和塑造体形,如果以健康的方式来进行,都是需要一段时间的。在减肥或增强力量的过程中,如果效果不明显,我们就会抱怨时间走得太慢。然后就 会突然加速自己的减肥进程。一旦你能够理解任何过程都会有一个平稳或者说是缓慢的时期,那么即使当你处于这些时期的时候,你仍然会坚持自己的努力。就把平 稳时期当作我们身体活动的一个短暂的休息时间,继续做你该做的事情吧。
This article for you: how to lose weight do not rebound
Prior to that we need to know is what led to a rebound of weight loss.
What is the cause weight loss plateau and rebound?
Your body is very smart, it will be enough food in a time when energy storage, and hunger in a time when the energy accumulation. When you are on a hunger strike or reduce the amount of food, your body will think that the arrival of the famine. This time it has consumed energy storage (muscle or fat) to maintain your life, at the same time, your body will be as much as possible to save energy, your metabolic level down.
In addition, weight loss, your basal metabolic level as the lower. And when you have a low level of metabolism, energy consumption also decreased. At this time, if you maintained the same as the initial weight loss and diet, body weight decreased to say, there is a little more.
If you are usually able to maintain an appropriate diet and regular exercise, your body weight is unlikely to suddenly increase. In any case, your body has started to gain weight before the trend is ready to cope with the way it's always good. You can convert your type of diet, it does not contain sugar and fat, you can also eat more fresh vegetables and lean protein, so you can avoid the rapid increase in weight.
At the same time, you want to eat some salad and fruit, and added that amount of meat and poultry in order to ensure that their bodies will not be hungry. At the same time, you also can be other ways to speed up the body heat of the metabolic rate, thus burning body fat reserves.
Weight control is a life-long career
To lose weight and body shape, with a healthy way, the needs are for a period of time. In weight loss or to enhance strength, and if the result is not obvious, we will complain about time too slowly. And then suddenly it will speed up the process of its own weight. Once you can understand any process, there will be a smooth or a slow period, even when you are in these periods, you will still insist that their own efforts. We had a smooth time physical activity as a short break, you continue to do the right thing to do.
When you start to lose weight, put on the road in front of you look long and hard. Set short-term goal of not only the ultimate goal no longer seems so far away, and you can record the progress of each.
All you need is a laptop or a calendar. You can write down your top series of short-term goals, so you will draw a chart their own progress. But you have to ensure that the true record of their progress. You'd better put this on their own record of the others can not see, so you are unlikely to express themselves and make a record of dishonesty.
A note of your initial body weight, if you wish, you can write down their initial body size, including the chest, waist, and hip. Plans for a long time that a lot of weight (a record of the week recommended weight), but do not let weight weighing occupy your life.
If you're on the same day of the week in the same time wearing clothes similar to weighing the weight of its own weight, so you can get the most accurate weight readings. When you record progress, the weight of the absolute value is meaningless, and the key is the last record of the number of body weight compared to see increased or decreased.
In addition to weight, you would also like to record their diet and physical exercise. Exercise is to achieve a healthy weight is an important tool. Some people like to carry out from time to time to exercise the same way, because they found that it easier to adhere to them. It is important you have to persevere and to carry out the law of physical exercise. If you can not carry on, even the best exercise plan is no good. Investigation revealed that records of their diet can help to improve the thin 30% success rate. Even as simple records can provide a sum up and to improve. Healthy Living is a long-term commitment. This is how to lose weight do not rebound, and I hope that my friends for help to lose weight.
Recommended reading:
On the experience of successful weight loss
减肥和塑造体形,如果以健康的方式来进行,都是需要一段时间的。在减肥或增强力量的过程中,如果效果不明显,我们就会抱怨时间走得太慢。然后就 会突然加速自己的减肥进程。一旦你能够理解任何过程都会有一个平稳或者说是缓慢的时期,那么即使当你处于这些时期的时候,你仍然会坚持自己的努力。就把平 稳时期当作我们身体活动的一个短暂的休息时间,继续做你该做的事情吧。
What is the weight loss plateau

The so-called weight loss plateau is to lose weight when they reach a certain stage, that is, no matter how you exercise or diet, weight will not be any change in that time period is the bottleneck to lose weight because obesity in the early stage of rapid fat reduction, To reach a certain stage, the need for a rest or a contraction of their own, have the time, the weight will continue to fall.
