The so-called weight loss plateau is to lose weight when they reach a certain stage, that is, no matter how you exercise or diet, weight will not be any change in that time period is the bottleneck to lose weight because obesity in the early stage of rapid fat reduction, To reach a certain stage, the need for a rest or a contraction of their own, have the time, the weight will continue to fall.
Many people lose weight is to lose weight at the end of the platform, as have not spent a good way to lose weight plateau, which gave up to lose weight.
Everyone in the process of weight loss, there will be a platform that is an inevitable phase, when weight loss plateau when they should bear in mind that the success of weight loss on this leg of the generally duration varies from person to person platform for long Those on short-2-3 to 1-2 months, but some people lose weight the platform a short period of about a week or ten days of. It will insist on filling the outcome, there is often best not to lose weight during the weight to which your weight is of no help to you, it will crack down on the enthusiasm.
If a weight loss plateau when the following can be taken several ways
1, to resume a normal diet, more exercise
2, for a number of other methods of weight loss such as jogging or running can do yoga, etc.
3, a platform to the mentality of the time period of adjustment, diet control
Must adhere to lose weight through the platform, so you lose weight from the success of the far away.
每个人在减肥的过程中都会有一个平台期这是必然,当遇到减肥平台期时切记要坚持,减肥成功与否就在此一站了,一般来说平台期的长 短因人而异长者2-3个月短者1-2个月,不过也有些人的减肥平台期很短一个星期左右或者十几天的。加油吧坚持了就会有结果,还有就是在减肥期间最好不要常常去量体重这对你的减肥是没有帮助的反而会打击你的积极性。