Today, we recommend to the buckwheat Lose weight, to lose weight, do not want to face a heavy heart matt » Looking to Hong Run, do not want Yaoshang grow annoying stubborn curves » Who want to, going Guanbu Zhu their delicious mouth »
It does not matter, Yang Yan, detoxification, downsizing can be adopted to achieve a reasonable diet, and now to introduce the nourishing and the health effects of downsizing dishes - buckwheat
Raw materials: buckwheat, naked oats 100 grams each, the Yellow Caijiao, perilla leaf appropriate; oil, chili oil, salt, sesame oil, vinegar.
System of law: first Soba, naked oats and 10% respectively of Mission-shaped and made of 2 for the size of a coin, Baohou moderate face films, the pan-steamed-sheng. Will be sauce (oil, chili oil, salt, sesame oil, vinegar) poured into the session, with a cross section of the yellow strips will be red Caijiao naked oats and buckwheat-separated films, was put some perilla leaf edge.
Nutritional Analysis: buckwheat, naked oats high protein content, a reasonable ratio of amino acids, beauty, thin, white-collar workers to prevent many of the city vulnerable to chronic disease, buckwheat is a very good Lose weight food, oh
今天向大家推荐荞麦减肥法 , 想要减肥,又不想脸上黯然无光?想要面色红润,又不希望腰上长出恼人的赘肉?想要身,又管不住自己那张好吃的嘴?