Choice of tea with a few people to lose weight, but you know the eight major tea diet? Taboo, do not think that tea can lose weight on any drink, guilty of eight taboo, not only did not cut down, but also damage your health.
1. The new tea-drinking, many people choose to tea on the time to go buy drinking
As the new tea store a short time, containing more without oxidation of polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols, and other substances, on the gastrointestinal mucosa have a stronger role in stimulating and easy-induced stomach illness. Therefore, the new tea to Shaohe, storage less than half of the new drink tea should bogey.
2. Head over to drink tea
As in tea cultivation and processing in the course of pesticides and other harmful substances by the pollution, green surface of a certain residual, so head over tea have washed role should be abandoned Buhe.
3. Fasting tea
Gastric juice fasting tea can be diluted, reducing digestion and absorption rate of water, causing large number of components in tea into the bad blood caused dizziness, flustered, unable to symptoms such as hands and feet.
4. After dinner tea
Tea contains a lot of tannic acid, tannic acid in the food with iron in response to generate difficult to dissolve the new material, human Shijianyizhang iron deficiency caused, or even induced anaemia. The right approach is: one hour after meal to drink tea.
5. Ulcer patients tea
Because of the caffeine in tea may promote the gastric acid secretion, increased acid concentration, or even induced ulcer perforation.
6. Fever tea
Tea contains theophylline, have increased the role of body temperature, fever patients tea tantamount to "adding fuel to the fire."
7. Menstrual tea
Menstrual period in tea, especially drinking Nongcha, can induce or increase menstrual syndrome. Medical experts study found that compared with those not drinking tea, tea habits menstrual紧张症risk 2.4 times higher than that, more than four cups a day drinking tea, an increase three times.
8. Immutable
Throughout the year seasonal climate different, types of tea to an adjustment accordingly. Huacha spring to drink, Huacha can be distributed in a deposition in the winter Hanxie and promote human yang Melhado; summer to drink green tea, green tea taste of the bitter cold to heat, Xiaoshu, detoxification, increased gastrointestinal function, to promote digestion and preventing diarrhea, Skin infections such as sore boils; fall to drink Qingcha, Qingcha not cold not hot, the body can be the complete elimination of waste heat and restore Weigan of temperature, people exhilarating activities; winter to drink black tea, black tea and Wen Wei Gan, Protein-rich, nourishing a certain function.
When the tea to brew tea master, the correct way of brewing tea drinking is also good for weight loss!