Humor comedy picture: There are three Mimi has also pushed up together!
Day, a hunter with love shopping eagle, to a bar. Waiter "Mr. here can not bring pets to enter. Please put it out. Hunter was to enter a bar.
Moment, a young woman to use cat. You Yue waiter, "his wife here can not bring pets to enter. Brother-in-law have access to one. Outside the cosseted cat from a young age. Eagle grasping from time to time, well-trained eagle cold phase will be a show. Hunters like to see them, bristle, hard pinch kitten. Mei Fu seeing this out, grabbed Hawk said, "Well, I arrested you dare Mimi, I will pull your hair eagle.
一日,一猎人带爱鹰逛街,到一酒吧。 侍者道“先生这里不可以带宠物进入。请把它放在外面。 遂猎人一人进入酒吧。
须臾,一少妇挟爱猫来。侍者又曰“ 夫人这里不可以带宠物进入。 妹夫也一人进入。 外面的猫从小娇生惯养。不时抓鹰,老鹰训练有素冷眼相示一会 。猎人出来见其状,怒发冲冠,使劲捏小猫。美妇出来见状,抓起鹰说 “ 哼 ,你敢抓我咪咪, 我就拔你鹰毛。