You desire: enhanced physique, and would not feel exhausted
No problem!
Exercise: Yoga course
Reasons: Perhaps you have heard too many stories of the magic of yoga, it really can strengthen your physical fitness at the same time relax. Yoga is divided into operation such as Hatha, jnana, Raja and Bhakti, and so many different forms, but the yoga instructor who will usually recommend Astanga - a constitution devoted to strengthening and maintaining the shape of yoga for you.
Effect: Australia AStanga yoga experts Lizilake in her written by the "magic of yoga," a book that yoga can re-adjust your body, muscles and bones to get the balance completely relaxed, the tension Nerve can also be Ping Fu. Through studying yoga, you will receive extraordinary physical strength, flexibility and patience, are unexpected and relaxation.
Experts suggested: "Astanga is like the spirit of preparation," Clark said, "Through it, you can shake off the past tense impatience to get the spirit of the stretch and focus. We in this way to awaken our own sense of the body, so In the course of exercise should pay close attention to each step of the physical feelings and subtle changes in breathing. "
Recommended: Fitness: Yoga practice before the Attention
Specifically: practicing yoga is the best way to participate in yoga classes. You can wear any make you feel that we can stretch limbs movement flexible clothing. The best partners to find a practice, some venues also offer fair prices Peilian members. Find a classified ad published in the newspapers, looking for home or office locations close to traffic or relatively easy yoga classes, to make a call. Such courses are usually free preview section I can lesson, so you can start. If you want to practice at home can go to the bookstore Zhaoyi Zhao on the teaching yoga video tapes or Die, to buy back their own school, or log into the Internet to find some useful information related to yoga to read.
Yoga, the achievements of women beautiful mind
Stood at attention, his right leg a big step forward, his left leg to 45゜, raised his right leg, right knee and right toe in a line, and the right thigh parallel to the ground. Maintaining an appropriate degree of physical tension and to upgrade the flu, with open arms and shoulder-ping. Staring right hand fingertips, and deep breathing. To maintain this position while, and then for a leg, repeated several times.
For parts: the hip, thigh, leg, arm and shoulder
Special shape: raise the chest and hip muscles, enhance flexibility, broad back.
A: Zhanzhi, left a big step forward, and then left leg under pressure, referring to his right foot forward, feet flat on the ground, his hands in front Heshi. Pressure buttocks, the left thigh and ground into a parallel line, to maintain balance, to maintain this position for a while.
B: Then, the body Wang Zuoce tilt, A. Yao Zhi, faces turn to the right upper arm the left rear of the lateral knee, his left arm, Alice, Geshi to force the hand and chest muscles to be tightening. Persist for a while, and then repeated his right leg into A, B action to minimize sloshing.