Humor Comedy picture: the art of fart!
A woman on the bus would like to fart, is not know what to do when the car suddenly sounded in Beethoven's "Symphony of fate," she would be with the music: bang bang bang - bang nature ...... Resolved. Snigger at the same time in the hearts of the other passengers to observe the response, ah? They all stared at her over his nose to see it. The original "fate of the Symphony" is not from the car radio, but she came with the Walkman!
公共汽车上的一女子想放屁,正在不知如何是好时,车中突然响起了贝多芬的“命运交响曲”,她便随着音乐:嘣嘣嘣-嘣......自然地解决了。心中暗笑的同时观察其他乘客的反应,嗯?他们都捂住鼻子盯着她看呢。原来“命运交响曲”不是来自车中的广播,而是出自她带的随身听 !