Is not suddenly discovered that many of the abdomen more stubborn curves, it seems more then a small Quaner. And we do it together for you a set of abdominal obesity gymnastics, so you can quickly restore the charming is of the past!
The main diet for the parade of abdominal training, abdominal obesity is very good, oh, let us look at below it out.
Action 1: Bing Long legs, arms and legs straight and parallel, the eyes look at your fingertips hand, to tighten the mandible, from the upper 10 to 15 times, not to swing his head.
Action 2: two open arms, upper body remained stable, back paste on the floor, and then carried into 90 legs and thighs, legs turn to. Wang used to fight for abdominal muscle to Taitui. Do 10 to 15.
Action 3: hands placed ears, open the elbow, and then lifted up the body slow 45-degree angle, sinking to the attention of ribs, when the upward exhaled, abdominal tightening. Do 10 to 15.
Action 4: knees, the two heads placed his arm extension, from the upper and lower abdomen tightened up, arms swinging on a regular basis from top to bottom. Breathing swing arm 3 to 5, exhaled swing arm 3 to 5 under. Do 10 to 15.
Action 5: from the upper body, hands supporting the knee, alternating legs, legs parallel with the ground. Do 10 to 15.
These moves not only good for your stomach, the legs of your diet is also very good, so we must try oh
Below this weight loss seen as speaking of the time to pay attention to what:
In the process of movement not to be too keen to complete, while supine, abdomen and legs to relax, head to think of abdominal muscle in the campaign. This will help you ease fatigue.
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