Weight loss in many people do not want to campaign the way through the cut excess fat and achieve a healthy weight. However, it is often impossible, only movement is the most healthy diet, the best way Below we look at it on a simple diet of running
Slimming law does not run too many skills and strength is relatively low. In low, medium-intensity area, you can run a longer time, increasing physical activity. Exercise, which will consume more energy and reduce the fat naturally more (exercise intensity and movement is the product of the time).
Below the running to lose weight look at the scientific method:
1, of course, to do preparations before running啦
Running must be done before the preparatory activities, which is the body from the relatively quiet state of gradual transition to moderate muscle tension, increase the excitement of the central nervous system and organs of the ability to adapt to the needs of running. Can先做Baibi, Baitui, bend over, swivel, Squat and other gymnastic moves, with special attention to activities of the hip, knee, ankle joint. Systemic reached fever, body feel lighthearted and heart rate of 85 times / points or more, you can start running. To do the preparatory activities, it is also helpful to the slimming effect.
2, preparations began to do a good job after running it
However, running some of the points we should pay attention to the following, oh, running a certain amount of exercise, have a good run fitness exercise intensity is the key. Generally used to measure exercise intensity target heart rate. (1) appropriate exercise intensity. Heart rate per minute for the 170 - the number of age, such as jogging, 40-year-old, he's running at the appropriate heart rate should be 130 / minutes. (2) the number of practice, time and distance. Young people four to five times a week, each 30 to 40 minutes, 5,000 m distance about four times a week in old age, each 25 to 30 minutes, a distance of 3,000 meters around. Slimming running some time as long as possible.
3, running to the end of finishing Movement
After running must be done processing (relax) movement, the movement人体各器官from the state to gradually return to the relative quiet state.
Approach: first walking some distance, do a few deep breaths, generally three to five minutes.
Here we need to know that the human obesity is a fundamental reason: absorption> consumption! You eat too much, the body does not need so many nutrition, put it into fat accumulation up.
If they are not fat, must be maintained: the daily intake of calories consumed = body heat. For their diet, we must do: the daily consumption of calories> intake of calories. This is the principle of weight loss. Therefore, we should bear in mind the effective running and weight loss must also be reasonable diet combined.
Running slimming method is the most healthy weight loss methods, as long as you adhere to slimming down will certainly be able to believe that the oh