Many people lose weight is to lose weight at the end of the platform, as have not spent a good way to lose weight plateau, which gave up to lose weight.
Everyone in the process of weight loss, there will be a platform that is an inevitable phase, when weight loss plateau when they should bear in mind that the success of weight loss on this leg of the generally duration varies from person to person platform for long Those on short-2-3 to 1-2 months, but some people lose weight the platform a short period of about a week or ten days of. It will insist on filling the outcome, there is often best not to lose weight during the weight to which your weight is of no help to you, it will crack down on the enthusiasm.
If a weight loss plateau when the following can be taken several ways
1, to resume a normal diet, more exercise
2, for a number of other methods of weight loss such as jogging or running can do yoga, etc.
3, a platform to the mentality of the time period of adjustment, diet control
Must adhere to lose weight through the platform, so you lose weight from the success of the far away.
每个人在减肥的过程中都会有一个平台期这是必然,当遇到减肥平台期时切记要坚持,减肥成功与否就在此一站了,一般来说平台期的长 短因人而异长者2-3个月短者1-2个月,不过也有些人的减肥平台期很短一个星期左右或者十几天的。加油吧坚持了就会有结果,还有就是在减肥期间最好不要常常去量体重这对你的减肥是没有帮助的反而会打击你的积极性。
The so-called weight loss plateau is to lose weight when they reach a certain stage, that is, no matter how you exercise or diet, weight will not be any change in that time period is the bottleneck to lose weight because obesity in the early stage of rapid fat reduction, To reach a certain stage, the need for a rest or a contraction of their own, have the time, the weight will continue to fall.
Many people lose weight is to lose weight at the end of the platform, as have not spent a good way to lose weight plateau, which gave up to lose weight.
Everyone in the process of weight loss, there will be a platform that is an inevitable phase, when weight loss plateau when they should bear in mind that the success of weight loss on this leg of the generally duration varies from person to person platform for long Those on short-2-3 to 1-2 months, but some people lose weight the platform a short period of about a week or ten days of. It will insist on filling the outcome, there is often best not to lose weight during the weight to which your weight is of no help to you, it will crack down on the enthusiasm.
If a weight loss plateau when the following can be taken several ways
1, to resume a normal diet, more exercise
2, for a number of other methods of weight loss such as jogging or running can do yoga, etc.
3, a platform to the mentality of the time period of adjustment, diet control
Must adhere to lose weight through the platform, so you lose weight from the success of the far away.
每个人在减肥的过程中都会有一个平台期这是必然,当遇到减肥平台期时切记要坚持,减肥成功与否就在此一站了,一般来说平台期的长 短因人而异长者2-3个月短者1-2个月,不过也有些人的减肥平台期很短一个星期左右或者十几天的。加油吧坚持了就会有结果,还有就是在减肥期间最好不要常常去量体重这对你的减肥是没有帮助的反而会打击你的积极性。
How to lose weight through the plateau

This article discusses how the rapid weight loss through the platform period
Weight loss plateau that is in the process of weight loss in a row over a two-week weight appeared not to have rebound the trend of decline or even a stage. What has caused this phenomenon it? How should we solve it?
You can refer to the following: What is the weight loss plateau
For weight loss in people who view a platform that we give the following recommendations: no change in the total amount of the original diet under the premise of the diet of fine-tuning to do the type of food, eat less high calorie foods. The following from a number of ways,
(1) per day should not be less than 2 liters of drinking water.
(2) eating celery (leaves), rape, leeks, cabbage, carrots, lentils, peas, eggplant, green pepper and other vegetables.
(3) eat more strawberry, pineapple, kiwi, persimmons, pears, grapes and other fruits.
(4) fresh corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, red bean, green bean and so on to replace some of the rice and flour.
(5) fish, shrimp, crab meat, and other aquatic products is the first choice for all meat for human consumption should be peeled, Chi Feirou less.
(6) adult eating an egg a day is sufficient.
(7) for milk to drink.
(8), black fungus, seaweed, and so on are all in favor of the Fat Burn food.
