
B vitamins on the role of weight loss

Take a look at the following: vitamin B on the role of weight loss

Many people shake their heads at the mention of weight loss on the reason: we no longer believe that a variety of weight loss ads. A lot of money, added weight, so weight loss advertising has lost the charm of King Day.

We have to lose weight is to cut excess body fat, high blood pressure to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, while more physical fitness. The key is how to cut fat. The protein and VB group together, we can just completed weight loss. Why? The correct way to lose weight: eat breakfast, only protein powder 1 spoon, VB group to 2, noon and evening meals as usual, the average body weight reduction 2KG.

When you do not eat breakfast, and the use of protein powder and VB, VB protein and low-temperature combustion will be quick off the excess fat to achieve weight loss. Some people may ask: do you hungry? You do not have to worry about. A spoon, about 9 grams protein powder, you can keep about 5-6 hours of energy, children can lose weight this way. Friends would like to try to lose weight.

This is a B vitamin for weight loss.


下面来看看: 维生素B对减肥的作用


我们减肥是为了减掉体内多余的脂肪,防止心脑血管高血压疾病的发生,同时使身体更健美。关键是脂肪如何减掉。而蛋白质和VB族配合起来,恰恰能完成减肥的任务。为什么呢?正确的减肥方法 是:早餐不吃,只用蛋白质粉1勺,VB族2片即可,中午和晚上像平时一样进餐,平均每月可减体重 2KG。

