The method of weight loss on the Internet more, people are often difficult to choose, some of the slimming effects of weight loss methods only Pianguo the eyes, not to really slimming effect, the doctors called the "pseudo-slimming", following on for about Three to deceive the rapid weight loss methods
1, dehydration = weight loss
Our bodies are within 70 percent water, indicating the two issues, first of water on the human body is very important and the other is the change on the water have an impact on body weight. If dehydration way through diet, once the added water weight will soon rebound.
2, row = oil diet
Pai oil is nearly two years of a new version of diet, weight loss is actually diarrhea. Pull the oil not only in the digestive tract to digest the small number of oil, because diarrhea and can not absorb the majority of nutrition in the food, causing the body of vitamin deprivation.
3, weight loss = weight loss
Lose weight and not just by weight, because the proportion of fat in muscle only 1 / 3, which is why athletes looked very thin, said the reasons for the heavy boost, because their muscles on a lot!