(9) nuts deprivation.
(10) drink skim milk powder.
(11) when Shao Yan seasoning and less oil, vinegar and a moderate increase in the ratio of hot pepper.
This article discusses how the rapid weight loss through the platform period
Weight loss plateau that is in the process of weight loss in a row over a two-week weight appeared not to have rebound the trend of decline or even a stage. What has caused this phenomenon it? How should we solve it?
You can refer to the following: What is the weight loss plateau
For weight loss in people who view a platform that we give the following recommendations: no change in the total amount of the original diet under the premise of the diet of fine-tuning to do the type of food, eat less high calorie foods. The following from a number of ways,
(1) per day should not be less than 2 liters of drinking water.
(2) eating celery (leaves), rape, leeks, cabbage, carrots, lentils, peas, eggplant, green pepper and other vegetables.
(3) eat more strawberry, pineapple, kiwi, persimmons, pears, grapes and other fruits.
(4) fresh corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, red bean, green bean and so on to replace some of the rice and flour.
(5) fish, shrimp, crab meat, and other aquatic products is the first choice for all meat for human consumption should be peeled, Chi Feirou less.
(6) adult eating an egg a day is sufficient.
(7) for milk to drink.
(8), black fungus, seaweed, and so on are all in favor of the Fat Burn food.
(9) nuts deprivation.
(10) drink skim milk powder.
(11) when Shao Yan seasoning and less oil, vinegar and a moderate increase in the ratio of hot pepper.
Excessive drinking of tea to lose weight the pros

Lose weight in the process of taking slimming tea is a good choice, therefore, be able to maintain body weight loss Fit sells tea sale, but excessive drinking tea to lose weight if there are still many disadvantages, and some of the weight loss centers launched by the tea to lose weight, only some laxative A people to maintain body weight in the back of the results, may cause gastrointestinal damage.
A lot of weight loss centers used by the multi-leaf tea, is a leguminous plant, the main production in the Nile Valley Egypt, a similar role under the rhubarb's diarrhea can be fat-intestinal effect, but if it was easy to diarrhea, drink Diarrhea after a very clear role, but cause severe diarrhea.
In addition, traditional Chinese medicine prescription weight loss tea used in Hawthorn and Cassia, Dapeng said that because of a strong acid, and to achieve the effect of weight loss, three meals a day, at least according to the frequency of drinking, the stomach does not hurt small, usually not stomach the people Can put up with, but the stomach does not function well, drink the occurrence of acid was too small things, and some are seriously ill patients to gastric perforation, can be said to be worth.
Health Net weight loss tips you here, if the weight loss drink tea, especially in Chinese herbal formula for the tea to lose weight, the best recommendation to drink before you please specialist diagnosis, and in accordance with their own physical conditions of the adjustment formula, not only A disease to drink. Tea drinking an excessive amount of weight loss is not a wise choice.
Lose weight in the process of taking slimming tea is a good choice, therefore, be able to maintain body weight loss Fit sells tea sale, but excessive drinking tea to lose weight if there are still many disadvantages, and some of the weight loss centers launched by the tea to lose weight, only some laxative A people to maintain body weight in the back of the results, may cause gastrointestinal damage.
A lot of weight loss centers used by the multi-leaf tea, is a leguminous plant, the main production in the Nile Valley Egypt, a similar role under the rhubarb's diarrhea can be fat-intestinal effect, but if it was easy to diarrhea, drink Diarrhea after a very clear role, but cause severe diarrhea.
In addition, traditional Chinese medicine prescription weight loss tea used in Hawthorn and Cassia, Dapeng said that because of a strong acid, and to achieve the effect of weight loss, three meals a day, at least according to the frequency of drinking, the stomach does not hurt small, usually not stomach the people Can put up with, but the stomach does not function well, drink the occurrence of acid was too small things, and some are seriously ill patients to gastric perforation, can be said to be worth.
Health Net weight loss tips you here, if the weight loss drink tea, especially in Chinese herbal formula for the tea to lose weight, the best recommendation to drink before you please specialist diagnosis, and in accordance with their own physical conditions of the adjustment formula, not only A disease to drink. Tea drinking an excessive amount of weight loss is not a wise choice.
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