This article for you: how to lose weight do not rebound
Prior to that we need to know is what led to a rebound of weight loss.
What is the cause weight loss plateau and rebound?
Your body is very smart, it will be enough food in a time when energy storage, and hunger in a time when the energy accumulation. When you are on a hunger strike or reduce the amount of food, your body will think that the arrival of the famine. This time it has consumed energy storage (muscle or fat) to maintain your life, at the same time, your body will be as much as possible to save energy, your metabolic level down.
In addition, weight loss, your basal metabolic level as the lower. And when you have a low level of metabolism, energy consumption also decreased. At this time, if you maintained the same as the initial weight loss and diet, body weight decreased to say, there is a little more.
If you are usually able to maintain an appropriate diet and regular exercise, your body weight is unlikely to suddenly increase. In any case, your body has started to gain weight before the trend is ready to cope with the way it's always good. You can convert your type of diet, it does not contain sugar and fat, you can also eat more fresh vegetables and lean protein, so you can avoid the rapid increase in weight.
At the same time, you want to eat some salad and fruit, and added that amount of meat and poultry in order to ensure that their bodies will not be hungry. At the same time, you also can be other ways to speed up the body heat of the metabolic rate, thus burning body fat reserves.
Weight control is a life-long career
To lose weight and body shape, with a healthy way, the needs are for a period of time. In weight loss or to enhance strength, and if the result is not obvious, we will complain about time too slowly. And then suddenly it will speed up the process of its own weight. Once you can understand any process, there will be a smooth or a slow period, even when you are in these periods, you will still insist that their own efforts. We had a smooth time physical activity as a short break, you continue to do the right thing to do.
When you start to lose weight, put on the road in front of you look long and hard. Set short-term goal of not only the ultimate goal no longer seems so far away, and you can record the progress of each.
All you need is a laptop or a calendar. You can write down your top series of short-term goals, so you will draw a chart their own progress. But you have to ensure that the true record of their progress. You'd better put this on their own record of the others can not see, so you are unlikely to express themselves and make a record of dishonesty.
A note of your initial body weight, if you wish, you can write down their initial body size, including the chest, waist, and hip. Plans for a long time that a lot of weight (a record of the week recommended weight), but do not let weight weighing occupy your life.
If you're on the same day of the week in the same time wearing clothes similar to weighing the weight of its own weight, so you can get the most accurate weight readings. When you record progress, the weight of the absolute value is meaningless, and the key is the last record of the number of body weight compared to see increased or decreased.
In addition to weight, you would also like to record their diet and physical exercise. Exercise is to achieve a healthy weight is an important tool. Some people like to carry out from time to time to exercise the same way, because they found that it easier to adhere to them. It is important you have to persevere and to carry out the law of physical exercise. If you can not carry on, even the best exercise plan is no good. Investigation revealed that records of their diet can help to improve the thin 30% success rate. Even as simple records can provide a sum up and to improve. Healthy Living is a long-term commitment. This is how to lose weight do not rebound, and I hope that my friends for help to lose weight.
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减肥和塑造体形,如果以健康的方式来进行,都是需要一段时间的。在减肥或增强力量的过程中,如果效果不明显,我们就会抱怨时间走得太慢。然后就 会突然加速自己的减肥进程。一旦你能够理解任何过程都会有一个平稳或者说是缓慢的时期,那么即使当你处于这些时期的时候,你仍然会坚持自己的努力。就把平 稳时期当作我们身体活动的一个短暂的休息时间,继续做你该做的事情吧。