
Thin calories to lose weight and metabolism and the relationship between the

Thin calories to lose weight and metabolism and the relationship between the

A calorie is the energy units of measurement. As Watt used to measure the electrical energy used to measure the calories of heat.

By definition, a card (cal) is the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius heat needed. In many parts of the world, kilocalories (Kcal, 1Kcal = 1000cal) is a common energy measurement method, used to quantify the food provided by the energy and used to measure the metabolism through the release of heat, which is the body's energy consumption value .

Metabolism of three main parts:

Resting metabolic rate;
Physical activity by the consumption of energy;
Digestion and absorption of food consumed energy.

Resting metabolism is used to maintain the daily functioning of the body's energy; it is the human brain, heart, kidneys and the body cells of all organs and the consumption of energy. Resting metabolism accounts for our daily energy consumption of 2 / 3-3 / 4.

Metabolism of the second component of physical activity is the consumption of energy, such as walking, climbing stairs, and carrying a planned exercise. Physical activity by the consumption of energy metabolism is the most diverse part of the people at the same time it also has the greatest control.

Finally, the digestion and absorption of food consumed energy accounts for a relatively small proportion, about 10%.

Law of thermodynamics

The only scientifically proven methods of weight, that is, consumed more than the intake of energy. This is often called the "law of thermodynamics," In the past few decades, it was strictly scientific research confirmed again and again. Hundreds of times in the study, there is a place in Switzerland. 54 obese daily energy intake was strictly controlled in less than 1100 kcal, and various food and eating a combination of test time. Weight loss has not differentiated; participants in the weight loss can be attributed to the number of energy intake, not the way to provide energy.

Talking about the final, the only right way to reduce weight from the food intake of less energy and / or consume more energy. However, only 1 / 3 of thin people trying to thin the recommended method - hyperactivity deprivation, and it is the fundamental weight loss.










