Lose weight in the process of taking slimming tea is a good choice, therefore, be able to maintain body weight loss Fit sells tea sale, but excessive drinking tea to lose weight if there are still many disadvantages, and some of the weight loss centers launched by the tea to lose weight, only some laxative A people to maintain body weight in the back of the results, may cause gastrointestinal damage.
A lot of weight loss centers used by the multi-leaf tea, is a leguminous plant, the main production in the Nile Valley Egypt, a similar role under the rhubarb's diarrhea can be fat-intestinal effect, but if it was easy to diarrhea, drink Diarrhea after a very clear role, but cause severe diarrhea.
In addition, traditional Chinese medicine prescription weight loss tea used in Hawthorn and Cassia, Dapeng said that because of a strong acid, and to achieve the effect of weight loss, three meals a day, at least according to the frequency of drinking, the stomach does not hurt small, usually not stomach the people Can put up with, but the stomach does not function well, drink the occurrence of acid was too small things, and some are seriously ill patients to gastric perforation, can be said to be worth.
Health Net weight loss tips you here, if the weight loss drink tea, especially in Chinese herbal formula for the tea to lose weight, the best recommendation to drink before you please specialist diagnosis, and in accordance with their own physical conditions of the adjustment formula, not only A disease to drink. Tea drinking an excessive amount of weight loss is not a wise choice.